

  • C ++
  • Java
考虑一个大数组, 其中的元素来自一小组, 且位于任何范围内, 即有很多重复。如何有效地对数组进行排序?
Example: Input:arr[] = {100, 12, 100, 1, 1, 12, 100, 1, 12, 100, 1, 1} Output: arr[] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 12, 12, 12, 100, 100, 100, 100}

我们强烈建议你最小化浏览器, 然后自己尝试。
一种基本排序像算法合并排序, 堆排序将花费O(nLogn)时间, 其中n是元素数, 我们可以做得更好吗?
一种更好的解决方案是使用自平衡二进制搜索树之类的AVLor红黑以O(n Log m)时间排序, 其中m是不同元素的数量。想法是扩展树节点以具有键的数量。
struct Node { int key; struct Node *left. *right; int count; //Added to handle duplicates//Other tree node info for balancing like height in AVL }

1)创建一个空的AVL树, 并将count作为附加字段。
2)遍历输入数组, 并对每个元素” arr [i]” 执行以下操作
【如何对很多重复的大数组进行排序()】…..a)如果树中不存在arr [i], 则将其插入并将count初始化为1
3)进行树的有序遍历。在执行顺序操作时, 将每个键的计数时间放入arr []中。
2nd步骤需要O(n Log m)时间和3rd步骤需要O(n)时间。因此, 总体时间复杂度为O(n Log m)
以下是上述想法的C ++实现。
C ++
//C++ program to sort an array using AVL tree #include< iostream> using namespace std; //An AVL tree Node struct Node { int key; struct Node *left, *right; int height, count; }; //Function to insert a key in AVL Tree, if key is already present, //then it increments count in key's node. struct Node* insert( struct Node* Node, int key); //This function puts inorder traversal of AVL Tree in arr[] void inorder( int arr[], struct Node *root, int *index_ptr); //An AVL tree based sorting function for sorting an array with //duplicates void sort( int arr[], int n) { //Create an empty AVL Tree struct Node *root = NULL; //Insert all nodes one by one in AVL tree. The insert function //increments count if key is already present for ( int i=0; i< n; i++) root = insert(root, arr[i]); //Do inorder traversal to put elements back in sorted order int index = 0; inorder(arr, root, & index); }//This function puts inorder traversal of AVL Tree in arr[] void inorder( int arr[], struct Node *root, int *index_ptr) { if (root != NULL) { //Recur for left child inorder(arr, root-> left, index_ptr); //Put all occurrences of root's key in arr[] for ( int i=0; i< root-> count; i++) { arr[*index_ptr] = root-> key; (*index_ptr)++; }//Recur for right child inorder(arr, root-> right, index_ptr); } }//A utility function to get height of the tree int height( struct Node *N) { if (N == NULL) return 0; return N-> height; }//Helper function that allocates a new Node struct Node* newNode( int key) { struct Node* node = new Node; node-> key= key; node-> left= node-> right = NULL; node-> height = node-> count = 1; return (node); }//A utility function to right rotate subtree rooted //with y. struct Node *rightRotate( struct Node *y) { struct Node *x = y-> left; struct Node *T2 = x-> right; //Perform rotation x-> right = y; y-> left = T2; //Update heights y-> height = max(height(y-> left), height(y-> right))+1; x-> height = max(height(x-> left), height(x-> right))+1; //Return new root return x; }//A utility function to left rotate subtree rooted with x struct Node *leftRotate( struct Node *x) { struct Node *y = x-> right; struct Node *T2 = y-> left; //Perform rotation y-> left = x; x-> right = T2; // Update heights x-> height = max(height(x-> left), height(x-> right))+1; y-> height = max(height(y-> left), height(y-> right))+1; //Return new root return y; }//Get Balance factor of Node N int getBalance( struct Node *N) { if (N == NULL) return 0; return height(N-> left) - height(N-> right); }//Function to insert a key in AVL Tree, if key is already //present, then it increments count in key's node. struct Node* insert( struct Node* Node, int key) { /* 1.Perform the normal BST rotation */ if (Node == NULL) return (newNode(key)); //If key already exists in BST, icnrement count and return if (key == Node-> key) { (Node-> count)++; return Node; }/* Otherwise, recur down the tree */ if (key < Node-> key) Node-> left= insert(Node-> left, key); else Node-> right = insert(Node-> right, key); /* 2. Update height of this ancestor Node */ Node-> height = max(height(Node-> left), height(Node-> right)) + 1; /* 3. Get the balance factor of this ancestor Node to check whether this Node became unbalanced */ int balance = getBalance(Node); //If this Node becomes unbalanced, then there are 4 cases//Left Left Case if (balance> 1 & & key < Node-> left-> key) return rightRotate(Node); //Right Right Case if (balance < -1 & & key> Node-> right-> key) return leftRotate(Node); //Left Right Case if (balance> 1 & & key> Node-> left-> key) { Node-> left =leftRotate(Node-> left); return rightRotate(Node); }//Right Left Case if (balance < -1 & & key < Node-> right-> key) { Node-> right = rightRotate(Node-> right); return leftRotate(Node); }/* return the (unchanged) Node pointer */ return Node; }//A utility function to print an array void printArr( int arr[], int n) { for ( int i=0; i< n; i++) cout < < arr[i] < < ", " ; cout < < endl; }/* Driver program to test above function*/ int main() { int arr[] = {100, 12, 100, 1, 1, 12, 100, 1, 12, 100, 1, 1}; int n = sizeof (arr)/sizeof (arr[0]); cout < < "Input array is\n" ; printArr(arr, n); sort(arr, n); cout < < "Sorted array is\n" ; printArr(arr, n); }

//Java program for insertion in AVL Tree public class AvlTree {static Node root = null ; static class Node { int key, height, count; Node left, right; Node( int d) { key = d; height = 1 ; count = 1 ; left = right = null ; } }//A utility function to get the height of the tree int height(Node N) { if (N == null ) return 0 ; return N.height; } //A utility function to get maximum of two integers int max( int a, int b) { return (a> b) ? a : b; }//A utility function to right rotate subtree rooted with y //See the diagram given above. Node rightRotate(Node y) { Node x = y.left; Node T2 = x.right; //Perform rotation x.right = y; y.left = T2; //Update heights y.height = max(height(y.left), height(y.right)) + 1 ; x.height = max(height(x.left), height(x.right)) + 1 ; //Return new root return x; } //A utility function to left rotate subtree rooted with x //See the diagram given above. Node leftRotate(Node x) { Node y = x.right; Node T2 = y.left; //Perform rotation y.left = x; x.right = T2; //Update heights x.height = max(height(x.left), height(x.right)) + 1 ; y.height = max(height(y.left), height(y.right)) + 1 ; //Return new root return y; } //Get Balance factor of node N int getBalance(Node N) { if (N == null ) return 0 ; return height(N.left) - height(N.right); } Node insert(Node node, int key) { /* 1. Perform the normal BST insertion */ if (node == null ) return ( new Node(key)); if (key < node.key) node.left = insert(node.left, key); else if (key> node.key) node.right = insert(node.right, key); //Duplicate keys not allowed else { node.count++; return node; }/* 2. Update height of this ancestor node */ node.height = 1 + max(height(node.left), height(node.right)); /* 3. Get the balance factor of this ancestor node to check whether this node became unbalanced */ int balance = getBalance(node); //If this node becomes unbalanced, then there //are 4 cases Left Left Case if (balance> 1 & & key < node.left.key) return rightRotate(node); //Right Right Case if (balance < - 1 & & key> node.right.key) return leftRotate(node); //Left Right Case if (balance> 1 & & key> node.left.key) { node.left = leftRotate(node.left); return rightRotate(node); } //Right Left Case if (balance < - 1 & & key < node.right.key) { node.right = rightRotate(node.right); return leftRotate(node); } /* return the (unchanged) node pointer */ return node; } //inorder traversal in BST always give sorted //order. Put the sorted elements back into the array int inorder(Node n, int arr[], int i) { if (n != null ) { i = inorder(n.left, arr, i); for ( int j = 0 ; j < n.count; j++) { arr[i] = n.key; i++; } i = inorder(n.right, arr, i); } return i; }//Driver code public static void main(String[] args) { //TODO Auto-generated method stub int arr[] = { 100 , 12 , 100 , 1 , 1 , 12 , 100 , 1 , 12 , 100 , 1 , 1 }; System.out.println( "Input array " ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < arr.length; i++) System.out.print( " " + arr[i]); AvlTree at= new AvlTree(); //insert all element in AVL tree for ( int i = 0 ; i < arr.length; i++) root = at.insert(root, arr[i]); //Do inorder traversal to put //elements back in sorted order int index = 0 ; at.inorder(root, arr, index); System.out.println( "\nOutput array " ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < arr.length; i++) System.out.print( " " + arr[i]); } }//This code is contributed by moonishussain

Input array is 100, 12, 100, 1, 1, 12, 100, 1, 12, 100, 1, 1, Sorted array is 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 12, 12, 12, 100, 100, 100, 100,

我们也可以使用二叉堆,在O(n Log m)时间内解决。
我们也可以在O(n + mlogm)时间内使用哈希来解决上述问题。
1)创建一个空的哈希表。输入数组值存储为键, 其计数存储为哈希表中的值。
2)对于arr []的每个元素” x” , 请执行以下操作
…..a)如果哈希表中存在x ix, 则增加其值
时间复杂度为2nd在哈希搜索和插入花费O(1)时间的假设下, 步骤为O(n)。步骤3花费O(m Log m)时间, 其中m是输入数组中不同键的总数。步骤4花费O(n)时间。因此, 总体时间复杂度为O(n + m Log m)。
//A C++ program to sort a big array with many repetitions#include < iostream> #include < algorithm> #include < map> using namespace std; void sort( int arr[], int n) { //1. Create an empty hash table. map< int , int> count; //2. Input array values are stores as key and their //counts are stored as value in hash table. for ( int i=0; i< n; i++) count[arr[i]]++; map< int , int> ::iterator it; int index = 0; //3. Consider all keys of hash table and sort them. //In std::map, keys are already sorted.//4. Traverse all sorted keys and print every key its value times. for (it=count.begin(); it!=count.end(); ++it) { while (it-> second--) arr[index++]=it-> first; } }//Utility function to print an array void printArray( int arr[], int n) { for ( int i=0; i< n; i++) cout < < arr[i] < < " " ; cout < < endl; }//Driver program to test above function. int main() { int arr[] = {100, 12, 100, 1, 1, 12, 100, 1, 12, 100, 1, 1}; int n = sizeof (arr)/sizeof (arr[0]); cout < < "Input array is\n" ; printArray(arr, n); sort(arr, n); cout < < "Sorted array is\n" ; printArray(arr, n); return 0; } //Contributed by Aditya Goel

Input array is 100 12 100 1 1 12 100 1 12 100 1 1 Sorted array is 1 1 1 1 1 12 12 12 100 100 100 100

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