sap用户密码用oracle的sql语句怎么清空?update sapr3.usr02 set bcode='xxxxxx' where mandt='xxx' and bname='xxxxxx' 这样修改后还是不能用新的密码登入sap,连旧的密码也不行,是不是还有其他table须同步, 注:bcode我设的值是从sap中用se16-usr02-Initial passwrd读出)
(1)打开cmd,输入sqlplus /nolog,回车 。
(2)输入“conn / as sysdba”;
(3)输入“alter user sys identified by 新密码;”(新密码必须以字母开头,另外每条SQL语句后得分号不能忘)
其他用户方式同理2.(1)在cmd中启动sqlplus; (2)用sqlplus/as sysdba登录,使其连接到: Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production (3)执行ALTER USER DBSNMP ACCOUNT UNLOCK; (4) 从新用SQL/PLUS登录 , 设置用户名、密码; 附:Oracle 10g 默认安装带来的用户名/密码 UsernamePasswordDescriptionSee AlsoCTXSYSCTXSYSThe Oracle Text accountOracle Text ReferenceDBSNMPDBSNMPThe account used by the Management Agent component of Oracle Enterprise Manager to monitor and manage the databaseOracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Basic ConfigurationLBACSYSLBACSYSThe Oracle Label Security administrator accountOracle Label Security Administrator's GuideMDDATAMDDATAThe schema used by Oracle Spatial for storing Geocoder and router dataOracle Spatial User's Guide and ReferenceMDSYSMDSYSThe Oracle Spatial and Oracle interMedia Locator administrator accountOracle Spatial User's Guide and ReferenceDMSYSDMSYSThe Oracle Data Mining account.Oracle Data Mining Administrator's GuideOracle Data Mining ConceptsOLAPSYSMANAGERThe account used to create OLAP metadata structures. It owns the OLAP Catalog (CWMLite).Oracle OLAP Application Developer's GuideORDPLUGINSORDPLUGINSThe Oracle interMedia user. Plug-ins supplied by Oracle and third party format plug-ins are installed in this schema.Oracle interMedia User's GuideORDSYSORDSYSThe Oracle interMedia administrator accountOracle interMedia User's GuideOUTLNOUTLNThe account that supports plan stability. Plan stability enables you to maintain the same execution plans for the same SQL statements. OUTLN acts as a role to centrally manage metadata associated with stored outlines.Oracle Database Performance Tuning GuideSI_INFORMTN_SCHEMASI_INFORMTN_SCHEMAThe account that stores the information views for the SQL/MM Still Image StandardOracle interMedia User's GuideSYSCHANGE_ON_INSTALLThe account used to perform database administration tasksOracle Database Administrator's GuideSYSMANCHANGE_ON_INSTALLThe account used to perform Oracle Enterprise Manager database administration tasks. Note that SYS and SYSTEM can also perform these tasks.Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Installation and Basic ConfigurationSYSTEMMANAGERAnother account used to perform database administration tasks.
oracle 如何重置用户密码方法/步骤 用CRT以安装oracle数据库oracle怎么清空密码的用户连接oracle数据库所在服务器 。(以服务器为linux 为例) 输入命令: sqlplus /nolog ,进入oracle控制台oracle怎么清空密码,并输入 conn /as sysdba;以DBA角色进入 。连接成功后oracle怎么清空密码,输入“select username from dba_users”
Oracle忘记密码如何重置没关系的,忘记密码后可以通过sysdba用户重新进行密码设置 。sql: conn /as sysdba;--用dba权限登录 sql:alter user username identified by newpassword; --修改忘记密码用户的密码 sql:conn username/newpassword;--用此用户登录 。
【oracle怎么清空密码 oracle记住密码】关于oracle怎么清空密码和oracle记住密码的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站 。
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