java反射型代码 java反射技术详解( 三 )

Type genType = clazz getGenericSuperclass()
if (?。╣enType instanceof ParameterizedType)) { logger warn(clazz getSimpleName() + s superclass not ParameterizedType ) return Object class }
Type[] params = ((ParameterizedType) genType) getActualTypeArguments()
if (index = params length || index) { logger warn( Index + index + Size of + clazz getSimpleName() + s Parameterized Type + params length) return Object class } if (?。╬arams[index] instanceof Class)) { logger warn(clazz getSimpleName() + not set the actual class on superclass generic parameter ) return Object class } return (Class) params[index] }
/** * 提取集合中的对象的属性 组合成List * * @param collection *来源集合
* @param propertityName *要提取的属性名
*/ @SuppressWarnings( unchecked )
public static List fetchElementPropertyToList(final Collection collection final String propertyName) throws Exception {
List list = new ArrayList()
for (Object obj collection) { list add(PropertyUtils getProperty(obj propertyName)) }
return list }
/** * 提取集合中的对象的属性 组合成由分割符分隔的字符串
* * @param collection *来源集合
* @param propertityName *要提取的属性名
* @param separator *分隔符
*/ @SuppressWarnings( unchecked )
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