java代码查看工具u java查看源码的快捷键( 十 )

用法: jconsole [ -interval=n ] [ -notile ] [ -pluginpath path ] [ -version ] [ connection ...]
-interval将更新间隔时间设置为 n 秒(默认值为 4 秒)
-pluginpath 指定 jconsole 用于查找插件的路径
connection = pid || host:port || JMX URL (service:jmx:protocol://…)
pid目标进程的进程 ID
host远程主机名或 IP 地址
-J对正在运行 jconsole 的 Java 虚拟机指定输入参数
Options are mutually exclusive. Option, if used, should follow immediately after the command name.
jstack prints Java stack traces of Java threads for a given Java process or core file or a remote debug server.
bash-3.2$ jstack -help
The jstatd tool is an RMI server application that monitors for the creation and termination of instrumented HotSpot Java virtual machines (JVMs) and provides a interface to allow remote monitoring tools to attach to JVMs running on the local host.
bash-3.2$ jstatd –help
Virtual Machine jstat Daemon
usage: jstatd [-nr] [-p port] [-n rminame]
2.26 jvisualvm
启动VisualVM查看VM状态 。
bash-3.2$ jvisualvm
[1] 3660
2.27 keytool
2.28 kinit
2.29 klist
2.30 ktab
2.31 native2ascii
对文件转换编码 。
用法:native2ascii [-reverse] [-encoding 编码] [输入文件 [输出文件]]
2.32 orbd
2.33 pack200
2.34 packager
2.35 polocytool
2.36 rmic
2.37 rmid
2.38 rmiregisty
2.39 schemagen
2.40 serialver
2.41 servertool
也就是在启动Java虚拟机、或者执行JAVA时应该添加的程序 。
Windows平台下在以下路径下存在参数说明 。
-Xmixedmixed mode execution (default)
-Xintinterpreted mode execution only
-Xbootclasspathdirectories and zip/jar files separated by ;
set search path for bootstrap classes and resources
-Xbootclasspath/adirectories and zip/jar files separated by ;
append to end of bootstrap class path
-Xbootclasspath/pdirectories and zip/jar files separated by ;
prepend in front of bootstrap class path
-Xnoclassgcdisable class garbage collection
-Xincgcenable incremental garbage collection
-Xloggcfilelog GC status to a file with time stamps
-Xbatchdisable background compilation
-Xmssizeset initial Java heap size
-Xmxsizeset maximum Java heap size
-Xsssizeset java thread stack size
-Xprofoutput cpu profiling data
-Xfutureenable strictest checks, anticipating future default
-Xrsreduce use of OS signals by Java/VM (see documentation)
-Xcheckjniperform additional checks for JNI functions
-Xshareoffdo not attempt to use shared class data
-Xshareautouse shared class data if possible (default)
-Xshareonrequire using shared class data, otherwise fail.
The -X options are non-standard and subject to change without notice.
5 、最常用的工具
javac Java源代码编译工具
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