
README.md 说明文件
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This project is an android version for ORB_SLAM2 based on Raul Mur-Artal‘s opensource project:  ORB_SLAM2. 该工程项目是一个基于Raul Mur-Artal的开源项目ORB_SLAM2的Android版本。
Author:  Frank 作者:Frank
If anyone would like to only have a test on it, please visit:ORB_SLAM2_Android_APK; 如果有人只是想测试一下而已,那么请访问:ORB_SLAM2_Android_APK。

  • Eclipse with ADT and android-ndk-r11; 带有ADT和android-ndk-r11的Eclipse;
  • OpenCV4Android2.4.9,download here:opencv4android 2.4.9; OpenCV4Android2.4.9,这里下载:opencv4android 2.4.9。
  • All necessary dependencies required by ORB_SLAM2 except pangolin(I removed pangolin and rewrited opengl part for android); 所有ORB_SLAM2所需要的依赖项,除了pangolin(我移除了pangolin,并重写了Android的opengl部分)。
2.Build Project编译工程To build ORB_SLAM2_Android, you can simply import cloned project into eclipse and import opencv2.4.9forAndroid library into Eclipse. Then set it as ORB‘s library project(it may have been setted already).Run ndk-build and library will be generated into  libs  directory. After all this, your work tree will be like this:


To convert it into Android Studio, you need to create a new AS project and add core code as a module of it while opencv library will also be a module.
3.Using Instruction
  1. if you want to test camera mode, please make sure you have installed corresponding version of opencvForAndroid library into your phone and it has been opened;
  2. open the apk. There are two parts for ORB,namely dataset-mode and camera-mode: 

  3. select dataset-mode and select corresponding files for test(you have to pull ORBvoc.txt/TUMX.yaml/dataset to you external storage), ps:there is a button named select special for directory select;  


  4. finish and start SLAM,then voc will be loaded, this may take about one minute(depend on your phone) and system will run automaticlly after initiate step finished;  

  5. camera-mode is nearly the same as dataset mode;
4.Something else
  1. you can change size of camera preview in res/activity_camera _orb.xml;
  2. there is some bug with the demonstrate of camera pose, if anyone want to fix it, they can modify  MapDrawer::DrawCurrentCamera()  in  jni/ORB_SLAM2/src/MapDrawer.cc
  3. some dependencies inside  jni/Thirdparty  may be excess and can be removed. I have never checked for it;
5.EndingIf you have any questions, feel free to contact me  [email  protected]
