

  • Java
  • Python3
给定字符串str, 任务是使用来检查字符串是否为字母数字正则表达式.
字母数字字符串是仅包含a-z, A-Z和0-9的数字的字符串。
输入:str =" lsbin123"
说明:该字符串包含a-z, A-Z中的所有字母以及0-9中的数字。因此, 它是一个字母数字字符串。
输入:str =" lsbin"
说明:该字符串包含a-z, A-Z中的所有字母, 但不包含0-9之间的任何数字。因此, 它不是字母数字字符串。
输入:str =" lsbin123 @#"
说明:该字符串包含a-z, A-Z中的所有字母以及0-9中的数字以及一些特殊符号。因此, 它不是字母数字字符串。
  • 获取字符串。
  • 创建正则表达式以检查字符串是否为字母数字, 如下所述:
regex = "^(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*[0-9])[A-Za-z0-9]+$";

  • 其中:
    • ^代表字符串的开头
    • (?=.* [a-zA-Z])代表a-z, A-Z中的字母
    • (?=.* [0-9])代表0-9之间的任何数字
    • [A-Za-z0-9]表示所有内容是字母还是数字
    • +代表一次或多次
    • $代表字符串的结尾
  • 在Java中, 将给定的字符串与正则表达式匹配, 这可以通过使用Pattern.matcher()
  • 如果字符串与给定的正则表达式匹配, 则返回true;否则返回false
//Java program to check string is //alphanumeric or not using Regular Expression. import java.util.regex.*; class GFG { //Function to check string is alphanumeric or not public static boolean isAlphaNumeric(String str) { //Regex to check string is alphanumeric or not. String regex = "^(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*[0-9])[A-Za-z0-9]+$" ; //Compile the ReGex Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex); //If the string is empty //return false if (str == null ) { return false ; } //Pattern class contains matcher() method //to find matching between given string //and regular expression. Matcher m = p.matcher(str); //Return if the string //matched the ReGex return m.matches(); } //Driver Code. public static void main(String args[]) { //Test Case 1: String str1 = "lsbin123" ; System.out.println( str1 + ": " + isAlphaNumeric(str1)); //Test Case 2: String str2 = "lsbin" ; System.out.println( str2 + ": " + isAlphaNumeric(str2)); //Test Case 3: String str3 = "lsbin123@#" ; System.out.println( str3 + ": " + isAlphaNumeric(str3)); //Test Case 4: String str4 = "123" ; System.out.println( str4 + ": " + isAlphaNumeric(str4)); //Test Case 5: String str5 = "@#" ; System.out.println( str5 + ": " + isAlphaNumeric(str5)); } }

# Python3 program to check # string is alphanumeric or # not using Regular Expression. import re # Function to check string # is alphanumeric or not def isAlphaNumeric( str ): # Regex to check string is # alphanumeric or not. regex = "^(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*[0-9])[A-Za-z0-9]+$" # Compile the ReGex p = re. compile (regex) # If the string is empty # return false if ( str = = None ): return False # Return if the string # matched the ReGex if (re.search(p, str )): return True else : return False # Driver Code # Test Case 1: str1 = "lsbin123" print (str1, ":" , isAlphaNumeric(str1)) # Test Case 2: str2 = "lsbin" print (str2, ":" , isAlphaNumeric(str2)) # Test Case 3: str3 = "lsbin123@#" print (str3, ":" , isAlphaNumeric(str3)) # Test Case 4: str4 = "123" print (str4, ":" , isAlphaNumeric(str4)) # Test Case 5: str5 = "@#" print (str5, ":" , isAlphaNumeric(str5)) # This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155

lsbin123: true lsbin: false lsbin123@#: false 123: false @#: false
