English|Samsung Stars Mass Producing 3nm Chips

English|Samsung Stars Mass Producing 3nm Chips

Image Source: Visual China
Beijing, July 1 (TMTPOST) – South Korean conglomerate Samsung announced on Thursday that it had officially started the mass production of 3nm process chips.
【English|Samsung Stars Mass Producing 3nm Chips】The 3nm process chips see 30% increase of performance, 50% decrease of power consumption and 35% less size, said the company.
The mass production of 3nm process chips is powered by the MBCFET technology, which is said to be the most advanced semiconductor technology available today.
MBCFE breaks the performance limits of FinFET. It increases power consumption efficiency by lowering the voltage of the power source while increasing power performance by increasing the current driving capability.
Samsung hopes to achieve high-performance and low-consumption computing service through the mass production of 3nm process chips. The company wants to implement this technology on mobile processors.
“Samsung has grown rapidly as we continue to demonstrate leadership in applying next-generation technologies to manufacturing, such as foundry industry’s first High-K Metal Gate, FinFET, as well as EUV. We seek to continue this leadership with the world’s first 3nm process with the MBCFET™,” said in the statement Dr. Siyoung Choi, President and Head of Foundry Business at Samsung Electronics.
“We will continue active innovation in competitive technology development and build processes that help expedite achieving maturity of technology.”
Samsung’s exclusive technology makes use of chips with broader pathways. In comparison with the traditional GAA technology that uses narrower pathways, Samsung’s technology not only increases power performance but also energy efficiency.
Samsung can adjust the width of the chips’ pathways to optimize power consumption and performance to meet different client demands.
Meanwhile, Samsung’s rival TSMC has said its 3-nanometer mass production will commence in the second half of the year, far later than Samsung.
