滚球游戏java代码算法 滚球游戏规则

n个球每次取m个,多少种方式全部取完 使用Java递归算法public int GetBall_1(int BallNum, int GetNum, int Times)
if(BallNum = 0) return Times;
return GetBall_1(BallNum - GetNum, GetNum, Times1);
public int GetBall_2(int BallNum, int GetNum, int Times)
if(BallNum = 0) return Times;
return GetBall_2(BallNum - GetNum, GetNum, Times1);
给写滚球游戏java代码算法了两个函数滚球游戏java代码算法 , 第一个就是一次取1个 , 第二个递增取
函数的是三个参数分别对应 要取球的个数,一次取几个,times初始为0就好
用Java写一个算法 , 把一串数字,所有可能的和按顺序排列,并计算每个和出现的次数楼主你好
public class CountSumClass {
private String number;
private String result = new String("");
public CountSumClass() {
number = new String();
public CountSumClass(String str) {
number = str;
public String getResult() {
return result;
public void addOne() {
int x,y;
for (int i = 0; inumber.length()-1; i) {
x = (int)number.charAt(i) - 48;
for(int j = i 1; jnumber.length(); j) {
y = (int)number.charAt(j) - 48;
result= x " " y "=" (x y) "\n";
for (int i = 0; inumber.length(); i) {
x = (int)number.charAt(i) - 48;
y= x;
if(i == number.length()- 1) {
result= x "=" y;
} else {
result= x " ";
public void addTwo() {
int x,y,z;
result= "\n";
for (int i = 0; inumber.length()-1; i) {
String substr = number.substring(i,i 2);
x = Integer.parseInt(substr);
z = (x) * 10(x/10);
for(int j=0; jnumber.length(); j) {
if(j!=ij!=i 1) {
y = (int)number.charAt(j) - 48;
result= x " " y "=" (x y) "\n";
result= z " " y "=" (z y) "\n";
public String toString() {
return result;
滚动的小球 java源代码;

要制造那种效果只需要大约 30 行 Java 代码:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
class RollingBall extends JPanel {
Ellipse2D.Float ball = new Ellipse2D.Float( -100, 100, 50, 50 );
public void paintComponent( Graphics g ) {
super.paintComponent( g );
Graphics2D g2 = ( Graphics2D ) g;
// Draw the ball
g2.fill( ball );
// Draw the rotating ellipse by skewing the Device Space
double angdeg =// One rotation per ball's travelling over its perimeter
ball.x% ( Math.PI * ball.width ) / ( Math.PI * ball.width ) * 360;
g2.rotate( Math.toRadians( angdeg ), ball.getCenterX( ), ball.getCenterY( ) );
g2.scale( .5, 1 );
g2.translate( ball.getCenterX( ), 0 );
g2.setColor( Color.gray );
g2.fill( ball );
public void roll( ) throws Exception {
while( true ) {
repaint( );
Thread.sleep( 8 );
public static void main( String[ ] args ) throws Exception {
JFrame f = new JFrame( );
RollingBall rb = new RollingBall( );
f.setSize( 999, 185 );
f.getContentPane( ).add( rb );
f.setVisible( true );
rb.roll( );

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