C++ OpenCV如何保存图像(代码实现详细指南)

本文旨在学习如何使用OpenCv在CPP中将图像从一个位置保存到系统上系统上的任何其他所需位置。使用OpenCV, 我们可以生成具有任何颜色的空白图像。
因此, 让我们深入研究它并以完整的解释来理解该概念。
代码:C++代码, 用于将图像保存到OpenCV中的任何位置。

// c++ code explaining how to // save an image to a defined // location in OpenCV// loading library files #include < highlevelmonitorconfigurationapi.h> #include < opencv2\highgui\highgui.hpp> #include < opencv2\opencv.hpp> using namespace cv; using namespace std; int main( int argc, char ** argv) {// Reading the image file from a given location in system Mat img = imread( "..path\\abcd.jpg" ); // if there is no image // or in case of error if (img.empty()) { cout < < "Can not open or image is not present" < < endl; // wait for any key to be pressed cin.get(); return -1; }// You can make any changes // like blurring, transformation// writing the image to a defined location as JPEG bool check = imwrite( "..path\\MyImage.jpg" , img); // if the image is not saved if (check == false ) { cout < < "Mission - Saving the image, FAILED" < < endl; // wait for any key to be pressed cin.get(); return -1; }cout < < "Successfully saved the image. " < < endl; // Naming the window String geek_window = "MY SAVED IMAGE" ; // Creating a window namedWindow(geek_window); // Showing the image in the defined window imshow(geek_window, img); // waiting for any key to be pressed waitKey(0); // destroying the creating window destroyWindow(geek_window); return 0; }

C++ OpenCV如何保存图像(代码实现详细指南)

C++ OpenCV如何保存图像(代码实现详细指南)

// Reading the image file from a given location in system Mat img = imread( "..path\\abcd.jpg" ); // if there is no image // or in case of error if (img.empty()) { cout < < "Can not open or image is not present" < < endl; // wait for any key to be pressed cin.get(); return -1; }

这部分代码从我们给它的路径中读取图像。并且它会处理任何错误(如果发生)。如果此路径上没有图像, 则” 无法打开或图像不存在” 消息将显示, 按任意键, 窗口将退出。
// writing the image to a defined location as JPEG bool check = imwrite( "..path\\MyImage.jpg" , img); // if the image is not saved if (check == false ) { cout < < "Mission - Saving the image, FAILED" < < endl; // wait for any key to be pressed cin.get(); return -1; }cout < < "Successfully saved the image. " < < endl;

【C++ OpenCV如何保存图像(代码实现详细指南)】这部分代码将图像写入定义的路径, 如果不成功, 它将生成” 任务–保存图像, 失败” 消息, 然后按任意键, 窗口将退出。其余代码将创建窗口并在其中显示图像。它将一直在窗口中显示图像, 直到按键为止。最终, 该窗口将被销毁。
