go语言茱丽叶 茱丽叶英语( 四 )

A Couch in New York
Couch in New York, Eine
30. 屋顶上的轻骑兵 Le Hussard sur le toit (1995) .....Pauline de Théus
爱在天地苍茫时 / 屋顶上的骑兵
Hussard sur le toit, Le
The Horseman on the Roof
31. 蓝白红三部曲之红 Trois couleurs: Rouge (1994) .....Julie Vignon (de Courcy)
三色go语言茱丽叶:红 / 红色情深 / 三色之红色篇
Three Colours: Red
32. 蓝白红三部曲之白 Trois couleurs: Blanc (1994) .....Julie Vignon (de Courcy)
三色go语言茱丽叶:白 / 白色情迷 / 三色之白色篇
Trzy kolory: Bialy
Trzy kolory: Bia?y
33. 蓝白红三部曲之蓝 Trois couleurs: Bleu (1993) .....Julie Vignon (de Courcy)
三色:蓝 / 蓝色情挑 / 三色之蓝色篇
Three Colors: Blue
34. 烈火情人 Damage (1992) .....Anna Barton
毁灭 / 命中注定 / 爱情重伤
35. 新呼啸山庄 Wuthering Heights (1992) .....Cathy Linton/Catherine Earnshaw
Emily Bront?'s Wuthering Heights
36. 艺术的魅力 WomenMen 2: In Love There Are No Rules (1991) .....Mara
Homens e Mulheres 2 - Um Jogo de Sedu??o
The Art of Seduction
37. 新桥恋人 Amants du Pont-Neuf, Les (1991) .....Michèle Stalens
Amants de Paris, Les
Amour entre une fils et un gar?on, L'
38. 布拉格之恋 The Unbearable Lightness of Being (1988) .....Tereza
生命中不能承受之轻 / 沉重浮生 / 布拉格之春 / 生命不能承受之轻
A Insustentável Leveza do Ser
Insoportable levedad del ser, La
39. 坏血 Mauvais sang (1986) .....Anna
坏痞子 / 卑贱的血统 / 一生所爱 / 虎父无犬子
The Night Is Young
Bad Blood
40. 家庭生活 Vie de famille, La (1985) .....Natacha
Family Life
41. Thierry Mugler (1985) .....Herself (Joan of Arc Sequence)
42. 情陷夜巴黎 Rendez-vous (1985) .....Nina/Anne Larrieux
约会 / 激情密约 / 火山
André Téchiné's Rendez-Vous
43. 别了,布莱欧 Adieu blaireau (1985) .....Brigitte B., dite B.B.
Dr?le de Fred
Dr?le de Fred
44. 向玛丽致敬 Je vous salue, Marie (1985) .....Juliette
Hail Mary
go go hey we go go的英文歌是不是经常在酒吧放的那个?。坑新模锌炫牡模渴?Hey Juliet??
Hey Juliet
Hey I've been watching you我一直留意着你,
Every little thing you do注视着你的一举一动
Every time I see you passIn my homeroom class每次你在我教室里翩翩起舞
, makes my heart beat fast我便怦然心动
I've tried to page you twice我想再次约你 , 
But I see you roll your eyes可你却不屑一顾
Wish I could make it real我希望能美梦成真
But your lips are sealed, that ain't no big deal可你却双唇紧闭 , 让我心愿难遂
Cause I know you really want me我知道你对我的确有意思
I hear your friends talk about me我听见你的朋友谈论起我
So why you tryin to do without me为什么你假装对我视而不见
When you got me当你赢得了我的心,
Where you want me当你需要我时
Hey Juliet嗨,茱丽叶
I think you're fine你是个好女孩
You really blow my mind你真的让我心动
Maybe someday, you and me can run away也许有一天,你我能远离尘嚣
I just want you to know我只想让你知道
I wanna be your Romeo我想要成为你的罗密欧
Hey Juliet嗨,茱丽叶
Hey Juliet
Hey Juliet
Girl you got me on my knees我跪地恳求
Beggin please, baby please求求你了,宝贝,求求你
Got my best DJ on the radiowaves saying...收音机里我最喜欢的流行音乐节目主持人说:
Hey Juliet why do you do him this way嗨 , 茱丽叶,为什么那样捉弄他?
