springboot application.properties

【springboot application.properties】千金一刻莫空度,老大无成空自伤。这篇文章主要讲述springboot application.properties相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。

verify if you have this items: @Bean public CommonsMultipartResolver multipartResolver() { CommonsMultipartResolver multipart = new CommonsMultipartResolver(); multipart.setMaxUploadSize(3 * 1024 * 1024); return multipart; }@Bean @Order(0) public MultipartFilter multipartFilter() { MultipartFilter multipartFilter = new MultipartFilter(); multipartFilter.setMultipartResolverBeanName("multipartResolver"); return multipartFilter; }and in the pplications.properties# MULTIPART (MultipartProperties) spring.http.multipart.enabled=true # Enable support of multi-part uploads. # spring.http.multipart.file-size-threshold=3 # Threshold after which files will be written to disk. Values can use the suffixed "MB" or "KB" to indicate a Megabyte or Kilobyte size. spring.http.multipart.location= / # Intermediate location of uploaded files. spring.http.multipart.max-file-size=10MB # Max file size. Values can use the suffixed "MB" or "KB" to indicate a Megabyte or Kilobyte size. spring.http.multipart.max-request-size=10MB # Max request size. Values can use the suffixed "MB" or "KB" to indicate a Megabyte or Kilobyte size. spring.http.multipart.resolve-lazily=false # Whether to resolve the multipart request lazily at the time of file or parameter access.
