
我们在D盘下的data目录下有系统的备份文件,然后以日期命名,我们想通过获取文件的最后 一次修改时间进行获取最新文件,然后进行拷贝





sourcefilespath="D:\\data" \'desfilepath="\\\\x.x.x.x\\Backup\\DataBackup"& ""& Year(date)& -Month(date)& -Day(date)& "  "& Hour(time)& -Minute(time)& "\\" desfilepath="D:\\dbbackup\\"& ""& Year(date)& -Month(date)& -Day(date)& "  "& Hour(time)& -Minute(time)& "\\" Set  dic=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set  fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If  Not  fso.FolderExists(desfilepath)  Then fso.CreateFolder  desfilepathEnd  IfbackFolderPath=GetLastModify(sourcefilespath) fso.CopyFile  backFolderPath,desfilepath& fso.GetFileName(backFolderPath) msgbox  "Finish"\'\'移动文件 Function  MoveFiles(yPath,sPath) On  Error  Resume  Next Dim  folder,Files,File,subFolder,subFolders Set  fso  =  createobject("scripting.FileSystemObject") Set  Folder  =  fso.getFolder(yPath) Set  Files  =  Folder.Files \'msgbox  yPath  &   sPaht For  Each  File  In  Files fso.MoveFile  File,sPath& "\\" \'msgbox  File Next Set  subFolder  =  Folder.SubFolders For  Each  subFolders  In  subFolder folderTemp  =  Split(subFolders,"\\") FolderName=FolderTemp(ubound(folderTemp)) fso.createFolder(sPath& "\\"& FolderName) MoveFiles  subFolders,sPath& "\\"& FolderName& "\\" fso.DeleteFolder  subFolders Next End  FunctionFunction  GetLastModify(folder)         Set  fso  =  createobject("scripting.FileSystemObject")                      Set  Folder=fso.getFolder(folder)         Set  subFolders  =  Folder.Files         nowdate=  Now         For  Each  subFolder  In  subFolders                 dic.Add  datediff("s",subFolder.DateLastModified,nowdate),subFolder.path         Next                        NumArray=dic.Keys         bn  =  NumArray(0)                      For  Each  nn  In  NumArray                 If  bn  > =  nn  Then                         bn  =  nn                 End  If         Next         GetLastModify  =  dic.Item(bn) End  FunctionFunction  fSortArray(aSortThisArray) Dim  oArrayList,  iElement Set  oArrayList  =  CreateObject(  "System.Collections.ArrayList"  ) For  iElement  =  0  To  UBound(aSortThisArray) oArrayList.Add  aSortThisArray(iElement) Next oArrayList.Sort set  fSortArray  =  oArrayList End  Function\'\'拷贝文件 Function  CopyFiles(yPath,sPath) On  Error  Resume  Next Dim  folder,Files,File,subFolder,subFolders Set  fso  =  createobject("scripting.FileSystemObject") Set  Folder  =  fso.getFolder(yPath) Set  Files  =  Folder.Files \'msgbox  yPath  &   sPaht For  Each  File  In  Files fso.copyFile  File,sPath& "\\" \'msgbox  File Next Set  subFolder  =  Folder.SubFolders For  Each  subFolders  In  subFolder folderTemp  =  Split(subFolders,"\\") FolderName=FolderTemp(ubound(folderTemp)) fso.createFolder(sPath& "\\"& FolderName) CopyFiles  subFolders,sPath& "\\"& FolderName& "\\" \'fso.DeleteFolder  subFolders Next End  Function





sourcefilespath="D:\\test" \'desfilepath="\\\\\\Backup\\DataBackup"& ""& Year(date)& -Month(date)& -Day(date)& " "& Hour(time)& -Minute(time)& "\\" desfilepath="e:\\data1\\"& ""& Year(date)& -Month(date)& -Day(date)& " "& Hour(time)& -Minute(time)& "\\" Set  dic=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set  fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If  Not  fso.FolderExists(desfilepath)  Then fso.CreateFolder  desfilepath   End  If   backFolderPath=GetLastModify(sourcefilespath) fso.CopyFile backFolderPath,desfilepath& fso.GetFileName(backFolderPath) msgbox  "Finish"   sourcefilespath2="D:\\test2" \'desfilepath="\\\\\\Backup\\DataBackup"& ""& Year(date)& -Month(date)& -Day(date)& " "& Hour(time)& -Minute(time)& "\\" desfilepath2="e:\\data2\\"& ""& Year(date)& -Month(date)& -Day(date)& " "& Hour(time)& -Minute(time)& "\\" Set  dic=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set  fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If  Not  fso.FolderExists(desfilepath2)  Then fso.CreateFolder  desfilepath2   End  If   backFolderPath=GetLastModify(sourcefilespath2) fso.CopyFile backFolderPath,desfilepath2& fso.GetFileName(backFolderPath) msgbox  "Finish"   \'\'移动文件 Function  MoveFiles(yPath,sPath) On  Error  Resume  Next Dim  folder,Files,File,subFolder,subFolders Set  fso  = createobject("scripting.FileSystemObject") Set  Folder  =  fso.getFolder(yPath) Set  Files  =  Folder.Files \'msgbox  yPath  &   sPaht For  Each  File  In  Files fso.MoveFile  File,sPath& "\\" \'msgbox  File Next Set  subFolder  =  Folder.SubFolders For  Each  subFolders  In  subFolder folderTemp  =  Split(subFolders,"\\") FolderName=FolderTemp(ubound(folderTemp)) fso.createFolder(sPath& "\\"& FolderName) MoveFiles subFolders,sPath& "\\"& FolderName& "\\" fso.DeleteFolder  subFolders Next End  Function     Function  GetLastModify(folder)         Set  fso  = createobject("scripting.FileSystemObject")                    Set Folder=fso.getFolder(folder)         Set  subFolders  = Folder.Files         nowdate=  Now         For  Each  subFolder  In subFolders                 dic.Add datediff("s",subFolder.DateLastModified,nowdate),subFolder.path         Next                      NumArray=dic.Keys         bn  =  NumArray(0)                    For  Each  nn  In  NumArray                 If  bn  > =  nn  Then                         bn  =  nn                 End  If         Next         GetLastModify  = dic.Item(bn) End  Function   Function  fSortArray(aSortThisArray) Dim  oArrayList,  iElement Set  oArrayList  =  CreateObject( "System.Collections.ArrayList"  ) For  iElement  =  0  To  UBound(aSortThisArray) oArrayList.Add  aSortThisArray(iElement) Next oArrayList.Sort set  fSortArray  =  oArrayList End  Function   \'\'拷贝文件 Function  CopyFiles(yPath,sPath) On  Error  Resume  Next Dim  folder,Files,File,subFolder,subFolders Set  fso  = createobject("scripting.FileSystemObject") Set  Folder  =  fso.getFolder(yPath) Set  Files  =  Folder.Files \'msgbox  yPath  &   sPaht For  Each  File  In  Files fso.copyFile  File,sPath& "\\" \'msgbox  File Next Set  subFolder  =  Folder.SubFolders For  Each  subFolders  In  subFolder folderTemp  =  Split(subFolders,"\\") FolderName=FolderTemp(ubound(folderTemp)) fso.createFolder(sPath& "\\"& FolderName) CopyFiles subFolders,sPath& "\\"& FolderName& "\\" \'fso.DeleteFolder  subFolders Next End  Function

sourcefilespath  =  Array("D:\\data"  ,  "D:\\data2") desfilepath  =  Array("D:\\dbbackup\\"& ""& Year(date)& -Month(date)& -Day(date)& "  "& Hour(time)& -Minute(time)& "\\"  ,  "D:\\dbbackup\\"& ""& Year(date)& -Month(date)& -Day(date)& "  "& Hour(time)& -Minute(time)& "\\") Set  dic=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Set  fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") For  Each  destfold  In  desfilepath If  Not  fso.FolderExists(desfilepath)  Then fso.CreateFolder  desfilepath End  If Next WScript.Quit For  Each  srcfile  In  sourcefilespath backFolderPath=GetLastModify(srcfile) For  Each  destfold  In  desfilepath fso.CopyFile  backFolderPath,destfold& fso.GetFileName(destfold) next next msgbox  "Finish" \'\'移动文件 Function  MoveFiles(yPath,sPath) On  Error  Resume  Next Dim  folder,Files,File,subFolder,subFolders Set  fso  =  createobject("scripting.FileSystemObject") Set  Folder  =  fso.getFolder(yPath) Set  Files  =  Folder.Files \'msgbox  yPath  &   sPaht For  Each  File  In  Files fso.MoveFile  File,sPath& "\\" \'msgbox  File Next Set  subFolder  =  Folder.SubFolders For  Each  subFolders  In  subFolder folderTemp  =  Split(subFolders,"\\") FolderName=FolderTemp(ubound(folderTemp)) fso.createFolder(sPath& "\\"& FolderName) MoveFiles  subFolders,sPath& "\\"& FolderName& "\\" fso.DeleteFolder  subFolders Next End  Function Function  GetLastModify(folder)         Set  fso  =  createobject("scripting.FileSystemObject")                      Set  Folder=fso.getFolder(folder)         Set  subFolders  =  Folder.Files         nowdate=  Now         For  Each  subFolder  In  subFolders                 dic.Add  datediff("s",subFolder.DateLastModified,nowdate),subFolder.path         Next                        NumArray=dic.Keys         bn  =  NumArray(0)                      For  Each  nn  In  NumArray                 If  bn  > =  nn  Then                         bn  =  nn                 End  If         Next         GetLastModify  =  dic.Item(bn) End  Function Function  fSortArray(aSortThisArray) Dim  oArrayList,  iElement Set  oArrayList  =  CreateObject(  "System.Collections.ArrayList"  ) For  iElement  =  0  To  UBound(aSortThisArray) oArrayList.Add  aSortThisArray(iElement) Next oArrayList.Sort set  fSortArray  =  oArrayList End  Function \'\'拷贝文件 Function  CopyFiles(yPath,sPath) On  Error  Resume  Next Dim  folder,Files,File,subFolder,subFolders Set  fso  =  createobject("scripting.FileSystemObject") Set  Folder  =  fso.getFolder(yPath) Set  Files  =  Folder.Files \'msgbox  yPath  &   sPaht For  Each  File  In  Files fso.copyFile  File,sPath& "\\" \'msgbox  File Next Set  subFolder  =  Folder.SubFolders For  Each  subFolders  In  subFolder folderTemp  =  Split(subFolders,"\\") FolderName=FolderTemp(ubound(folderTemp)) fso.createFolder(sPath& "\\"& FolderName) CopyFiles  subFolders,sPath& "\\"& FolderName& "\\" \'fso.DeleteFolder  subFolders Next End  Function

