remount issue on android 7.0

【remount issue on android 7.0】观书散遗帙,探古穷至妙。这篇文章主要讲述remount issue on android 7.0相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
最近在新版本的android 7.0上,发现filesystem的remount老是报“  Device or resource busy”的错误。
最终发现,android 7.0上,从原来的toolbox切换到toybox。

  1. :/ $ ls -al /system/bin/mount
  2. lrwxr-xr-x 1 root shell 6 2016-09-02 16:23 /system/bin/mount -> toybox

  1. // For remount we need _last_ match (in case of overmounts), so traverse
  2.     // in reverse order. (Yes I‘m using remount as a boolean for a bit here,
  3.     // the double cast is to get gcc to shut up about it.)
  4.     remount = (void *)(long)comma_scan(opts, "remount", 1);
  5.     if (((toys.optflags & FLAG_a) & & !access("/proc/mounts", R_OK)) || remount) {
  6.         mm = dlist_terminate(mtl = mtl2 = xgetmountlist(0));
  7.         if (remount) remount = mm;
  8.     }
  1. // check all instances of opt and "no"opt in optlist, return true if opt
  2. // found and last instance wasn‘t no. If clean, remove each instance from list.
  3. int comma_scan(char *optlist, char *opt, int clean)
  4. {
  5.     int optlen = strlen(opt), len, no, got = 0;
  7.     if (optlist) for (; ; ) {
  8.         char *s = comma_iterate(& optlist, & len);
  10.         if (!s) break;
  11.         no = 2*(*s == ‘n‘ & & s[1] == ‘o‘);
  12.         if (optlen == len-no & & !strncmp(opt, s+no, optlen)) {
  13.             got = !no;
  14.             if (clean & & optlist) memmove(s, optlist, strlen(optlist)+1);
  15.         }
  16.     }
  18.     return got;
  19. }
如果remount不是-o的最后一个参数(_last_ match ),那么就会被清除掉。最终调用syscall mount的时候,这个remount的flag就没了。
把命令重新改为  mount -t vfat -o rw,remount /firmware 就好了。
