239.|239. Sliding Window Maximum

sliding window, keep the big value in the double sided queue to avoid rescan from collections import deque class Solution(object): def maxSlidingWindow(self, nums, k): """ :type nums: List[int] :type k: int :rtype: List[int] """ dq=deque() max_numbers=[]for i in xrange(len(nums)): #delete all the values in the dequeue smaller than the new value #therefore, the values in the dequeue is always in descending order while dq and nums[i]>nums[dq[-1]]: dq.pop() #append the index of the new value dq.append(i) #if the dequeue include elements outside the window, delete it if i>=k and dq[0]<=i-k: dq.popleft() #when we have scanned at least k elements #append the left most value in the dequeue if i>=k-1: max_numbers.append(nums[dq[0]])

return max_numbers
