

  • 建议:在继续解决方案之前, 请先在"实践"上解决它。
  • C ++
  • Java
  • C#
  • Java
  • Python3
  • C#
在使用分页进行内存管理的操作系统中, 需要使用页面替换算法来确定新页面进入时需要替换哪个页面。每当引用新页面且内存中不存在该新页面时, 就会发生页面错误, 并且操作系统会替换其中之一。现有页面以及新需要的页面。不同的页面替换算法建议了不同的方法来决定替换哪个页面。所有算法的目标是减少页面错误的数量。
In大号东[R兴致勃勃地üsed(LRU)算法是Greedy算法, 其中要替换的页面最近最少使用。这个想法基于参考的本地性, 不太可能使用最近最少的页面
假设页面引用字符串7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0 3 2。最初, 我们有4个页面空白。
最初, 所有插槽都是空的, 因此当7 0 1 2分配给空插槽时->
当3出现时, 它将取代7, 因为它是最近最少使用的->
0已在内存中, 所以->

给定内存容量(它可以容纳的页面数)和代表要引用的页面的字符串, 编写一个函数来查找页面错误数。
推荐:请在"实践首先, 在继续解决方案之前。
Let capacity be the number of pages thatmemory can hold.Let set be the currentset of pages in memory.1- Start traversing the pages. i) If set holds less pages than capacity.a) Insert page into the set one by one until the sizeof set reaches capacity or allpage requests are processed.b) Simultaneously maintain the recent occurredindex of each page in a map called indexes.c) Increment page fault ii) Else If current page is present in set, do nothing.Else a) Find the page in the set that was least recently used. We find it using index array.We basically need to replace the page withminimum index.b) Replace the found page with current page.c) Increment page faults.d) Update index of current page.2. Return page faults.

C ++
//C++ implementation of above algorithm #include< bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; // Function to find page faults using indexes int pageFaults( int pages[], int n, int capacity) { // To represent set of current pages. We use // an unordered_set so that we quickly check // if a page is present in set or not unordered_set< int > s; // To store least recently used indexes // of pages. unordered_map< int , int > indexes; // Start from initial page int page_faults = 0; for ( int i=0; i< n; i++) { // Check if the set can hold more pages if (s.size() < capacity) { // Insert it into set if not present // already which represents page fault if (s.find(pages[i])==s.end()) { s.insert(pages[i]); // increment page fault page_faults++; }// Store the recently used index of // each page indexes[pages[i]] = i; }// If the set is full then need to perform lru // i.e. remove the least recently used page // and insert the current page else { // Check if current page is not already // present in the set if (s.find(pages[i]) == s.end()) { // Find the least recently used pages // that is present in the set int lru = INT_MAX, val; for ( auto it=s.begin(); it!=s.end(); it++) { if (indexes[*it] < lru) { lru = indexes[*it]; val = *it; } }// Remove the indexes page s.erase(val); // insert the current page s.insert(pages[i]); // Increment page faults page_faults++; }// Update the current page index indexes[pages[i]] = i; } }return page_faults; }// Driver code int main() { int pages[] = {7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2}; int n = sizeof (pages)/ sizeof (pages[0]); int capacity = 4; cout < < pageFaults(pages, n, capacity); return 0; }

// Java implementation of above algorithmimport java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; class Test { // Method to find page faults using indexes static int pageFaults( int pages[], int n, int capacity) { // To represent set of current pages. We use // an unordered_set so that we quickly check // if a page is present in set or not HashSet< Integer> s = new HashSet< > (capacity); // To store least recently used indexes // of pages. HashMap< Integer, Integer> indexes = new HashMap< > (); // Start from initial page int page_faults = 0 ; for ( int i= 0 ; i< n; i++) { // Check if the set can hold more pages if (s.size() < capacity) { // Insert it into set if not present // already which represents page fault if (!s.contains(pages[i])) { s.add(pages[i]); // increment page fault page_faults++; }// Store the recently used index of // each page indexes.put(pages[i], i); }// If the set is full then need to perform lru // i.e. remove the least recently used page // and insert the current page else { // Check if current page is not already // present in the set if (!s.contains(pages[i])) { // Find the least recently used pages // that is present in the set int lru = Integer.MAX_VALUE, val=Integer.MIN_VALUE; Iterator< Integer> itr = s.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { int temp = itr.next(); if (indexes.get(temp) < lru) { lru = indexes.get(temp); val = temp; } }// Remove the indexes page s.remove(val); //remove lru from hashmap indexes.remove(val); // insert the current page s.add(pages[i]); // Increment page faults page_faults++; }// Update the current page index indexes.put(pages[i], i); } }return page_faults; }// Driver method public static void main(String args[]) { int pages[] = { 7 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 3 , 0 , 4 , 2 , 3 , 0 , 3 , 2 }; int capacity = 4 ; System.out.println(pageFaults(pages, pages.length, capacity)); } } // This code is contributed by Gaurav Miglani

// C# implementation of above algorithm using System; using System.Collections.Generic; class GFG { // Method to find page faults // using indexes static int pageFaults( int []pages, int n, int capacity) { // To represent set of current pages. // We use an unordered_set so that // we quickly check if a page is // present in set or not HashSet< int > s = new HashSet< int > (capacity); // To store least recently used indexes // of pages. Dictionary< int , int > indexes = new Dictionary< int , int > (); // Start from initial page int page_faults = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Check if the set can hold more pages if (s.Count < capacity) { // Insert it into set if not present // already which represents page fault if (!s.Contains(pages[i])) { s.Add(pages[i]); // increment page fault page_faults++; }// Store the recently used index of // each page if (indexes.ContainsKey(pages[i])) indexes[pages[i]] = i; else indexes.Add(pages[i], i); }// If the set is full then need to // perform lru i.e. remove the least // recently used page and insert // the current page else { // Check if current page is not // already present in the set if (!s.Contains(pages[i])) { // Find the least recently used pages // that is present in the set int lru = int .MaxValue, val = int .MinValue; foreach ( int itr in s) { int temp = itr; if (indexes[temp] < lru) { lru = indexes[temp]; val = temp; } }// Remove the indexes page s.Remove(val); //remove lru from hashmap indexes.Remove(val); // insert the current page s.Add(pages[i]); // Increment page faults page_faults++; }// Update the current page index if (indexes.ContainsKey(pages[i])) indexes[pages[i]] = i; else indexes.Add(pages[i], i); } } return page_faults; }// Driver Code public static void Main(String []args) { int []pages = {7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2}; int capacity = 4; Console.WriteLine(pageFaults(pages, pages.Length, capacity)); } }// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// Java program for page replacement algorithms import java.util.ArrayList; public class LRU {// Driver method public static void main(String[] args) { int capacity = 4 ; int arr[] = { 7 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 3 , 0 , 4 , 2 , 3 , 0 , 3 , 2 }; // To represent set of current pages.We use // an Arraylist ArrayList< Integer> s= new ArrayList< > (capacity); int count= 0 ; int page_faults= 0 ; for ( int i:arr) { // Insert it into set if not present // already which represents page fault if (!s.contains(i)) {// Check if the set can hold equal pages if (s.size()==capacity) { s.remove( 0 ); s.add(capacity- 1 , i); } else s.add(count, i); // Increment page faults page_faults++; ++count; } else { // Remove the indexes page s.remove((Object)i); // insert the current page s.add(s.size(), i); }} System.out.println(page_faults); } }

# Python3 program for page replacement algorithm# Driver code capacity = 4 processList = [ 7 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 0 , 3 , 0 , 4 , 2 , 3 , 0 , 3 , 2 ]# List of current pages in Main Memory s = [] pageFaults = 0 # pageHits = 0for i in processList:# If i is not present in currentPages list if i not in s:# Check if the list can hold equal pages if ( len (s) = = capacity): s.remove(s[ 0 ]) s.append(i)else : s.append(i)# Increment Page faults pageFaults + = 1# If page is already there in # currentPages i.e in Main else :# Remove previous index of current page s.remove(i)# Now append it, at last index s.append(i)print ( "{}" . format (pageFaults))# This code is contributed by mahi_07

// C# program for page replacement algorithms using System; using System.Collections.Generic; class LRU { // Driver method public static void Main(String[] args) { int capacity = 4; int []arr = {7, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 2, 3, 0, 3, 2}; // To represent set of current pages. // We use an Arraylist List< int > s = new List< int > (capacity); int count = 0; int page_faults = 0; foreach ( int i in arr) { // Insert it into set if not present // already which represents page fault if (!s.Contains(i)) { // Check if the set can hold equal pages if (s.Count == capacity) { s.RemoveAt(0); s.Insert(capacity - 1, i); } else s.Insert(count, i); // Increment page faults page_faults++; ++count; } else { // Remove the indexes page s.Remove(i); // insert the current page s.Insert(s.Count, i); } } Console.WriteLine(page_faults); } } // This code is contributed by Rajput-Ji


如果当前页面已在内存中, 则必须将其计为Page-hit。
【如何实现最近最少使用(LRU)页面替换算法程序()】如果发现任何不正确的地方, 或者想分享有关上述主题的更多信息, 请写评论。
