这串JAVA代码,我想求得所有的利息和,要怎么写先定义个sum:double sum=0;
然后在for循环中加入这代码就好了:sum=repayInterest sum;
java编写程序:要求用户输入贷款的年利率,总金额和年数,程序计算月支付金额和你也不说计算公式,不知道怎么计算,我去网上找了一个月支付款java利息代码的计算公式 , 不知道和你题目java利息代码的要求是否一样,如果不一样你就改下公式就行 。
public class Loan {
public static void main(String[] args){
double rate ;//利率
int year ; //年数
double money ; //贷款总额
double monthpay ;//月付款
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
rate = sc.nextDouble();
year = sc.nextInt();
money = sc.nextDouble();
monthpay = (money * rate)/Math.abs(1 - (1 / (1rate ) * year * 12 ));
java编写程序,计算在银行存10000元一年后的金额,银行一年的定期利息是百public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double rate = 3.0 / 100; // 利息3%
double amt = 10000; // 金额 10000
int daysOfYear = 365; // 利息计算方式
int term = 365; // 存多久 365天表示一年
// 利息
double interest = (term / daysOfYear) * (amt * rate);
// 到期金额
double mamt = interestamt;
System.out.println(amt"元存银行"term"天 , 利息是:"interest" , 到期金额是:"mamt" 。");
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Stack;
public class CalStr {
private String src;
* constructor
* @param srcthe string(expression) to calculate
public CalStr(String src) {
this.src = https://www.04ip.com/post/src;
* calculate to get the result
* @return(double)result
public double getResult() {
String postfix = getPostfix();
Stack stk = new Stack();
// System.out.println(postfix);
String parts[] = postfix.split("");
double result = 0;
for (int i = 0; iparts.length; i) {
char tmp = parts[i].charAt(0);
if (!isOperator(tmp)) {
} else {
double a = Double.parseDouble((String) stk.pop());
double b = Double.parseDouble((String) stk.pop());
// b is followed by a in the orignal expression
result = calculate(b, a, tmp);
return result;
* test if the character is an operator,such,-,*,/
* @param opthe character to test
* @returntrue if op is an operator otherwise false
private boolean isOperator(char op) {
return (op == ' ' || op == '-' || op == '*' || op == '/');
* calculate an expression such (a op b)
* @param anumber 1
* @param bnumber 2
* @param opthe operator
* @return(double)(a op b)
public double calculate(double a, double b, char op) {
switch (op) {
case ' ':
return ab;
case '-':
return a - b;
case '*':
return a * b;
case '/':
return a / b;
return -1;
* convert the suffix to postfix
* @returnthe postfix as a string
private String getPostfix() {
Stack stk = new Stack();
String postfix = new String();
char op;
int i = 0;
while (isrc.length()) {
if (Character.isDigit(src.charAt(i)) || src.charAt(i) == '.') {
postfix= " ";
do {
postfix= src.charAt(i);
} while ((isrc.length())
postfix= " ";
else {
switch (op = src.charAt(i)) {
case '(':
case ')':
while (stk.peek() != "(") {
String tmp = (String) stk.pop();
postfix= tmp;
if (tmp.length() == 1isOperator(tmp.charAt(0)))
postfix= " ";
postfix= " ";
case ' ':
case '-':
while ((!stk.empty())(stk.peek() != "(")) {
postfix= stk.pop()" ";
stk.push(String.valueOf(new Character(op)));
case '*':
case '/':
while ((!stk.empty())
((stk.peek() == "*") || (stk.peek() == "/"))) {
postfix= stk.pop()" ";
stk.push(String.valueOf(new Character(op)));
ListIterator it = stk.listIterator(stk.size());
while (it.hasPrevious())
postfix= it.previous()" ";
return postfix.trim().replaceAll("\\.", ".");
* main function
* @param args
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println(new CalStr("((1.5 6.000)*9 9.36)*(8 9-8*8 8*7)")
new CalStr( 写上java利息代码你java利息代码的计算公式 );
需求java利息代码:本金1万元人民币java利息代码,以一年期整存整取java利息代码的形式储蓄在银行java利息代码,一年期利率为2.79%,n年后连本带息共计多少钱 。
class Calculate
public double calcuTotal(double prin,double rate,int n) //参数分别是本金、利率,存放期
double inte=0.00;//利息
double sum=prin;
for(int i=0;in;i)
inte=inte prin*rate; //一年期整存整存的利息算法
sum =inte;
return sum;
class ParamSet
public static void main(String[] args)
double prin=10000.00;
double rate=0.0279;
int n=10;
Calculate c = new Calculate();
double sum=c.calcuTotal(prin,rate,n);
System.out.println("本金:" prin " 元 \n存款利率:" rate '\n' n "年后连本带息共为:" sum "元");
java 计算存款利息money(1 rate)^year - money
是money * (1 rate)^year - moneyjava利息代码,和普通java利息代码的数学顺序一样java利息代码,先计算级别高的java利息代码 , 括号内的1 rate、再乘方year、再乘 money,最后减money 。
转成java的计算式,也是按顺序的,乘方的地方就是按JAVA的函数pow的要求,写进参数 。
money*Math.pow((1 rate),year)-money;
【java利息代码 java编程计算银行利息】java利息代码的介绍就聊到这里吧,感谢你花时间阅读本站内容,更多关于java编程计算银行利息、java利息代码的信息别忘了在本站进行查找喔 。
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