我已经创建了带有属性的简码(在google的帮助下), 但是它不会更改属性值。我已经用谷歌搜索了很多这个问题, 但是没有找到解决方案。
function infobox_shortcode( $atts ) {$array = shortcode_atts(
'Background' =>
'rgba(45, 90, 171, 0.1)', 'Border' =>
'rgba(45, 90, 171, 0.5)', 'Color' =>
'#2561ea', ), $atts
return "<
div class='note' style='background-color:{$array['Background']};
span class='note-icon'>
i class='ti ti-info'>
span class='ml-2'>
Want to use this template in Shopify, WordPress or other platform?
add_shortcode( 'InfoBox', 'infobox_shortcode' );
【WP add_shortcode属性未更改属性值】我在主题的index.php页面中这样称呼它:
?= do_shortcode('[InfoBox Background="red"]');
但这并没有改变背景属性的值, 我不知道我要去哪里。如果有人帮助我, 那会有所帮助。
'background' =>
'rgba(45, 90, 171, 0.1)', 'border' =>
'rgba(45, 90, 171, 0.5)', 'color' =>
Here, some changes in code. Try this one, may this will give you solution or idea about your issue..<
function infobox_shortcode( $atts ) {$array = shortcode_atts(
'background' =>
'rgba(45, 90, 171, 0.1)', 'border' =>
'rgba(45, 90, 171, 0.5)', 'color' =>
'#2561ea', ), $atts);
// Remove, when you are fine with your atts!
return 'Hello, World: '.$atts['background'];
//Remove, when you are fine with your expected output! $html = '<
div class="note" style="background-color:{"'.$atts['background'].'"};
span class="note-icon">
i class="ti ti-info">
span class="ml-2">
Want to use this template in Shopify, WordPress or other platform?<
return $html;
}add_shortcode( 'InfoBox', 'infobox_shortcode' );
function infobox_shortcode($atts, $content = null)
{$a = shortcode_atts(array(
'background' =>
'rgba(45, 90, 171, 0.1)', 'border' =>
'rgba(45, 90, 171, 0.5)', 'color' =>
'#2561ea', ), $atts);
$content = ($content) ? $content : 'Want to use this template in Shopify, WordPress or other platform?';
$output = '<
div class="note" style="background-color: ' . $a['background'] . ';
border: ' . $a['border'] . ';
color: ' . $a['color'] . ';
$output .= '<
span class="note-icon">
i class="ti ti-info">
$output .= '<
span class="ml-2">
$output .= $content;
$output .= '<
$output .= '<
return $output;
}add_shortcode('InfoBox', 'infobox_shortcode');
#4这是我的错误, 我使用这样的大写字母创建属性
'Background' =>
'rgba(45, 90, 171, 0.1)',
但这应该是小写字母, 并且现在可以使用了。
'background' =>
'rgba(45, 90, 171, 0.1)',
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