(包括数组和 Set
或者各种类数组结构都可以是列表)数据的作为系列数据的载体可以说是随处可见了,必然在项目开发中是少不了对列表的处理,或多或少的也会有对列表处理方法的封装,这次我们就来看看有那些常见的列表处理函数。如果你觉得文章对你有所帮助,希望你可以慷慨解囊地给一个赞~List 结构转 Map 结构 这个可以说是最常规的,也是最频繁的处理了,当我们有一系列对象时,经常会遇到根据对象的
来查找对应的对象,当列表比较大或者查找次数比较多的时候,直接使用 Array.find
来查找成本就会很高,于是将其转成 id
作为 key
,对象本身作为 vulue
的 Map 结构了。// prop 指定使用哪个属性的值作为 key
function transformListToMap(list: T[], prop: keyof T) {
const map = {} as Recordif (!prop) return maplist.forEach(item => {
// 这里丢到 String 里规避一下 ts 的类型限制
map[String(item[prop])] = item
})return map
时,那单传一个 prop
// 这是上一期写的 is 系列函数,在文章最底部有链接
import { isDefined, isFunction } from './is'// 第二个参数同时支持传入一个函数,以支持返回任意处理的值作为 key
// 增加第三个参数,拓展支持传入一个函数以处理任意的值作为 value
function transformListToMap(
list: T[],
prop: keyof T | ((item: T) => any),
accessor: (item: T) => K = v => v as any
): Record {
const map = {} as Recordif (!isDefined(prop)) return map// 统一处理成读取函数
const propAccessor = isFunction(prop) ? prop : (item: T) => item[prop]list.forEach(item => {
const key = propAccessor(item)// 防止传入不规范函数出现 null 或 undefined,让其静默失效
if (isDefined(key)) {
map[key] = accessor(item)
})return map
移除 List 中的特定元素 我先贴一段代码,我相信大伙应该没少写过:
const list: any[] = [/* ... */]
const removedId = 'removedId'
const index = list.findIndex(item => item.id === removedId)if (index !== -1) {
list.splice(index, 1)
function removeArrayItem(
array: T[],
item: T | ((item: T) => boolean), // 老样子支持传入一个函数适配复杂情况
isFn = false // 用来指示列表里的元素是否是函数,以适配极少数情况
): T | null {
let index = -1if (isFn || typeof item !== 'function') {
index = array.findIndex(current => current === item)
} else {
index = array.findIndex(item as (item: T) => boolean)
}if (~index) {
return array.splice(index, 1)[0]
}return null
// 在处理上,会直接操作源列表,并返回被移除的元素集合
function removeArrayItems(
array: T[],
items: T | T[] | ((item: T) => boolean),
isFn = false
): T[] {
const multiple = Array.isArray(items)// 针对删除单个元素单独处理
if (!multiple && (isFn || typeof items !== 'function')) {
const index = array.findIndex(current => current === items)if (~index) {
return array.splice(index, 1)
} else {
let filterFn: (item: T) => booleanif (multiple) {
const removedSet = new Set(items)
filterFn = item => removedSet.has(item)
} else {
filterFn = items as (item: T) => boolean
}// 浅克隆源列表,用来遍历处理
const originArray = Array.from(array)
const removedItems: T[] = []// 用源列表来储存删除后的结果以达到直接操作源列表的目的
array.length = 0
originArray.forEach(item => (filterFn(item) ? removedItems : array).push(item))return removedItems
}return []
对 List 中的元素进行归类(GroupBy) 例如有下面这样一组数据:
const list = [
{ type: 'a', name: 'x', count: 10 },
{ type: 'a', name: 'y', count: 11 },
{ type: 'a', name: 'x', count: 12 },
{ type: 'a', name: 'y', count: 13 },
{ type: 'b', name: 'x', count: 14 },
{ type: 'b', name: 'y', count: 15 }
且同 name
的数量进行求和,那这里就会需要我们把数据按照 type
和 name
两个属性进行归类,也就是很经典的 GroupBy 问题了。其实第一个案例的将 List 转 Map 结构本质也是一个 GroupBy 问题,只不过是最简单的一维归类。当然如果我们知道只会根据两个属性进行归类的话,直接用一个两层的 Map 来储存结果是没问题的:
const record = {}arr.forEach(({ type, name, count }) => {
if (!record[type]) {
record[type] = {}
}const typeRecord = record[type]if (!typeRecord[name]) {
typeRecord[name] = 0
}typeRecord[name] += count
})record.a.x // 22
function groupByProps(
list: T[],
// 可以传入一个数组按顺序指定要 groupBy 的属性
props: Array any)> | string | ((item: T) => any) = []
) {
// 如果传入了单个属性或者函数,先统一处理成数组
if (typeof props === 'string' || typeof props === 'function') {
props = [props]
}const propCount = props.length
const zipData: Record = {}for (const item of list) {
// 需要一个变量用来记录当前属性对应的分组层级的 record 对象
// 这里的类型推断需要额外定义不少变量,省事来个 any
let data: anyfor (let i = 0;
i < propCount;
++i) {
const isLast = i === propCount - 1
const prop = props[i]
const value = https://www.it610.com/article/typeof prop ==='function' ? prop(item) : item[prop as keyof T]if (!data) {
if (!zipData[value]) {
// 如果到最后一层时,应该初始化一个数组来储存分组后的结果
zipData[value] = isLast ? [] : {}
}data = https://www.it610.com/article/zipData[value]
} else {
if (!data[value]) {
data[value] = isLast ? [] : {}
}data = data[value]
}return zipData
这个函数返回结果的类型推断目前没想到特别好的办法,只能先用 Record
根据条件对 List 的元素进行排序
import { isObject } from './is'// 支持细粒度定制某个属性的排序规则
interface SortOptions {
key: T,
method?: (prev: any, next: any) => number, // 排序的方法
accessor?: (...args: any[]) => any, // 读取属性的方法
type?: 'asc' | 'desc',
params?: any[] // 传入读取器的额外参数
}// 默认的排序方法
const defaultSortMethod = (prev: any, next: any) => {
if (Number.isNaN(Number(prev) - Number(next))) {
return String(prev).localeCompare(next)
}return prev - next
}function sortByProps(
list: T[],
props: keyof T | SortOptions | (keyof T | SortOptions)[]
) {
if (
!list.sort ||
(isObject(props) && !props.key) ||
!(props as string | SortOptions[]).length
) {
return list
}const sortedList = Array.from(list)if (!Array.isArray(props)) {
props = [props]
}const formattedProps = props
value =>
(typeof value =https://www.it610.com/article/=='string'
? {
key: value,
method: defaultSortMethod,
type: 'asc'
: value) as SortOptions
.map(value => {
if (typeof value.accessor !== 'function') {
value.accessor = (data: T) => data[value.key]
}if (typeof value.method !== 'function') {
value.method = defaultSortMethod
}value.params = Array.isArray(value.params) ? value.params : []return value as Required
})sortedList.sort((prev, next) => {
let lastResult = 0for (const prop of formattedProps) {
const { method, type, accessor, params } = prop
const desc = type === 'desc'
const result = method(accessor(prev, ...params), accessor(next, ...params))lastResult = desc ? -result : result
// 若不为0则无需进行下一层排序
if (lastResult) break
}return lastResult
})return sortedList
List 结构与 Tree 结构的互转 这里引用一下我在两年多前的一篇文章:js将扁平结构数据转换为树形结构
里面解析了将列表数据转树形结构的几种方式,不过是 js 写的,最后的合集会贴上 ts 版本。然后在合集里会付上将树形结构展平成列表结构的方法,采用的是循环取代递归的方式,树展平的使用场景相对较少,就不细说了。
import { isDefined, isObject, isFunction } from './is'/**
* 根据数组元素中某个或多个属性的值转换为映射
* @param list - 需要被转换的数组
* @param prop - 需要被转换的属性或提供一个读取方法
* @param accessor - 映射的值的读取方法,默认返回元素本身
export function transformListToMap(
list: T[],
prop: keyof T | ((item: T) => any),
accessor: (item: T) => K = v => v as any
): Record {
const map = {} as Recordif (!isDefined(prop)) return mapconst propAccessor = isFunction(prop) ? prop : (item: T) => item[prop]list.forEach(item => {
const key = propAccessor(item)if (isDefined(key)) {
map[key] = accessor(item)
})return map
* 移除数组中的某个元素
* @param array - 需要被移除元素的数组
* @param item - 需要被移除的元素, 或一个查找方法,如果元素为函数时则需要做一层简单包装
* @param isFn - 标记数组的元素是否为函数
export function removeArrayItem(
array: T[],
item: T | ((item: T) => boolean),
isFn = false
): T | null {
let index = -1if (isFn || typeof item !== 'function') {
index = array.findIndex(current => current === item)
} else {
index = array.findIndex(item as (item: T) => boolean)
}if (~index) {
return array.splice(index, 1)[0]
}return null
* 移除数组中的某个或多个元素
* @param array - 需要被移除元素的数组
* @param items - 需要被移除的元素, 或一个查找方法
* @param isFn - 标记数组的元素是否为函数
function removeArrayItems(
array: T[],
items: T | T[] | ((item: T) => boolean),
isFn = false
): T[] {
const multiple = Array.isArray(items)if (!multiple && (isFn || typeof items !== 'function')) {
const index = array.findIndex(current => current === items)if (~index) {
return array.splice(index, 1)
} else {
let filterFn: (item: T) => booleanif (multiple) {
const removedSet = new Set(items)
filterFn = item => removedSet.has(item)
} else {
filterFn = items as (item: T) => boolean
}const originArray = Array.from(array)
const removedItems: T[] = []array.length = 0
originArray.forEach(item => (filterFn(item) ? removedItems : array).push(item))return removedItems
}return []
* 按照一定顺序的属性对数据进行分组
* @param list - 需要分数的数据
* @param props - 需要按顺序分组的属性
export function groupByProps(
list: T[],
props: Array any)> | string | ((item: T) => any) = []
): Record {
if (typeof props === 'string' || typeof props === 'function') {
props = [props]
}const propCount = props.length
const zipData: Record = {}for (const item of list) {
let datafor (let i = 0;
i < propCount;
++i) {
const isLast = i === propCount - 1
const prop = props[i]
const value = https://www.it610.com/article/typeof prop ==='function' ? prop(item) : item[prop as keyof T]if (!data) {
if (!zipData[value]) {
zipData[value] = isLast ? [] : {}
}data = https://www.it610.com/article/zipData[value]
} else {
if (!data[value]) {
data[value] = isLast ? [] : {}
}data = data[value]
}return zipData
}export interface TreeOptions {
keyField?: T,
childField?: T,
parentField?: T,
rootId?: any
* 转换扁平结构为树形结构
* @param list - 需要转换的扁平数据
* @param options - 转化配置项
export function transformTree(list: T[], options: TreeOptions = {}) {
const {
keyField = 'id' as keyof T,
childField = 'children' as keyof T,
parentField = 'parent' as keyof T,
rootId = null
} = optionsconst hasRootId = isDefined(rootId) && rootId !== ''
const tree: T[] = []
const record = new Map()for (let i = 0, len = list.length;
i < len;
++i) {
const item = list[i]
const id = item[keyField]if (hasRootId ? id === rootId : !id) {
}if (record.has(id)) {
(item as any)[childField] = record.get(id)!
} else {
(item as any)[childField] = []
record.set(id, (item as any)[childField])
}if (item[parentField] && (!hasRootId || item[parentField] !== rootId)) {
const parentId = item[parentField]if (!record.has(parentId)) {
record.set(parentId, [])
} else {
}return tree
* 转换树形结构为扁平结构
* @param tree - 需要转换的树形数据
* @param options - 转化配置项
export function flatTree(tree: T[], options: TreeOptions = {}) {
const {
keyField = 'id' as keyof T,
childField = 'children' as keyof T,
parentField = 'parent' as keyof T,
rootId = null
} = optionsconst hasRootId = isDefined(rootId) && rootId !== ''
const list: T[] = []
const loop = [...tree]let idCount = 1while (loop.length) {
const item = loop.shift()!let id
let children: any[] = []const childrenValue = https://www.it610.com/article/item[childField]if (Array.isArray(childrenValue) && childrenValue.length) {
children = childrenValue
}if (item[keyField]) {
id = item[keyField]
} else {
id = idCount++
}if (hasRootId ? item[parentField] === rootId : !item[parentField]) {
(item as any)[parentField] = rootId
}for (let i = 0, len = children.length;
i < len;
++i) {
const child = children[i]child[parentField] = id
}return list
}export interface SortOptions {
key: T,
method?: (prev: any, next: any) => number,
accessor?: (...args: any[]) => any,
type?: 'asc' | 'desc',
params?: any[] // 传入读取器的额外参数
}const defaultSortMethod = (prev: any, next: any) => {
if (Number.isNaN(Number(prev) - Number(next))) {
return String(prev).localeCompare(next)
}return prev - next
* 根据依赖的属性逐层排序
* @param list - 需要排序的数组
* @param props - 排序依赖的属性 key-属性名 method-排序方法 accessor-数据获取方法 type-升降序
export function sortByProps(
list: T[],
props: keyof T | SortOptions | (keyof T | SortOptions)[]
) {
if (
!list.sort ||
(isObject(props) && !props.key) ||
!(props as string | SortOptions[]).length
) {
return list
}const sortedList = Array.from(list)if (!Array.isArray(props)) {
props = [props]
}const formattedProps = props
value =>
(typeof value =https://www.it610.com/article/=='string'
? {
key: value,
method: defaultSortMethod,
type: 'asc'
: value) as SortOptions
.map(value => {
if (typeof value.accessor !== 'function') {
value.accessor = (data: T) => data[value.key]
}if (typeof value.method !== 'function') {
value.method = defaultSortMethod
}value.params = Array.isArray(value.params) ? value.params : []return value as Required
})sortedList.sort((prev, next) => {
let lastResult = 0for (const prop of formattedProps) {
const { method, type, accessor, params } = prop
const desc = type === 'desc'
const result = method(accessor(prev, ...params), accessor(next, ...params))lastResult = desc ? -result : result
// 若不为0则无需进行下一层排序
if (lastResult) break
}return lastResult
})return sortedList
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