go语言吉祥物公仔 golang吉祥物( 四 )

The clear and bright is a 憨态 can 掬 of giant panda, walk to regardless where will bring people the merriment.Be a Chinese national treasure, the giant panda gets the fancy of people in world deeply. Clear and bright come from the forest of the wide 袤 , symbolize person and the harmonious coexistence of the nature.The his head 纹饰 derives from the lotus petal shape of the Sung porcelain.Clear and bright and simple and honest optimism, be filled with strength, represent Olympic five wreathses in the black of one wreath.
The 欢欢 is the eldest brother elder brother in the blessing 娃 .He is a fire doll, symbolizing an Olympic Olympic flame.The 欢欢 is exercise intense emotion of incarnation, he the intense emotion dissemination a life time boundary, deliver sooner,higher and stronger Olympic spirit.The place that the 欢欢 go to, the ocean overflows 2008 rightnesses of enthusiasms of worlds in Peking. The head 纹饰 of the 欢欢 derives from the 纹 kind of the flames in mural in Dunhuang.His personality extrovert is free, well-experienced in and various ball gameses, representative Olympic five wreaths in red one wreath.
Face is a machine 敏 is vivid,gallop about if fly of hide an antelope, he comes from broad western region the earth in China, spread healthy fine wish toward world.Face is green to hide special protection animal of plateau to hide an antelope, is the display of green Olympics.
The 妮妮 comes from the sky, is the barn swallow that an exhibition wings fly, its shape creativity comes from the sand 燕 kite of[with] tradition in Peking."燕 " Still represents the 燕 city(the title of ancient Peking).The 妮妮 brings people the spring and the joy, flying its place to sow the fine wish of the 撒 "wish your good luck". Innocent,欢 the 妮妮 of the quick 矫捷 will be shining in the gymnastics the game to show up, her representative Olympic five wreaths in one wreath of the green.
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