作用:在一个网段的 多个网关之间,形成一个虚拟路由器,从而实现增强网关的稳定性。
原理:在多个真实的网关(接口)上运行VRRP 以后,多个网关之间会互相发送VRRP的(通告)报文,从而进行网关设备角色的选举。
backup: 备份网关
平时不转发用户数据, 仅仅是监控(被动监控)主网关设备的状态。

  • VRRP路由
  • VRRP组
  • 虚拟MAC地址
  • 优先级
  1. Master选举:从VRRP组中选举一个Master,其余为Backup。
  2. 各设备协调工作:Master负责虚拟路由器的工作,Backup负责监听Master的状态。
  3. 故障转移:Master出现故障,回到步骤1。 VRRP状态机VRRP协议的状态共有三种, 分别为初始状态(Initialize)、活动状态(Master)、备份状态(Backup)。
    ::: hljs-center


  1. Initialize(初始状态): 设备启动时进入此状态,当收到接口 Startup的消息,将转入Backup或Master状态(IP地址拥有者的接口优先级为255,直接转为Master)。在此状态时,不会对VRRP报**任何处理。
  2. Master(活动状态):此状态的路由器会 定期发送 VRRP报文。以虚拟MAC地址响应对虚拟IP地址的ARP请求。转发目的MAC地址为虚拟MAC地址的IP报文。 如果它是虚拟 IP地址的拥有者,则接收目的IP地址为这个虚拟IP地址的IP报文。否则,丢弃这个IP报文。
  3. Backup(备状态):此状态的路由器会接收Master发送的VRRP报文,判断Master的状态是否正常。它对虚拟IP地址的ARP请求,不做响应。且丢弃目的MAC地址为虚拟MAC地址的IP报文。丢弃目的IP地址为虚拟IP地址的IP报文。
VRRP配置实验::: hljs-center


< Huawei> sys Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z. [Huawei]un in en Info: Information center is disabled. [Huawei]us [Huawei]user-in [Huawei]user-interface con [Huawei]user-interface console 0 [Huawei-ui-console0]i [Huawei-ui-console0]idle-timeout 0 0 [Huawei-ui-console0]q [Huawei]sys R1 [R1]int g0/0/0 [R1-GigabitEthernet0/0/0]ip add 24 [R1-GigabitEthernet0/0/0]un shu Info: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0 is not shutdown. [R1-GigabitEthernet0/0/0]int g0/0/1 [R1-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]ip add 24 [R1-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]un shu Info: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1 is not shutdown. [R1-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]q [R1]int l [R1]int LoopBack 1 [R1-LoopBack1]ip add 24 [R1-LoopBack1]q [R1]dis ip br ^ Error: Unrecognized command found at \'^\' position. [R1]dis ip int b [R1]dis ip int brief *down: administratively down ^down: standby (l): loopback (s): spoofing The number of interface that is UP in Physical is 4 The number of interface that is DOWN in Physical is 1 The number of interface that is UP in Protocol is 4 The number of interface that is DOWN in Protocol is 1InterfaceIP Address/MaskPhysicalProtocol GigabitEthernet0/0/ GigabitEthernet0/0/ GigabitEthernet0/0/2unassigneddowndown LoopBack130.0.0.1/24upup(s) NULL0unassignedupup(s) [R1]q < R1> sa The current configuration will be written to the device. Are you sure to continue? (y/n)[n]:y It will take several minutes to save configuration file, please wait....... Configuration file had been saved successfully Note: The configuration file will take effect after being activated < R1>

< Huawei> sys Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z. [Huawei]un in en Info: Information center is disabled. [Huawei]us [Huawei]user-in [Huawei]user-interface con [Huawei]user-interface console 0 [Huawei-ui-console0]i [Huawei-ui-console0]idle-timeout 0 0 [Huawei-ui-console0]q [Huawei]sys SW1 [SW1]v b 10 20 Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done. [SW1]int e0/0/1 [SW1-Ethernet0/0/1]p l a [SW1-Ethernet0/0/1]p d v 10 [SW1-Ethernet0/0/1]un shu Info: Interface Ethernet0/0/1 is not shutdown. [SW1-Ethernet0/0/1]int e0/0/2 [SW1-Ethernet0/0/2]p l a [SW1-Ethernet0/0/2]p d v 20 [SW1-Ethernet0/0/2]un shu Info: Interface Ethernet0/0/2 is not shutdown. [SW1-Ethernet0/0/2]int e0/0/3 [SW1-Ethernet0/0/3]p l t [SW1-Ethernet0/0/3]p t a v a [SW1-Ethernet0/0/3] [SW1-Ethernet0/0/3]int e0/0/4 [SW1-Ethernet0/0/4]p l t [SW1-Ethernet0/0/4]p t a v a [SW1-Ethernet0/0/4]un shu Info: Interface Ethernet0/0/4 is not shutdown. [SW1-Ethernet0/0/4]int e0/0/3 [SW1-Ethernet0/0/3]un shu Info: Interface Ethernet0/0/3 is not shutdown. [SW1-Ethernet0/0/3]q [SW1]q < SW1> sa The current configuration will be written to the device. Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]y Info: Please input the file name ( *.cfg, *.zip ) [vrpcfg.zip]: Now saving the current configuration to the slot 0. Save the configuration successfully. < SW1>

< Huawei> sys Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z. [Huawei]un in en Info: Information center is disabled. [Huawei]us [Huawei]user-in [Huawei]user-interface con [Huawei]user-interface console 0 [Huawei-ui-console0]i [Huawei-ui-console0]idle-timeout 0 0 [Huawei-ui-console0]q [Huawei]sys SW2 [SW2]v b 10 20 100 Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done. [SW2]int g0/0/1 [SW2-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]p l t [SW2-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]p t a v a [SW2-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]un shu Info: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1 is not shutdown. [SW2-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]dis th # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1 port link-type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan 2 to 4094 # return [SW2-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]int g0/0/2 [SW2-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]p l a [SW2-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]p d v 100 [SW2-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]un shu Info: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2 is not shutdown. [SW2-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]dis th # interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2 port link-type access port default vlan 100 # return [SW2-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]q [SW2]int v [SW2]int Vlanif 10 [SW2-Vlanif10]ip add 24 [SW2-Vlanif10]un shu Info: Interface Vlanif10 is not shutdown. [SW2-Vlanif10]int Vlanif 20 [SW2-Vlanif20]ip add 24 [SW2-Vlanif20]un shu Info: Interface Vlanif20 is not shutdown. [SW2-Vlanif20]int v [SW2-Vlanif20]int vl [SW2-Vlanif20]int vl [SW2-Vlanif20]int vlanif 100 [SW2-Vlanif100]ip add 24 [SW2-Vlanif100]un shu Info: Interface Vlanif100 is not shutdown. [SW2-Vlanif100]q [SW2]int v [SW2]int Vlanif 10 [SW2-Vlanif10]vrr [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp v [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 vi [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 virtual-ip [SW2-Vlanif10]vrr [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp v [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 p [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 pri [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 priority 120 [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp v [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 pr [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 pree [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 preempt-mode ti [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 preempt-mode timer de [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 preempt-mode timer delay 3 [SW2-Vlanif10]vr [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrpv [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp v [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 t [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 tr [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 track int [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 track interface g0/0/2 re [SW2-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 track interface g0/0/2 reduced 30 [SW2-Vlanif10]q [SW2]int vl [SW2]int Vlanif 20 [SW2-Vlanif20]vrr [SW2-Vlanif20]vrrp v [SW2-Vlanif20]vrrp vrid 20 vi [SW2-Vlanif20]vrrp vrid 20 virtual-ip [SW2-Vlanif20]q [SW2]q < SW2> sa The current configuration will be written to the device. Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]y Info: Please input the file name ( *.cfg, *.zip ) [vrpcfg.zip]: Now saving the current configuration to the slot 0. Save the configuration successfully. < SW2>

< Huawei> sys Enter system view, return user view with Ctrl+Z. [Huawei]un in en Info: Information center is disabled. [Huawei]us [Huawei]user-in [Huawei]user-interface con [Huawei]user-interface console 0 [Huawei-ui-console0]i [Huawei-ui-console0]idle-timeout 0 0 [Huawei-ui-console0]q [Huawei]sys SW3 [SW3]int g0/0/1 [SW3-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]q [SW3]v b 10 20 100 Info: This operation may take a few seconds. Please wait for a moment...done. [SW3]int g0/0/1 [SW3-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]p l a [SW3-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]p t a v a ^ Error:Ambiguous command found at \'^\' position. [SW3-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]p l t [SW3-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]p t a v a [SW3-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]int g0/0/2 [SW3-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]p l a [SW3-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]p d v 100 [SW3-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]un shu Info: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0/2 is not shutdown. [SW3-GigabitEthernet0/0/2]q [SW3]int v [SW3]int Vlanif 10 [SW3-Vlanif10]ip add 24 [SW3-Vlanif10]un shu Info: Interface Vlanif10 is not shutdown. [SW3-Vlanif10]int Vlanif 20 [SW3-Vlanif20]ip add 24 [SW3-Vlanif20]un shu Info: Interface Vlanif20 is not shutdown. [SW3-Vlanif20]int vlan [SW3-Vlanif20]int vlanif 100 [SW3-Vlanif100]ip add 24 [SW3-Vlanif100]un shu Info: Interface Vlanif100 is not shutdown. [SW3-Vlanif100]di inbr PHY: Physical *down: administratively down (l): loopback (s): spoofing (b): BFD down (e): ETHOAM down (dl): DLDP down (d): Dampening Suppressed InUti/OutUti: input utility/output utility InterfacePHYProtocol InUti OutUtiinErrorsoutErrors GigabitEthernet0/0/1upup0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/2upup0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/3downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/4downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/5downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/6downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/7downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/8downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/9downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/10downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/11downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/12downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/13downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/14downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/15downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/16downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/17downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/18downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/19downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/20downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/21downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/22downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/23downdown0%0%00 GigabitEthernet0/0/24downdown0%0%00 MEth0/0/1downdown0%0%00 NULL0upup(s)0%0%00 Vlanif1updown----00 Vlanif10upup----00 Vlanif20upup----00 Vlanif100upup----00 [SW3-Vlanif100]q [SW3]int v [SW3]int Vlanif 10 [SW3-Vlanif10]vrr [SW3-Vlanif10]vrrp v [SW3-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 v [SW3-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 virtual-ip [SW3-Vlanif10]vr [SW3-Vlanif10]vrrp v [SW3-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 p [SW3-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 pri [SW3-Vlanif10]vrrp vrid 10 priority 115 [SW3-Vlanif10]q [SW3]in [SW3]int [SW3]int vl [SW3]int Vlanif 20 [SW3-Vlanif20]vrr [SW3-Vlanif20]vrrp v [SW3-Vlanif20]vrrp vrid 20 v [SW3-Vlanif20]vrrp vrid 20 virtual-ip [SW3-Vlanif20]v [SW3-Vlanif20]vrrp v [SW3-Vlanif20]vrrp vrid 20 pri [SW3-Vlanif20]vrrp vrid 20 priority 120 [SW3-Vlanif20]v [SW3-Vlanif20]vrrp v [SW3-Vlanif20]vrrp vrid 20 tr [SW3-Vlanif20]vrrp vrid 20 track in [SW3-Vlanif20]vrrp vrid 20 track interface g0/0/2 re [SW3-Vlanif20]vrrp vrid 20 track interface g0/0/2 reduced 30 [SW3-Vlanif20]q [SW3]dis vr [SW3]dis vrrp Vlanif10 | Virtual Router 10 State : Backup Virtual IP : Master IP : PriorityRun : 115 PriorityConfig : 115 MasterPriority : 120 Preempt : YESDelay Time : 0 s TimerRun : 1 s TimerConfig : 1 s Auth type : NONE Virtual MAC : 0000-5e00-010a Check TTL : YES Config type : normal-vrrp Create time : 2021-10-19 15:32:11 UTC-08:00 Last change time : 2021-10-19 15:32:11 UTC-08:00Vlanif20 | Virtual Router 20 State : Master Virtual IP : Master IP : PriorityRun : 120 PriorityConfig : 120 MasterPriority : 120 Preempt : YESDelay Time : 0 s TimerRun : 1 s TimerConfig : 1 s Auth type : NONE Virtual MAC : 0000-5e00-0114 Check TTL : YES Config type : normal-vrrp Track IF : GigabitEthernet0/0/2Priority reduced : 30 IF state : UP Create time : 2021-10-19 15:32:51 UTC-08:00 Last change time : 2021-10-19 15:33:03 UTC-08:00[SW3]q < SW3> sa The current configuration will be written to the device. Are you sure to continue?[Y/N]y Info: Please input the file name ( *.cfg, *.zip ) [vrpcfg.zip]: Now saving the current configuration to the slot 0. Save the configuration successfully. < SW3>
