Android 平台ping 对方ip返回 +3 duplicates (重复回应包)

蹉跎莫遣韶光老,人生唯有读书好。这篇文章主要讲述Android 平台ping 对方ip返回 +3 duplicates (重复回应包)相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。

  • The ping utility will report duplicate and damaged packets. Duplicate packets should never occur when pinging a unicast address, and seem to be caused by inappropriate link-level retransmissions. Duplicates may occur in many
  • situations and are rarely (if ever) a good sign, although the presence of low levels of duplicates may not always be cause for alarm. Duplicates are expected when pinging a broadcast or multicast address, since they are not really
  • duplicates but replies from different hosts to the same request.
  • Damaged packets are obviously serious cause for alarm and often indicate broken hardware somewhere in the ping packet’s path (in the network or in the hosts).
  • 大概意思:重复和损坏的数据包
  • Ping将报告重复和损坏的数据包。当使用单播地址时,不应该出现重复的数据包,而且出现重复数据包似乎时是由不适当的链路重传引起的。
  • 重复可能在很多情况下发生,而且很少(如果有的话)是一个好的现象,尽管低水平的重复现象不总会造成警报。
  • 当在ping一个广播或多播地址时会出现重复包,因为他们不是真正的重复,而是来自不同主机对相同请求的是响应。
  • 【Android 平台ping 对方ip返回 +3 duplicates (重复回应包)】损坏包显然时可以引起严重的恐慌,通常指出在ping包的路径下哪部分硬件坏掉了(网络或主机)。
