超简单!Linux VIM自动补全YouCompleteMe使用Vundle快速安装


超简单!Linux VIM自动补全YouCompleteMe使用Vundle快速安装

二、安装配置VundleVundle是Vim Bundle的简写,它是一个Vim插件管理器。
cd ~ git clone https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

【超简单!Linux VIM自动补全YouCompleteMe使用Vundle快速安装】2、配置插件
cd ~ vim .vimrc

set nocompatible" be iMproved, required filetype off" required" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim call vundle#begin() " alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins "call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here')" let Vundle manage Vundle, required Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'" The following are examples of different formats supported. " Keep Plugin commands between vundle#begin/end. " plugin on GitHub repo Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive' " plugin from http://vim-scripts.org/vim/scripts.html " Plugin 'L9' " Git plugin not hosted on GitHub Plugin 'git://git.wincent.com/command-t.git' " git repos on your local machine (i.e. when working on your own plugin) " The sparkup vim script is in a subdirectory of this repo called vim. " Pass the path to set the runtimepath properly. Plugin 'rstacruz/sparkup', {'rtp': 'vim/'} " Install L9 and avoid a Naming conflict if you've already installed a " different version somewhere else. " Plugin 'ascenator/L9', {'name': 'newL9'}Plugin 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe'" All of your Plugins must be added before the following line call vundle#end()" required filetype plugin indent on" required " To ignore plugin indent changes, instead use: "filetype plugin on " " Brief help " :PluginList- lists configured plugins " :PluginInstall- installs plugins; append `!` to update or just :PluginUpdate " :PluginSearch foo - searches for foo; append `!` to refresh local cache " :PluginClean- confirms removal of unused plugins; append `!` to auto-approve removal " " see :h vundle for more details or wiki for FAQ " Put your non-Plugin stuff after this line

vim .vimrc重新打开,输入:PluginInstall安装插件,结果如下图,若有错误底部会有提示,退出使用:q。
超简单!Linux VIM自动补全YouCompleteMe使用Vundle快速安装

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/vim sudo apt update sudo apt install vim sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/vim sudo apt-get update & & sudo apt-get upgrade

更新完成后,vim .vimrc重新打开,输入:PluginInstall安装插件,等待一会,结果如上图表示已安装成功。
sudo apt install build-essential cmake3 python3-dev python-dev

cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe ./install.py --clang-completer

C#支持,添加参数 – cs-completer
Java支持,添加参数:– java-completer
GO支持,添加参数:– go-completer
JavaScript和TypeScript支持,添加参数:– ts-completer
Rust支持:– rust-completer
