

  • 记录过程如何进行?
  • 如何使用Recorder.js录制音频
WebRTC跨越式发展。仅使用浏览器, 你就可以录制(但不是全部)访问者麦克风的音频。显然, 此过程需要用户的批准, 这意味着此功能对于在线语言评估等系统非常有用。
在本文中, 我们将向你展示如何使用浏览器中的Recorder.js库来记录麦克风所接收的音频。
记录过程如何进行?要在浏览器中录制音频, 显然需要使用getUserMedia API和AudioContext API访问麦克风, 因此请确保你的浏览器支持这些API。使用Recorder.js, 记录过程非常简单。你需要做的就是请求麦克风, 一旦用户允许访问麦克风, 初始化成功回调中就会收到一个流对象。需要使用AudioContext API实例的createMediaStreamSource方法处理此流。先前的变量应该全局存储, 或者至少在其余功能的范围内可用。
Recorder.js类期望将处理后的流作为第一个参数(即输入)作为第一个参数。使用此Recorder.js实例, 你可以触发开始记录接收到的Audio的record方法, 它将无限期地运行, 直到触发来自同一记录器实例的stop方法为止。同时, 你还需要通过停止先前创建的音频流中的第一个(或所有)音轨实例来停止getUserMedia API
最后一步, 使用记录器实例的exportWAV方法从记录器音频中导出Audio Blob。当使用正确的mimetype指定第二个参数时, exportWAV方法可以以wav和mp3格式导出音频。不要忘记使用记录器的clear方法, 稍后再开始使用新方法。使用生成的Blob, 你可以将其作为音频文件上传到服务器, 使用相同的浏览器或仅在相同的文档中播放。
如何使用Recorder.js录制音频为了使解释尽可能简单, 我们将只编写一个HTML文档来实现前面描述的所有过程。它由2个按钮组成, 即” 开始” 和” 播放” , 它们触发Recorder.js的记录过程。当用户停止录制时, 它将音频轨道附加到带有可下载音频文件的UL列表中, 例如” 2017-07-14T10:43:28.456Z.wav” :
注意除了可以从此处的Github官方存储库下载的recorder.js脚本, 你什么也没有。
< !DOCTYPE html> < html> < head> < meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> < title> Live input record and playback< /title> < style type='text/css'> ul {list-style: none; }#recordingslist audio {display: block; margin-bottom: 10px; }< /style> < /head> < body> < h1> Recorder.js export example< /h1> < p> Make sure you are using a recent version of Google Chrome.< /p> < p> Also before you enable microphone input either plug in headphones or turn the volume down if you want to avoid ear splittingfeedback!< /p> < !-- Draw the action buttons --> < button id="start-btn"> Start recording< /button> < button id="stop-btn" disabled> Stop recording< /button> < !-- List item to store the recording files so they can be played in the browser --> < h2> Stored Recordings< /h2> < ul id="recordingslist"> < /ul> < script> // Expose globally your audio_context, the recorder instance and audio_streamvar audio_context; var recorder; var audio_stream; /*** Patch the APIs for every browser that supports them and check* if getUserMedia is supported on the browser. * */function Initialize() {try {// Monkeypatch for AudioContext, getUserMedia and URLwindow.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia; window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; // Store the instance of AudioContext globallyaudio_context = new AudioContext; console.log('Audio context is ready !'); console.log('navigator.getUserMedia ' + (navigator.getUserMedia ? 'available.' : 'not present!')); } catch (e) {alert('No web audio support in this browser!'); }} /*** Starts the recording process by requesting the access to the microphone.* Then, if granted proceed to initialize the library and store the stream.** It only stops when the method stopRecording is triggered.*/function startRecording() {// Access the Microphone using the navigator.getUserMedia method to obtain a streamnavigator.getUserMedia({ audio: true }, function (stream) {// Expose the stream to be accessible globallyaudio_stream = stream; // Create the MediaStreamSource for the Recorder libraryvar input = audio_context.createMediaStreamSource(stream); console.log('Media stream succesfully created'); // Initialize the Recorder Libraryrecorder = new Recorder(input); console.log('Recorder initialised'); // Start recording !recorder & & recorder.record(); console.log('Recording...'); // Disable Record button and enable stop button !document.getElementById("start-btn").disabled = true; document.getElementById("stop-btn").disabled = false; }, function (e) {console.error('No live audio input: ' + e); }); }/*** Stops the recording process. The method expects a callback as first* argument (function) executed once the AudioBlob is generated and it* receives the same Blob as first argument. The second argument is* optional and specifies the format to export the blob either wav or mp3*/function stopRecording(callback, AudioFormat) {// Stop the recorder instancerecorder & & recorder.stop(); console.log('Stopped recording.'); // Stop the getUserMedia Audio Stream !audio_stream.getAudioTracks()[0].stop(); // Disable Stop button and enable Record button !document.getElementById("start-btn").disabled = false; document.getElementById("stop-btn").disabled = true; // Use the Recorder Library to export the recorder Audio as a .wav file// The callback providen in the stop recording method receives the blobif(typeof(callback) == "function"){/*** Export the AudioBLOB using the exportWAV method.* Note that this method exports too with mp3 if* you provide the second argument of the function*/recorder & & recorder.exportWAV(function (blob) {callback(blob); // create WAV download link using audio data blob// createDownloadLink(); // Clear the Recorder to start again !recorder.clear(); }, (AudioFormat || "audio/wav")); }}// Initialize everything once the window loadswindow.onload = function(){// Prepare and check if requirements are filledInitialize(); // Handle on start recording buttondocument.getElementById("start-btn").addEventListener("click", function(){startRecording(); }, false); // Handle on stop recording buttondocument.getElementById("stop-btn").addEventListener("click", function(){// Use wav formatvar _AudioFormat = "audio/wav"; // You can use mp3 to using the correct mimetype//var AudioFormat = "audio/mpeg"; stopRecording(function(AudioBLOB){// Note:// Use the AudioBLOB for whatever you need, to download// directly in the browser, to upload to the server, you name it !// In this case we are going to add an Audio item to the list so you// can play every stored Audiovar url = URL.createObjectURL(AudioBLOB); var li = document.createElement('li'); var au = document.createElement('audio'); var hf = document.createElement('a'); au.controls = true; au.src = http://www.srcmini.com/url; hf.href = url; // Important:// Change the format of the file according to the mimetype// e.g for audio/wav the extension is .wav //for audio/mpeg (mp3) the extension is .mp3hf.download = new Date().toISOString() +'.wav'; hf.innerHTML = hf.download; li.appendChild(au); li.appendChild(hf); recordingslist.appendChild(li); }, _AudioFormat); }, false); }; < /script> < !-- Include the recorder.js library from a local copy --> < script src="http://www.srcmini.com/recorder.js"> < /script> < /body> < /html>

如果你不知道如何在浏览器中将Blob下载为文件, 则可以阅读这篇文章, 其中介绍了如何轻松实现它。
