
我列出了所有产品的产品页面, 所有产品都有添加按钮, 单击它们应将会话数组中与产品相关的数据提取到购物车页面中, 并像woocommmerce一样显示在购物车页面中。
在评论中, 我已经解释了有关代码的所有内容:

< ?php global $wpdb; $result = $wpdb-> get_results ( "SELECT * from wp_product_category"); //Select all data from wp_product_category which is item_id and category columns. //main loop foreach ( $result as $print){ // loop the wp_product_category table. $cat = $print-> item_id; ?> //pick item_id store in $cat variable. < button class="collapsible"> < ?=$print-> category?> < /button> //show the category name in accordion through loop. < div class="content"> < table border="1"> // table is start here. < tr> < th> Item_ID< /th> < th> Item Description< /th> // three columns of table < th> Packing Size< /th> < th> Cart< /th> //Custom column for add to cart button. < /tr> < ?php $result1 = $wpdb-> get_results ( "SELECT * FROM wp_productlist where category_id = $cat "); //Select everthing from wp_productlist tabl where category_id = $cat. (above $cat= item_id). foreach ( $result1 as $print1 ){ //Nested loop to show data under category in tables.echo '< tr> '; echo '< td> '. $print1-> item_id.'< /td> '; echo '< td> '. $print1-> Item_Description.'< /td> '; // showing data from wp_productlist echo '< td> '. $print1-> Packing.'< /td> '; echo '< td> < form method="post"> < input type="submit" name="add" href="http://www.srcmini.com/$print1-> item_id" value="http://www.srcmini.com/ADD"> < /form> < /td> '; // add to cart button its not taking id to cart page. echo '< /tr> '; } echo '< /tr> '; ?> < /table> //table end here < /div> < ?php } if (isset($_POST['add'])) // when press add to cart button. { //Store the related row data in session array which is store but the last one row of the table not the one I click. $_SESSION['cart_items'] = array('oid' => $print1-> item_id, 'des' => $print1-> Item_Description, 'pack' => $print1-> Packing ) ; $cart_items = ! empty( $_SESSION['cart_items'] ) ? // show data for testing. $_SESSION['cart_items'] : false; print_r($cart_items); } ?>


现在, 当有人按下添加按钮时, 我想要从产品列表页面重定向到数据, 并想要像woocommerce一样显示在购物车页面中, 但是我的插件未与woocommerce集成在一起, 并且它是独立的自定义插件。
购物车页面代码在购物车页面下面, 它向我显示会话数据, 但表中的最后一行我想显示该行, 只需单击添加到购物车按钮, 如上图所示
单击表中的” 添加到购物车” 按钮后, 它没有重定向到购物车页面, 请重定向它。
< ?php $cart_items = ! empty( $_SESSION['cart_items'] ) ? // accessing the data in the cart page $_SESSION['cart_items'] : false; print_r($cart_items); ?>

在没有购物车页面输出的情况下, 我什么都没得到任何数据, 一个选择的产品将拿起桌子上的最后一个项目, 并在购物车页面上向我显示一个行表中的选项, 以删除项目或继续检出。

#1 @kashalo这个家伙很了不起, 提供正确的答案, 但是现在看不到它, 我正在发布它来帮助其他人::
< ?php $result1 = $wpdb-> get_results( "SELECT * FROM wp_ORDERlist where category_id = $cat " ); ?> < div class="content"> < table border="1"> < tr> < th> Item_ID< /th> < th> Item Description< /th> < th> Packing Size< /th> < th> Cart< /th> < /tr> < ?phpforeach ( $result1 as $print1 ) { //Nested loop to show data under category in tables.echo "< form method='post'> < tr> < td> < input type='hidden' name='id' value='http://www.srcmini.com/{$print1-> item_id}'> {$print1-> item_id}< /td> "; echo "< td> < input type='hidden' name='Desc' value='http://www.srcmini.com/{$print1- > Item_Description}'> {$print1-> Item_Description}< /td> "; echo "< td> < input type='hidden' name='size' value='http://www.srcmini.com/{$print1-> Packing}'> {$print1- > Packing}< /td> "; echo '< td> < input type="submit" name="add" value="http://www.srcmini.com/ADD"> < /td> < /form> < /tr> '; } ?> < /table> < /div> < ?php if ( isset( $_POST['add'] ) ) { $data = http://www.srcmini.com/array('oid'=> $_POST['id'], 'des'=> $_POST['Desc'], 'pack' => $_POST['size'], ); $cart_items = ! empty( $_SESSION['cart'] ) ? $_SESSION['cart'] : false; if ( ! is_array( $_SESSION['cart'] ) ) { $_SESSION['cart'] = []; }array_push( $_SESSION['cart'], $data ); echo '< pre> '; print_r( $_SESSION['cart'] ); } }?>
