harry potter官网 如何阅读英文版harry potter,harry potter作者

读英文原著很花时间 。所以有个退一步的方法,就是读一些老外编写的原著缩写版 。比如书虫系列的改写版,内容很有趣,语法精确【因为是老外自己写的,绝对不会出现中式英语】,而且单词量也比较匹配学生的水平 。如果水平够,也可以买一套《美国语文》。那套书有难度,但是都是经典中的经典,对于提高英语水平绝对帮助很大!值得反复阅读!祝学习顺利!打字不易,请采纳!

harry potter官网 如何阅读英文版harry potter,harry potter作者

链接:https://潘.com/s/1 wbvg37 fc2 bwotbf40 ew2q提取码:923z李岑哈利波特讲读 。《哈利波特与魔法石》 是英国作家罗琳的作品 。《哈利波特与魔法石》 原版讲读课,适合10岁以上的孩子 。欢迎小朋友和我一起,享受跌宕起伏的情节、扣人心弦的悬念、意想不到的波折、缜密精彩的推理 。课程目录:李岑哈利波特讲读课程完结哈利波特原版音频第一天哈利波特原版音频第二天.
对于 harrypotter第四部这本书的英文评价
第四本书以弗兰克布莱斯为开头,他是里德尔庄园的老年看守人,曾因50多年前谋杀里德尔而被当地警方审问,他看到了废弃宅邸内的灯光 。在调查中,他无意中听到伏地魔和彼得彼得格鲁(虫尾巴)密谋杀害哈利波特 。弗兰克被伏地魔的阿瓦达凯达弗拉发现并杀死,尽管黑魔王只是被称为”那个东西” 。不久之后,哈利、赫敏格兰杰、韦斯莱一家(除了莫莉)和几个巫师朋友出发去参加魁地奇世界杯 。比赛结束后,一群食死徒(伏地魔的仆人)袭击了营地,制造了恐慌和破坏 。哈利注意到他丢了魔杖,开始担心起来 。哈利、赫敏和罗恩逃进了森林,在那里他们看到黑魔标记,伏地魔的标志,射向夜空 。国际魔法合作部部长老巴蒂克劳奇来到现场,指责三人组伪造了商标 。很快他们发现了闪闪,克劳奇的家养小精灵,抓着哈利偷来的魔杖 。愤怒的克劳奇当场解雇了闪闪,激怒了赫敏,并开始了她对精灵权利的近乎痴迷 。邓布利多教授宣布霍格沃茨将举办三强争霸赛的欢迎宴会 。数百年的校际比赛因过于危险而停止,但最近又恢复了 。锦标赛包括三项艰巨的任务,每学期举行一次 。与此同时,赫敏成立了保护小精灵福利协会
t nobody is interested in what she has to say mainly because everybody knows the elfs are happy to work.The Goblet of Fire chooses one student from each competing school. Students must be at least seventeen years old to enter this contest, as it is dangerous. In addition, if chosen, a champion has no choice but to compete. Cedric Diggory is Hogwarts” champion, Fleur Delacour is Beauxbatons” and Viktor Krum represents Durmstrang. The Goblet unexpectedly selects a fourth champion, Harry Potter, even though Harry never entered and is underage. This leads to a falling out with Ron, who thinks Harry cheated to enter and is finally overcome with jealousy of Harry”s ever-growing fame and attention.An anxious Harry is guided through the tournament by Professor Alastor Moody, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher and a former Auror. In the first task, the champions must retrieve a golden egg from a dragon. With advice from Hagrid, Moody, and Hermione, Harry uses his broomstick to fly past the dragon and capture the egg, earning high marks. Ron realises Harry would not have cheated when he sees how dangerous the first task is, and they reconcile.As part of the Triwizard Tournament”s tradition, over the Christmas holidays, the students of Hogwarts, Durmstrang, and Beauxbatons remain at school to attend the Yule Ball. Harry wants to invite Cho Chang, but when he learns she is attending with Cedric Diggory, he agrees to take Parvati Patil, while her twin sister, Padma, goes with Ron. Hermione attends with Viktor Krum—sparking Ron”s jealousy, made worse by Hermione”s unexpectedly beautiful appearance at the Ball.The second task requires retrieving something important to each champion that is hidden in Hogwarts” lake; the chief impediment here because they must stay submerged for the time they are underwater without the aid of Muggle scuba gear. As the event is about to begin, Dobby gives Harry gillyweed so he can breathe underwater, and he successfully finds the four “important objects”: Ron, Hermione, Cho and Fleur”s little sister, Gabrielle. Harry stays on the spot to ensure that everyone is rescued, but Fleur never comes; he rescues Gabrielle in addition to Ron, which causes him to lose time but gain points for “moral fibre”. (Diggory and Krum have rescued Cho and Hermione, respectively.)As the remainder of the school year passes, Harry regularly contacts Sirius Black, his godfather, who is on the run for a crime he was wrongfully imprisoned for. One night, Harry and Krum are startled when a dishevelled Mr. Crouch emerges from the forest, mumbling incoherently and demanding to see Dumbledore. Harry runs for help, but when he returns with Dumbledore, they find Krum unconscious and Crouch missing. While waiting in Dumbledore”s office for the headmaster”s return, Harry discovers a Pensieve, a method of storing memories one does not wish to be continually remembering, and enters it. It contains one of Dumbledore”s own memories: that of the trial in which Barty Crouch, Jr, a Death Eater, was sentenced to Azkaban by his own father for torturing Frank and Alice Longbottom (Neville”s parents) into insanity.The third and final task involves navigating a large maze located on the Quidditch Pitch which is filled with magical obstacles. Harry and Cedric successfully navigate the maze, helping each other on the way. They reach the centre together, and agree to grasp the prize simultaneously as the only honourable solution to a tie. Unknown to them, the Cup is actually a portkey that transports them to an old cemetery in Little Hangleton. Peter Pettigrew awaits them, carrying a deformed Lord Voldemort, who orders Pettigrew to “kill the spare” (Cedric). Pettigrew kills Diggory with the Avada Kedavra curse, and gags Harry with a rough kind of material and ties him from head to toe to the Riddle tombstone. He then uses a bone from Voldemort”s father”s grave, some of Harry”s blood, and his own severed hand in a bizarre magical ritual that restores Lord Voldemort to his former powers and a new body.Voldemort summons his Death Eaters by touching Pettigrew”s Dark Mark, and reveals that his servant at Hogwarts ensured that Harry would participate in the tournament, win it, and thus be brought to the graveyard. After giving Pettigrew a new hand made of silver, Voldemort challenges Harry to a el, and punishes Harry with the Cruciatus Curse. Harry tries to disarm Voldemort with the Expelliarmus spell, at exactly the same time as Voldemort uses the deadly Avada Kedavra curse. The two curses meet and interlock, causing an effect called Priori Incantatem to take place. This bond between the wands causes the spirits of Voldemort”s most recent murdered victims, including Cedric Diggory, Bertha Jorkins, James and Lily Potter, and even the Muggle Frank Bryce, to spill out from his wand. The spirit victims provide protection to Harry, allowing him to escape with Diggory”s body and leaving Voldemort behind in a raging anger.After Harry returns to the school grounds through the portkey, Harry is in a terrible state and he refuses to leave Cedric”s body. Amidst the chaos and woe, Moody takes Harry to his office immediately. He reveals that he has been helping Harry throughout the tournament so that Harry would reach the portkey, thereby going to the cemetery so Voldemort could be restored. Moody then attempts to kill Harry himself, but Dumbledore, Severus Snape, and Minerva McGonagall arrive on time; Dumbledore had realised that something was wrong when he saw Moody whisk Harry away from the maze so quickly, and followed them. Dumbledore feeds Moody three drops of Veritaserum, a truth potion, and they discover that “Moody” is actually Barty Crouch, Jr. He has escaped Azkaban and used a Polyjuice Potion to impersonate the real Alastor Moody, who is trapped in a magical trunk. Crouch Jr. entered Harry”s name into the Goblet of Fire, covertly ensuring that Harry completed each difficult task by supplying help one way or another, murdered his own father, transfigured his body into a bone, and buried it. Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge arrives at Hogwarts accompanied by a Dementor. Fudge refuses to believe Dumbledore”s and Harry”s word that Voldemort is back, and orders the Dementor to “kiss” Crouch Jr. as his punishment: Crouch no longer has a soul.Harry is taken to Dumbledore”s office where he reunites with Sirius and he relives his story of his night. He is taken to the hospital wing and is crowned Triwizard Champion and awarded with 1000 galleons. That same night, Dumbledore revives “the old crowd”, seeing Fudge and the Ministry denies the resurrection of Voldemort. Days later, Dumbledore then makes an announcement at the gloomy Leaving Feast, telling everybody about Voldemort and saying to forget would be “an insult to his (Cedric”s) memory.” Harry gives his winnings to Fred and George to start a joke shop and Harry sets off for another summer at the Dursleys”.
【harry potter官网 如何阅读英文版harry potter,harry potter作者】
harry potter官网 如何阅读英文版harry potter,harry potter作者

下定决心背《神探福尔摩斯探案集》英文版对英语学习有没有帮助呀?背英语小说,有故事情节才有激情背下去1、这是缘木求鱼的方法,效果微乎其微,事万倍而功不及其一;2、即使背得滚瓜烂熟,也是聋哑英语,完全不能交流,将错就错的发音使人不知所云,日后纠正起来就会千难万难,信心会随之崩溃毁灭 。死背书是没有语感的!没有语感,如何妙语连珠?脱口而出?如何口若悬河?如若不信,拭目以待吧!等老弟习惯这种自虐、自残、自杀式的学习法后,一辈子就再也没有回头的可能了,所有热情已经葬送,所有的青春已付流水,将会成为一辈子的半吊子:弃之可惜,心有不甘;进之无望,力有不逮 。这种灾难性的后果,其例不胜枚举,你周围的人,99%以上均是如此,包括你的老师定是如此,学了一辈子的英语,一辈子无法运用自如,永远停留在几句课堂英语上,永远恶性循环:脱离字典,无法随心所欲,畅读天文地理、历史文学;有了字典,无法畅所欲言,无法洋洋洒洒、下笔千言 。回头是岸,选用好方法吧,不要自毁一身 。庸医害人,半吊子读书法同样害人!万万不可取! 不要自毁天赋!!不要自毁前途!!只有奇烂无比的英语教师,才会推荐此法!!才会害人害己!!!!!!!!!!!!!
关于英文原版小说有经验的请进~帮助一定是有的,名著的话语法方面就没什么问题,如果像我之前读的the devil wears prada或everyone worth knowing一类的美国作家写的时尚小说的话就很口语化,对英文专业新生来说不是太适用,包括harry potter的语言都太fiction,这些小说只有加强阅读能力和提高英语兴趣的作用 。新词的问题,分享下我的办法吧,我不是英文专业,但是在英语国家读的高中和大学,在国内时不常看英文原版书,但出去后生活中变得全是英文原版书,别的书可以不看,教科书不得不看,开始会碰到新词立即查文曲星,生怕错过了什么重要词汇,后来就“痞”了,因为根本来不及查,老查字典就没时间做题,就硬生生把经常出现的词拼法和根据上下文理解的意思记脑子里,在阅读到后面的时候看到这个词,就把脑子中的记忆翻出来,核对上下文看理解是否有偏差,实在觉得不对的时候再查字典 。知道词的意思后还要在平时说话或写作时多用几次,用错了大不了别人提醒一下你再改过来,反正还是学生,为学习的目的犯点小错也没什么可丢脸的 。其实就像我们刚开始认汉字的时候,我们怎么认的?还不是现强记,后应用?学语言都一个道理,语言是在生活中产生的,当然要在生活中去学习,纠结于一两个词只会止步不前 。我的个人经验而已,不知对于你是否适用 。我看过写得不错的英文名著小说只有pride and prejudice,jane eyre,wuthering heights,也许是对其他作家的文笔不适应,你能觉得很多古典小说很有意思,看来你很有学英文的潜质 。
harry potter官网 如何阅读英文版harry potter,harry potter作者

怎么才能看懂原版外国名著?我觉得要懂得如何挑选自己感兴趣且符合自己阅读能力的书籍 。建议先从阅读英文原版书籍开始,打好基础,然后再去读一些名著 。在词汇量不足的情况下读些名著,那是分分钟想死的节奏…几页下来很可能就把你的阅读兴消磨光了 。像我上小学时的读物以童话寓言故事、短篇文章为主,读得最多的是Roald Dahl的书 。中学时期更多的是畅销小说,像是Mitch Albom、Khaled Hosseini、Stephenie Meyer、Dan Brown、Harry Potter系列等,也读了些许较经典的文学著作 。这时期的阅读量特别大,词汇量扩张的也快, 等到高中接触世界名著的时候也就没有多大的障碍 。这可以说是个循序渐进的过程,存在不同的阶段 。我的习惯是先读原版名著—影视作品—中文译本 。像简·爱、傲慢与偏见、悲惨世界等都有电影版 。我觉得只要你能区分开改编电影和原版书籍的内容差异,这书基本就已经看懂七八成了 。给你做个参考:)
