
我已经建立了一个网站” http://digitalsolutionscare.com/localbantu” , 在其中我使用了一个名为” tourmaster” 的插件。现在, 我想在登录时更改登录页面详细信息以及重定向URL。登录页面URL是” http://digitalsolutionscare.com/localbantu/?tourmaster-login” 。目前, 它正在重定向到个人资料页面, 但我想将其更改为主页。
我找到了登录的单个页面, 但没有帮助。请帮助我找到确切的代码。

< ?php /** * The template for displaying login page */ nocache_headers(); // reset password action if( !empty($_GET['action']) & & $_GET['action'] == 'rp' ){ list($rp_path) = explode('?', wp_unslash( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); $rp_cookie = 'wp-resetpass-' . COOKIEHASH; if( isset($_GET['key']) ){ $value = http://www.srcmini.com/sprintf('%s:%s', wp_unslash($_GET['login']), wp_unslash($_GET['key'])); setcookie($rp_cookie, $value, 0, $rp_path, COOKIE_DOMAIN, is_ssl(), true); wp_safe_redirect(remove_query_arg(array('key'))); exit; }if( isset($_COOKIE[$rp_cookie]) & & 0 < strpos($_COOKIE[$rp_cookie], ':') ){ list($rp_login, $rp_key) = explode(':', wp_unslash($_COOKIE[ $rp_cookie ]), 2); $user = check_password_reset_key($rp_key, $rp_login); if( isset($_POST['pass1']) & & !hash_equals($rp_key, $_POST['rp_key']) ){ $user = false; } }else{ $user = false; }if( !$user || is_wp_error($user) ){ setcookie( $rp_cookie, ' ', time() - YEAR_IN_SECONDS, $rp_path, COOKIE_DOMAIN, is_ssl(), true ); if( $user & & $user-> get_error_code() === 'expired_key' ){ $rp_key_error = 'expired_key'; }else{ $rp_key_error = 'invalid_key'; } }else{$errors = new WP_Error(); if( isset($_POST['pass1']) & & $_POST['pass1'] != $_POST['pass2'] ){ $errors-> add('password_reset_mismatch', esc_html__( 'The passwords do not match.', 'tourmaster')); }do_action('validate_password_reset', $errors, $user); if( (!$errors-> get_error_code()) & & isset($_POST['pass1']) & & !empty($_POST['pass1']) ){ reset_password($user, $_POST['pass1']); setcookie($rp_cookie, ' ', time() - YEAR_IN_SECONDS, $rp_path, COOKIE_DOMAIN, is_ssl(), true); $rp_success = true; }else{ $rp_error = $errors-> get_error_message(); } } } // // reset password actionget_header(); echo '< div class="tourmaster-template-wrapper" > '; echo '< div class="tourmaster-container" > '; echo '< div class="tourmaster-page-content tourmaster-' . (empty($_GET['action'])? 'login': $_GET['action']) . '-template-contenttourmaster-item-pdlr" > '; /////////////////////////// // login page /////////////////////////// if( empty($_GET['action']) ){ if( !empty($_GET['status']) & & $_GET['status'] == 'login_incorrect' ){ echo '< div class="tourmaster-notification-box tourmaster-failure" > '; echo esc_html__('Invalid username, email address or incorrect password.', 'tourmaster'); echo '< /div> '; }tourmaster_get_login_form(); /////////////////////////// // lost password page /////////////////////////// }else if( $_GET['action'] == 'lostpassword' ){ if( !empty($_GET['status']) & & $_GET['status'] == 'login_incorrect' ){ echo '< div class="tourmaster-notification-box tourmaster-failure" > '; echo esc_html__('Invalid username or email.', 'tourmaster'); echo '< /div> '; } ?> < form class="tourmaster-lost-password-form tourmaster-form-field tourmaster-with-border" method="post" action="< ?php echo esc_url(network_site_url('wp-login.php?action=lostpassword', 'login_post')); ?> " > < p class="tourmaster-lost-password-user"> < label> < ?php echo esc_html__('Username or E-mail:', 'tourmaster'); ?> < /label> < input type="text" name="user_login" /> < /p> < div class="clear"> < /div> < ?php do_action('lostpassword_form'); ?> < p class="tourmaster-lost-password-submit" > < input type="submit" class="tourmaster-button" value="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_html__('Get New Password', 'tourmaster'); ?> " /> < /p> < input type="hidden" name="source"value="http://www.srcmini.com/tm" /> < /form> < ?php/////////////////////////// // reset password page /////////////////////////// }else if( $_GET['action'] == 'rp' ){if( !empty($rp_key_error) ){ echo '< div class="tourmaster-notification-box tourmaster-failure" > '; if( $rp_key_error == 'invalid_key' ){ esc_html_e('Your password reset link appears to be invalid. Please request a new link below.', 'tourmaster'); }else if( $rp_key_error == 'expired_key' ){ esc_html_e('Your password reset link has expired. Please request a new link below.', 'tourmaster'); } echo '< /div> '; echo '< p> < a href="' . add_query_arg(array('source'=> 'tm'), wp_lostpassword_url()) . '" > '; echo esc_html__('Forget Password?', 'tourmaster'); echo '< /a> < /p> '; }else{if( !empty($rp_success) ){ echo '< div class="tourmaster-notification-box" > '; echo esc_html__('Your password has been reset.', 'tourmaster'); echo '< /div> '; echo '< p> < a href="' . tourmaster_get_template_url('login') . '" > '; echo esc_html__('Sign in to your account.', 'tourmaster'); echo '< /a> < /p> '; }else{ //wp_enqueue_script('utils'); wp_enqueue_script('user-profile'); if( !empty($rp_error) ){ echo '< div class="tourmaster-notification-box tourmaster-failure" > ' . $rp_error . '< /div> '; }$pre_generate_pass = wp_generate_password(16); ?> < form class="tourmaster-reset-password-form tourmaster-form-field tourmaster-with-border" method="post" autocomplete="off" > < div class="tourmaster-reset-password-new" > < label> < ?php esc_html_e('New password', 'tourmaster') ?> < /label> < input name="pass1" id="pass1" class="input" type="password" value="" data-pw="< ?php echo esc_attr($pre_generate_pass); ?> " autocomplete="off" data-reveal="1" aria-describedby="pass-strength-result" /> < div id="pass-strength-result" aria-live="polite" > < ?php esc_html_e('Strength indicator', 'tourmaster'); ?> < /div> < /div> < p class="tourmaster-reset-password-confirm" > < label> < ?php esc_html_e('Confirm new password', 'tourmaster') ?> < /label> < input type="password" name="pass2" id="pass2" value="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_attr($pre_generate_pass); ?>" autocomplete="off" /> < /p> < p class="tourmaster-reset-password-hint"> < ?php echo wp_get_password_hint(); ?> < /p> < ?php do_action( 'resetpass_form', $user ); ?> < p class="tourmaster-reset-password-submit"> < input type="submit" name="wp-submit" class="tourmaster-button" value="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php esc_attr_e('Reset Password'); ?> " /> < /p> < input type="hidden" name="rp_key" value="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_attr( $rp_key ); ?>" /> < input type="hidden" id="user_login" value="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_attr($rp_login); ?>" autocomplete="off" /> < /form> < ?php } }}echo '< /div> '; // tourmaster-page-content echo '< /div> '; // tourmaster-container echo '< /div> '; // tourmaster-template-wrapperget_footer(); ?>

#1【如何查找和编辑登录的” php页面” 以及更改详细信息】尝试将login_redirect添加到functions.php文件中
