

  • C ++
  • Java
  • Python3
  • C#
  • PHP
给定一个大数字” num” 表示为字符串和一个整数x, 请找到” num % x” 或” num mod x” 的值。预期输出为整数。
例子 :
Input:num = "12316767678678", a = 10 Output: num (mod a) ≡ 8

这个想法是一一处理所有数字并使用xy(mod a)≡((x(mod a)* y)(mod a))的属性。下面是实现。
C ++
// C++ program to compute mod of a big number represented // as string #include< iostream> using namespace std; // Function to compute num (mod a) int mod(string num, int a) { // Initialize result int res = 0; // One by one process all digits of 'num' for ( int i = 0; i < num.length(); i++) res = (res*10 + ( int )num[i] - '0' ) %a; return res; }// Driver program int main() { string num = "12316767678678" ; cout < < mod(num, 10); return 0; }

// Java program to compute mod of a big // number represented as string import java.io.*; class GFG {// Function to compute num (mod a) static int mod(String num, int a) {// Initialize result int res = 0 ; // One by one process all digits of 'num' for ( int i = 0 ; i < num.length(); i++) res = (res * 10 + ( int )num.charAt(i) - '0' ) % a; return res; }// Driver program public static void main(String[] args) {String num = "12316767678678" ; System.out.println(mod(num, 10 )); } }// This code is contributed by vt_m.

# program to compute mod of a big number # represented as string# Function to compute num (mod a) def mod(num, a):# Initialize result res = 0# One by one process all digits # of 'num' for i in range ( 0 , len (num)): res = (res * 10 + int (num[i])) % a; return res# Driver program num = "12316767678678" ; print (mod(num, 10 ))# This code is contributed by Sam007

// C# program to compute mod of a big // number represented as string using System; public class GFG {// Function to compute num (mod a) static int mod(String num, int a) {// Initialize result int res = 0; // One by one process all // digits of 'num' for ( int i = 0; i < num.Length; i++) res = (res * 10 + ( int )num[i]- '0' ) % a; return res; }// Driver code public static void Main() { String num = "12316767678678" ; Console.WriteLine(mod(num, 10)); } }// This code is contributed by Sam007

< ?php // PHP program to compute mod // of a big number represented // as string// Function to compute num (mod a) function mod( $num , $a ) { // Initialize result $res = 0; // One by one process // all digits of 'num' for ( $i = 0; $i < $r = strlen ( $num ); $i ++) $res = ( $res * 10 + $num [ $i ] - '0' ) % $a ; return $res ; }// Driver Code $num = "12316767678678" ; echo mod( $num , 10); // This code is contributed by ajit ?>


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