[Near Protocol] Near开发Demo浅析-Gamble Game Near(一)(智能合约)

[Near Protocol] Near开发Demo浅析-Gamble Game Near 智能合约
大家好,Near Protocol是近年来比较引人注目的公链项目,其分片技术也使得其性能和稳定性出现了很大的提升和突破。我最近对Near相关开发的基础概念进行了学习,以掷色子游戏的概念为基础,开发了Near 合约+Dapp的Demo,现在和大家分享讨论,希望都能有所进益。


简介 合约名称:Gamble
部署网络: Near Testnet

  • Prerequisite : 系统中应当已经安装好Rust
  • 安装wasm32(编译):
    rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

  • 【[Near Protocol] Near开发Demo浅析-Gamble Game Near(一)(智能合约)】初始化项目(编译):
    cargo new Gamble_Game_Near

  • 在生成的工程上进行目录的修改,最终结构如下:
    [Near Protocol] Near开发Demo浅析-Gamble Game Near(一)(智能合约)


[lib] crate-type = ["cdylib","rlib"][dependencies] uint = {version = "0.9.0", default-features = false} near-sdk = "4.0.0-pre.7" near-contract-standards = "4.0.0-pre.7"

use near_sdk::{ borsh::{self, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize}, near_bindgen, Balance,PanicOnDefault, env, require, log,Promise, };

同时通过#[near_bindgen]#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize,PanicOnDefault)]来声明Gamble类为智能合约类。#[near_bindgen]宏用以生成Near合约所需的代码并对外暴露接口。#[derive(BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize,PanicOnDefault)]则声明序列化、反序列化,且要求实现构造函数。Gamble类中包含gamble_min_pricegamble_max_price属性,为投注的最小值和最大值。
pub struct Gamble {// Minimum price that should be transfered to the contract, revert otherwise gamble_min_price : Balance,// Maximum price that should be transfered to the contract, revert otherwise gamble_max_price : Balance,}

本文后续实现Gamble类的相关方法,(注意&self 和 &mut self的区别,类似于solidity view和change的区别)如下:
  • pub fn new() -> Self :用以初始化合约,设置gamble_min_pricegamble_max_price属性。
#[init] pub fn new() -> Self {let account_balance = env::account_balance(); let gamble_max_price = account_balance / (5 * FACTOR); log!("we have {} uints in total, be sure not to exceed the max gamble price limit {} to get {}X \n", account_balance, gamble_max_price, FACTOR); Self{ gamble_max_price : gamble_max_price, gamble_min_price : 0, } }

  • pub fn get_minimal_gamble_price(&self) -> u128 :获取最小投注数量( yoctoNEAR)
// Get the Minimum amount of near to be transfered(Used for dapp, but usually won't as it's 0 all the time) pub fn get_minimal_gamble_price(&self) -> u128 { self.gamble_min_price }

  • pub fn get_maximum_gamble_price(&self) -> u128:获取最大投注数量( yoctoNEAR)
// Get the Minimum amount of near to be transfered(Used for dapp) pub fn get_maximum_gamble_price(&self) -> u128 { self.gamble_max_price }

  • pub fn get_balance(&self) -> u128:获取合约余额( yoctoNEAR)
// Get contract balance U128 pub fn get_balance(&self) -> u128 { env::account_balance() }

  • pub fn update_price(&mut self) :更新投注最大值和最小值
// Update price everytime the account balance changes // Only contract call fn update_price(&mut self){ let account_balance = env::account_balance(); self.gamble_max_price = account_balance / (5 * FACTOR); log!("we have {} uints in total, be sure not to exceed the max gamble price limit {} to get {}X \n", account_balance, self.gamble_max_price, FACTOR); }

  • pub fn sponsor(&mut self):赞助函数,即用户向合约账号发送near( yoctoNEAR),最后更新投注上限和下限
// The user could sponsor the contract(maybe only the owner will...) #[payable] pub fn sponsor(&mut self){ let sponsor_id = env::signer_account_id(); let deposit = env::attached_deposit(); log!("sponsor {} has add {} to the game to increase balance, thank you ~ \n", sponsor_id, deposit); self.update_price(); }

  • pub fn gamble(&mut self) -> u8:投掷函数,返回投掷出的点数(1-6),最后更新投注上限和下限
// The user could transfer near to get a chance to gamble // return the dice throwed by the user (Randomly generated) #[payable] pub fn gamble(&mut self) -> u8{ let gambler_id = env::signer_account_id(); let deposit = env::attached_deposit(); require!(deposit>=self.gamble_min_price,"The gamble price must exceed gamble_min_price"); require!(deposit<=self.gamble_max_price,"The gamble price must not exceed gamble_max_price"); let num = self.rand_dice(); if num == FACTOR as u8 { let amount = (deposit as f32 ) *(FACTOR as f32) * TAX; let amount_u128 = amountas u128; log!("Congratuations to {}, he has won the gamble, the prize is {} \n",gambler_id,deposit); Promise::new(gambler_id).transfer(amount_u128); } self.update_price(); return num; }

  • pub fn rand_dice(&self) -> u8 :基于random_seed(),生成随机数并通过取余映射到1-6
// Generate random number from 1 to 6 pub fn rand_dice(&self) -> u8 { *env::random_seed().get(0).unwrap()%6+1 }

后续则是单元测试部分,通过fn get_context(input: Vec) -> VMContext设置了测试背景,由fn rand_test()测试了随机数生成,fn gamble_test()则测试了合约初始化后的变量情况。
  • 在此之前请先安装Near-cli
  • 编译生成
cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release

  • 部署(先生成子账号再部署)
near create-account gamble_game1.XXX.testnet --masterAccount XXX.testnet --initialBalance 100 near deploy --wasmFile target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/gamble_game_near.wasm --accountId gamble_game1.XXX.testnet

  • 测试
near call gamble_game1.XXX.testnet new--accountId gamble_game1.XXX.testnet near view gamble_game1.XXX.testnet get_balance near view gamble_game1.XXX.testnet get_maximum_gamble_price near call gamble_game1.XXX.testnet sponsor --deposit 1--accountId XXX.testnet near call gamble_game1.XXX.testnet gamble --deposit 1--accountId XXX.testnet

[Near Protocol] Near开发Demo浅析-Gamble Game Near(二):Dapp部分的介绍。
