
Canon G4800 waste ink cleaning
1.首先 , 确保打印机处于关机状态,并将打印机从电源插座中拔出电源线 。
First of all, make sure the printer is turned off and unplug the power cord from the power outlet.
2.拆开打印机的覆盖,移除打印机机器上的废墨收集器,拆下废墨收集器上的塑料盖,然后将墨盒拆下 。
Remove the cover of the printer, remove the waste ink collector on the printer, take off the plastic cover on the waste ink collector, then remove the ink cartridge.
3.使用干净的抹布 , 搓出少量的热水,然后将抹布放入废墨收集器内,将废墨收集器上的小管放入热水中,确保管路内的废墨完全清洗干净 。
Use a clean cloth to rub out a small amount of hot water, then put the cloth into the waste ink collector, put the small pipe on the waste ink collector into the hot water, make sure all the waste ink in the pipe is completely cleaned.
4.用抹布把废墨管内的废墨清洗干净,并把废墨收集器的小管放入干洗液中 , 使废墨完全清洗 。
Clean the waste ink in the waste ink pipe with a cloth, and put the small pipe of the waste ink collector into the washing solution to completely clean the waste ink.
5.彻底清洗后 , 把刚才拆下的所有零件都装好,将废墨收集器放回原位 , 并重新安装墨盒 。
After thorough cleaning, put all the parts that have just been taken apart back in place, put the waste ink collector back in place and reinstall the ink cartridge.
6.把打印机覆盖盖上,确保所有零件被正确安装,并且打印机上没有任何异物 。
Cover the printer, make sure all parts are installed correctly and there are no foreign objects on the printer.
7.将电源线插入电源插座,打开打印机,在打印机界面中点击“启动清除” , 即可完成废墨的清洗 。
【佳能g4800废墨清洗】Plug the power cord into the power outlet, turn on the printer, click on “Start Clear” on the printer interface to complete the waste ink cleaning.
