go语言吉祥物公仔 golang吉祥物

“吉祥物”的英语是啥?你知道“吉祥物”的英语怎么说吗?一起来看看Wonder Park的这个片段吧!, 对话原文 , ,It was another day in Wonderland,,又是神奇乐园里的一天, ,the mostsplendiferous amusement parkever.,史上最妙不可言的华丽游乐园 。,And Peanut was creating a new ride?,皮纳特要建新的过山车吗? , Not yet .,还没呢 。,First, themascotswere getting ready to open the gates.,首先,吉祥物们正准备打开大门 。,All right, guys. Good morning! Let's do it!,各位早上好!我们开始吧! ,Now, everyone, bring it in.,现在,大家都靠过来 。,People love ing to Wonderland because it's the best time ever.,人们喜欢来神奇乐园因为在这里能享受最欢乐的时光 。,And that'sthanks toyou.,这些都多亏了你们 。,Because who are you?,因为你们是? ,We are the wonder in Wonderland.,我们是神奇乐园的奇迹 。,I can't hear you.,我听不见哦 。,We are the wonder in Wonderland.,我们是神奇乐园的奇迹 。,One more time.,再来一次 。,We are the wonder in Wonderland!,我们是神奇乐园的奇迹! ,Yes, you are!,没错 , 就是这样! ,Last one to Clockwork Swings is arotten avocado !,最后一个到齿轮秋千的人是烂鳄梨! ,Who wants toflip the switch ?,谁想来拨动开关呀? ,Why don't you go ahead, brother?,你来吧 , 哥们? ,No, you go, brother.,不,你来吧,兄弟 。,No, no, no, no, you go.,不不不,你来 。,How about you both flip it?,要不你们俩一起动手?, , 今日重点: , , 极好的,浮华的: splendiferous, 游乐园: amusement park 。amusement是“消遣,娱乐”的意思;动词形式是amuse,表示“使发笑,使娱乐”, 还没有: not yet, 吉祥物: mascot, 由于 , 幸亏: thanks to, 腐烂的: rotten 。知名电影网站“烂番茄”的英文就是rotten tomato, 鳄梨(牛油果): avocado, 按开关: flip a switch 。flip还有“抛掷,翻动”的意思 。flip a coin,抛硬币, ,
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用英语介绍吉祥物五羊Five-goat statue is the symbol of guangzhou. Into the yuexiu park, wood shell, then can see 1959 by famous sculptor YinJiChang etc, as ChengHui Yang cheng, rich poetic five-goat statue of art --.
Come to guangzhou, five-goat fairy yangcheng people brought good fortune and happiness, they donated rice in people, and let the Huan Hui, famine, then go to vacate the markdt.all, stone.
Artists will this beautiful legend remodeling. Five shiyang different: standing in a old sheep high XiongJin, mouth seed-heads, head to the front, A old sheep is a pair of feet nestled close lamb, Mother sheep, which have a look back is quiet about the young sheep, absorb deep love shows.
"Wu stone" is the most famous attractions in guangzhou. In 1959, located in yuexiu park, west GangShang wooden carapace by more than 130 granite and carved into a "high 11 meters 53 cubic meters, the volume. Cuhk goats center, head stone, micro breeze, been sheep mouth "a stalk 6" heads, powerful horns extending deep, majestic, appear empty. The remaining four sheep, or sheep which, kneeling, or ewe or eating grass, or play, lovely, lifelike.
This stone is a beautiful legend, legend in more than 2,000 years QianZhou yi, guangzhou this place, you and the land desolate, the Haitian people all the toil and rare. One day, XianLe sky, there are five immortals, riding in colorful mouth contains six bundle of grains in guangzhou, and five sheep for the heads of guangzhou, and wishes here every year for the grain and multiply it, and emptied famine in clouds, sheep into stone. Since then, guangzhou become fertile, this touching story, guangzhou and therefore generations named Yang cheng ", "city" ear. Five-goat statue of guangzhou city has become one.
