
android驱动开发之Hello实例:   驱动部分 modified:   kernel/arch/arm/configs/msm8909-1gb_w100_hd720p-perf_defconfig modified:   kernel/arch/arm/configs/msm8909-1gb_w100_hd720p_defconfig modified:   kernel/drivers/input/misc/Kconfig modified:   kernel/drivers/input/misc/Makefile                 kernel/drivers/input/misc/hello.c   FFBM部分:用来测试驱动是否正常运行 modified:   vendor/qcom/proprietary/common/build/fastmmi/ modified:   vendor/qcom/proprietary/fastmmi/res/config/mmi-W200_W.cfg modified:   vendor/qcom/proprietary/fastmmi/res/layout/ modified:   vendor/qcom/proprietary/fastmmi/res/values/strings.xml                 vendor/qcom/proprietary/fastmmi/module/hello/                 vendor/qcom/proprietary/fastmmi/module/hello/                 vendor/qcom/proprietary/fastmmi/module/hello/hello.cpp                 vendor/qcom/proprietary/fastmmi/res/layout/layout_hello.xml   SELinux安全,用来允许mmi访问/dev/hello节点modified:   device/qcom/sepolicy/common/mmi.te modified:   external/sepolicy/device.te modified:   external/sepolicy/file_contexts    1) kernel/drivers/input/misc/hello.c   #include < linux/types.h> #include < linux/module.h> #include < linux/fs.h> #include < linux/init.h> #include < linux/cdev.h> #include < linux/device.h> #include < linux/slab.h> #include < asm/uaccess.h>   MODULE_AUTHOR("zhaopuqing"); MODULE_LICENSE("Dual BSD/GPL"); MODULE_VERSION("hello v1.0"); MODULE_ALIAS("Hello");   #define DEVICE_SUM 1   static int hello_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp); static int hello_release(struct inode *, struct file *filp); static ssize_t hello_read(struct file*, char*, size_t, loff_t*); static ssize_t hello_write(struct file*, const char*, size_t, loff_t*);   /*the major device number*/ static int hello_major = 0; static int hello_minor = 0;   static struct class* hello_class = NULL;   /*init the file_operations structure*/ struct file_operations hello_fops = {     .owner = THIS_MODULE,     .open = hello_open,     .release = hello_release,     .read = hello_read,     .write = hello_write, };   struct cdev *cdev;   static int global_var = 0; /*global var*/   /*module init*/ static int __init hello_init(void){     int ret = 0;     struct device* temp = NULL;     dev_t devno = 0;     printk("hello:hello_init.\n");       ret = alloc_chrdev_region(& devno, hello_minor, DEVICE_SUM, "hello");     if(ret < 0){         printk(KERN_ALERT"hello:Failed to alloc char dev region.\n"); goto fail;     }       hello_major = MAJOR(devno);     hello_minor = MINOR(devno);       cdev = cdev_alloc();     cdev-> owner = THIS_MODULE;     cdev-> ops = & hello_fops;     if((ret = cdev_add(cdev, devno, 1))){         printk(KERN_NOTICE"Hello:Error%d adding hello.\n", ret); return 0;     }else{         printk(KERN_ALERT"hello:hello register success.\n");     }       hello_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "hello");     if(IS_ERR(hello_class)){         ret = PTR_ERR(hello_class); printk(KERN_ALERT"Failed to create hello class.\n"); goto destroy_cdev;     }       temp = device_create(hello_class, NULL, devno, "%s", "hello");     if(IS_ERR(temp)){       ret = PTR_ERR(temp); printk(KERN_ALERT"Failed to create hello device."); goto destroy_class;     }       return ret;       destroy_class:       class_destroy(hello_class);     destroy_cdev:       cdev_del(cdev);     fail:       return ret; }   static void __exit hello_exit(void){           dev_t devno = MKDEV(hello_major, 0);     printk(KERN_ALERT"Goodbye, cruel world\n");           /*remove cdev from kernel*/     cdev_del(cdev);       /*unregister the device device driver*/     unregister_chrdev_region(devno, 1);       /*free the dev structure*/     if(cdev)       kfree(cdev);     cdev = NULL; }   /*open device*/ static int hello_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp){     int ret = 0;     printk(KERN_ALERT"kernel:open success.\n");     return ret; }   /*release device*/ static int hello_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp){     printk(KERN_ALERT"kernel:release success.\n");     return 0; }   /*read device*/ static int hello_read(struct file *filp, char *buf, size_t len, loff_t *off){     printk(KERN_ALERT"kernel:reading...\n");     if(copy_to_user(buf, & global_var, sizeof(int))){         return -EFAULT;     }     return sizeof(int); }   /*write device*/ static ssize_t hello_write(struct file *filp, const char *buf, size_t len, loff_t *off){     printk(KERN_ALERT"kernel:writing...\n");     if(copy_from_user(& global_var, buf, sizeof(int))){         return -EFAULT;     }     return sizeof(int); }   /*module register*/ module_init(hello_init); module_exit(hello_exit);   ****************************************************** 2)  kernel/drivers/input/misc/Kconfigconfig SENSORS_HELLO         tristate "Hello"         depends on SPI=y         help           If you say yes here you get supoort for Hello‘s           hello test.     ****************************************************** 3)  kernel/drivers/input/misc/Makefile obj-$(CONFIG_SENSORS_HELLO)     += hello.o   ****************************************************** 4)  kernel/arch/arm/configs/msm8909-1gb_w100_hd720p-perf_defconfig CONFIG_SENSORS_HELLO=y   ******************************************************* 5)  kernel/arch/arm/configs/msm8909-1gb_w100_hd720p_defconfig CONFIG_SENSORS_HELLO=y   ************************************************** 6)  vendor/qcom/proprietary/fastmmi/module/hello/hello.cpp#include "mmi_module.h"   #define TAG "Hello" #define DEVICE_NAME "/dev/hello" #define HELLO_TEST_WAIT "hello test,please waitting...." #define HELLO_TEST_SUCCESS "hello test success!" #define HELLO_TEST_FAILED "hello test failed!"   static const mmi_module_t* g_module; static unordered_map < string, string > paras;   static void cb_function(const char *str, int size){     if(g_module != NULL){         g_module-> cb_print(paras[KEY_MODULE_NAME].c_str(),SUBCMD_MMI, str, size, PRINT);     } }   int hello_test(){     ALOGI("%s : %s start!\n", TAG, __FUNCTION__);       int fd = -1;     int val = 0;       fd = open(DEVICE_NAME, O_RDWR);     if(fd < = 0){       ALOGI("%s : %s open device [%s] failed!\n", TAG, __FUNCTION__, DEVICE_NAME); return FAILED;     }       ALOGI("%s : %s start to read device info!\n", TAG, __FUNCTION__);     read(fd, & val, sizeof(val));     ALOGI("%s : %s read value=", TAG, __FUNCTION__, val);       ALOGI("********************************************\n");     val = 5;     ALOGI("%s : %s start write value %d to %s\n", TAG, __FUNCTION__, val, DEVICE_NAME);     write(fd, & val, sizeof(val));       ALOGI("*********************************************\n");     ALOGI("%s : %s read device value again!\n", TAG, __FUNCTION__);     read(fd, & val, sizeof(val));     ALOGI("%s : %s read value=", TAG, __FUNCTION__, val);       close(fd);       return SUCCESS; }   static int32_t module_init(const mmi_module_t * module, unordered_map < string, string > & params){     ALOGI("%s : %s start!\n", TAG, __FUNCTION__);           if(module == NULL){       ALOGE("%s : %s NULL point received!\n", __FUNCTION__); return FAILED;     }       return SUCCESS; }   static int32_t module_deinit(const mmi_module_t * module){     ALOGI("%s : %s start!\n", TAG, __FUNCTION__);       if(module == NULL){       ALOGE("%s : %s NULL point received!\n", TAG, __FUNCTION__); return FAILED;     }       return SUCCESS; }   static int32_t module_run(const mmi_module_t * module, const char *cmd, unordered_map < string ,string > & params){     int ret = FAILED;       if(!module || !cmd){       ALOGE("%s : %s NULL point received!\n", TAG, __FUNCTION__); return FAILED;     }       g_module = module;     paras = params;     ALOGI("%s start.command : %s\n", __FUNCTION__, cmd);     cb_function(HELLO_TEST_WAIT, strlen(HELLO_TEST_WAIT));       if(!strcmp(cmd, SUBCMD_MMI)){ ret = hello_test(); if(ret != SUCCESS){       ALOGE("%s : %s open hello module failed!\n", TAG, __FUNCTION__);       cb_function(HELLO_TEST_FAILED, strlen(HELLO_TEST_FAILED)); }else{       ALOGI("%s : %s open hello module success!\n", TAG, __FUNCTION__);       cb_function(HELLO_TEST_SUCCESS, strlen(HELLO_TEST_SUCCESS)); }     }else if(!strcmp(cmd, SUBCMD_PCBA)){           }else{       ALOGE("%s : %s Invalid command : %s received!\n", TAG, __FUNCTION__, cmd); ret = FAILED;     }       return ret; }   static int32_t module_stop(const mmi_module_t *module){     ALOGI("%s : %s start.\n", __FUNCTION__);     if(module == NULL){       ALOGE("%s : %s NULL point received!\n", TAG, __FUNCTION__); return FAILED;     }       pthread_kill(module-> run_pid, SIGUSR1);     return SUCCESS; }   static struct mmi_module_methods_t module_methods = {     .module_init = module_init,     .module_deinit = module_deinit,     .module_run = module_run,     .module_stop = module_stop, };   mmi_module_t MMI_MODULE_INFO_SYM = {     .version_major = 1,     .version_minor = 0,     .name = "Hello",     .author = "Hello test",     .methods = & module_methods,     .module_handle = NULL,     .supported_cmd_list = NULL,     .supported_cmd_list_size = 0,     .cb_print = NULL,     .run_pid = -1, };   ***************************************************** 7)  vendor/qcom/proprietary/fastmmi/module/hello/Android.mkLOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE_OWNER := qti LOCAL_PROPRIETARY_MODULE := true LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hello.cpp   LOCAL_MODULE := mmi_hello LOCAL_CLANG := false LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_CFLAGS := -Wall LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := external/libcxx/include \       $(QC_PROP_ROOT)/fastmmi/libmmi   LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := libcutils libutils libmmi libhardware libc++   LOCAL_C_INCLUDES += $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)/KERNEL_OBJ/usr/include ifeq ($(TARGET_COMPILE_WITH_MSM_KERNEL), true) LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES := $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)/KERNEL_OBJ/usr endif   include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)  ******************************************************** 8)  vendor/qcom/proprietary/fastmmi/res/layout/layout_hello.xml< ?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> < layout>     < include layout="header.xml" />       < button       name="instruction" text="hello_notice" w_rel="100" h_rel="10" x_rel="0" y_rel="12" color="0x007D7DFF" />     < textview       name="display" text="" w_rel="100" h_rel="60" x_rel="4" y_rel="27" />       < include layout="footer.xml" /> < /layout>   ******************************************** 9)  vendor/qcom/proprietary/fastmmi/res/values/strings.xml< string name="hello"> Hello< /string> < string name="hell_notice"> Hello test, just for test!< /string>   ************************************************** 10)  vendor/qcom/proprietary/fastmmi/res/layout/   include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_SRC_FILES := layout_hello.xml LOCAL_CFLAGS := -Wall LOCAL_MODULE := layout_hello.xml LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := ETC LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_OUT_ETC)/mmi/layout include $(BUILD_PREBUILT)  *************************************************** 11)  vendor/qcom/proprietary/fastmmi/res/config/mmi-W200_W.cfg[HELLO] enable=1 automation=0 display_name=hello layout=layout_hello.xml  ********************************************** 12)  vendor/qcom/proprietary/common/build/fastmmi/ MMI += mmi_hello   MMI_RES += layout_hello.xml   ************************************************ 13)  external/sepolicy/device.te#hello test type hello_device, dev_type;   ************************************************ 14)  external/sepolicy/file_contexts#hello test /dev/hello     u:object_r:hello_device:s0  *************************************************** 15)  device/qcom/sepolicy/common/mmi.te allow mmi hello_device:chr_file {open read write};   以上为全部测试代码: 打印内核消息为:adb shell cat /proc/kmsg
