【爱普生r33o废墨收集器】Epson R3000 waste ink collector is an advanced waste ink collector for Epson R3000 printers. This waste ink collector is designed to collect the excess ink released during normal operation of the printer. It is designed to collect the excess ink from the printhead, the current Epson R3000 waste ink collector, and the new Epson R3000 waste ink collector. It is designed to reduce the amount of waste ink created by the printer and keep it from dripping onto the workspace or other surfaces. The Epson R3000 waste ink collector has a large removable collection tray. This collection tray can be placed directly under the printhead and the current Epson R3000 waste ink collector. The tray contains an absorbent filter material which absorbs the excess ink. The excess ink is then funneled away from the printer and into the collection tray. The collection tray can be replaced when needed. The printer can be placed back in service after the absorbed ink is removed. The Epson R3000 waste ink collector is designed to provide a safe, efficient and cost-effective solution for reducing and disposing of excess ink. The waste ink collector is installed in the back of the printer and is designed to collect the excess ink from the current waste ink tray and the current Epson R3000 waste ink collector. It is designed to reduce the amount of waste ink created by the printer and help keep it from dripping onto the workspace or other surfaces. The Epson R3000 waste ink collector is simple to install and use. It is designed to be connected to the printer’s USB port, and is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems. The waste ink collector is easy to remove and replace when needed. The waste ink collector can also be connected to an external collection tank or directly to an external waste disposal container. The Epson R3000 waste ink collector is an essential accessory for the Epson R3000 printer, and is highly recommended for those looking to reduce their printers’ waste ink output.
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