go语言茱丽叶 茱丽叶英语( 五 )

Too far to turn around这将难以挽回
So I'm gonna stand my ground我仍然不想放弃
Gimme just a little bit of hope请给我一点点希望的曙光
With a smile or a glance, gimme one more chance对我盈盈一笑或者微微一瞥 。再给我一次机会
Cause I know you really want me
I hear your friends talk about me
So why you tryin to do without me
When you got me
Where you want me
Hey Juliet
I think you're fine
You really blow my mind
Maybe someday, you and me can run away
I just want you to know
I wanna be your Romeo
Hey Juliet
Hey Juliet
Hey Juliet
I know you really want me
I hear your friends talk about me
So why you tryin to do without me
When you got me
Where you want me
You don't have to say forever
For us to hang together
So - hear - me - when I - say
Hey Juliet
Hey Juliet
Hey Juliet
I think you're fine
You really blow my mind
Maybe someday, you and me can run away
I just want you to know
I wanna be your Romeo
Hey Juliet
Hey Juliet
I think you're fine
You really blow my mind
Maybe someday, you and me can run away
I just want you to know
I wanna be your Romeo
Hey Juliet
Hey Juliet
Hey Juliet
Hey Juliet
Hey Juliet
【go语言茱丽叶 茱丽叶英语】关于go语言茱丽叶和茱丽叶英语的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站 。
