vb.net特效 vbnet tooltip

C#或者VB.Net,怎么实现窗体的Aero毛玻璃特效,不要依托Win7系统的API实现的方法用wpf容易一些 。令窗体透明度下降,刷新画面,截图,把窗体背景改成空 , 放一个Rectangle显示截的图 , 给那个Rectangle加BlurEffect 。定时更换截图 。--来自相机+平板电脑+手机融合成的的Lumia 1520
vb.net怎么使图像灰度化再输出在web上可以使用HTML5的特效实现 。
在windows forms里面可以直接修改设置图片的属性 。
' 图片位置初始化一个image1
Dim image1 As New Bitmap(
"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Music\music.bmp",
Dim x, y As Integer
' Loop through the images pixels to reset color.
For x = 0 To image1.Width - 1
For y = 0 To image1.Height - 1
Dim pixelColor As Color = image1.GetPixel(x, y)
Dim newColor As Color =
Color.FromArgb(pixelColor.R, 0, 0)
image1.SetPixel(x, y, newColor)
' Set the PictureBox to display the image.
PictureBox1.Image = image1
' Display the pixel format in Label1.
Label1.Text = "Pixel format: " + image1.PixelFormat.ToString()
Catch ex As ArgumentException
MessageBox.Show("There was an error." _
"Check the path to the image file.")
End Try
求一个能实现屏幕水波纹效果的vb代码'补模块3文件 。一个放不下 。
' 渲染子程序,将新的帧数据渲染到 lpDIBitsRender 中
' 算法:
' posx = Wave1(x-1,y)-Wave1(x+1,y)+x
' posy = Wave1(x,y-1)-Wave1(x,y+1)+y
' SourceBmp(x,y) = DestBmp(posx,posy)
Public Sub WaveRender(lpWaveObject As WAVE_OBJECT)
Dim dwPosX As Long, dwPosY As Long, dwPtrSource As Long, dwPtrDest As Long, dwFlag As Long
Dim lpWave1 As Long, LineIdx As Long, LinePtr As Long
Dim lpDIBitsSource As Long, lpDIBitsRender As Long
Dim I As Long, J As Long
dwFlag = 0
With lpWaveObject
'Debug.Print "WaveRender ".dwFlag
If (.dwFlag And F_WO_ACTIVE) = 0 Then Exit Sub
.dwFlag = .dwFlag Or F_WO_NEED_UPDATE
lpWave1 = .lpWave1
LineIdx = .dwWaveByteWidth '像素指针
For I = 1 To .dwBmpHeight - 2
For J = 0 To .dwBmpWidth - 1
' PosY=i+像素上1能量-像素下1能量
' PosX=j+像素左1能量-像素右1能量
'LineIdx = LineIdx - .dwWaveByteWidth
LinePtr = lpWave1 + LineIdx - .dwWaveByteWidth
pLongPtr(0) = LinePtr
dwPosY = pLong(0)
LinePtr = lpWave1 + LineIdx + .dwWaveByteWidth
pLongPtr(0) = LinePtr
dwPosY = dwPosY - pLong(0) + I
LinePtr = lpWave1 + LineIdx - 4
pLongPtr(0) = LinePtr
dwPosX = pLong(0)
LinePtr = lpWave1 + LineIdx + 4
pLongPtr(0) = LinePtr
dwPosX = dwPosX - pLong(0) + J
If dwPosX0 Or dwPosY0 Then GoTo Continue
If dwPosX = .dwBmpWidth Or dwPosY = .dwBmpHeight Then GoTo Continue
' ptrSource = dwPosY * dwDIByteWidth + dwPosX * 3
' ptrDest = i * dwDIByteWidth + j * 3
'dwPtrSource = dwPosY * .dwDIByteWidth + (dwPosX + dwPosX * 2)
dwPosX = dwPosX + dwPosX * 2 'dwPosX * 3
dwPtrSource = dwPosY * .dwDIByteWidth + dwPosX
dwPtrDest = I * .dwDIByteWidth + (J + J * 2) 'dwPtrDest = I * .dwDIByteWidth +J * 3
' 渲染像素 [ptrDest] = 原始像素 [ptrSource]
lpDIBitsSource = .lpDIBitsSource + dwPtrSource
lpDIBitsRender = .lpDIBitsRender + dwPtrDest
If dwPtrSourcedwPtrDest Then
