不死法医是2014年播出的科幻医疗剧,由布拉德·安德森和Sam Hill导演执导, Matthew Miller编剧, 艾恩·格拉法德、阿兰娜·德拉·伽兹、乔·大卫·摩尔、贾德·赫希、麦肯泽·毛祖等演员主演,剧中讲述了一个口碑极好的优秀法医,表面上是青年才俊,实际已经活了两个世纪,生活单调无味,之后他的搭档给他的生活带来一些色彩。 1、It's not the number of years we live that matters. Our lives just add up to a series of moments. We never know when or where they'll happen. But they sick with us, marking our souls forever.
2、i can say with sinentifi centainty that what keeps us alive more impornant than blood or oxygen or even love is hope!
3、Nothing can erase the pain of losing someone you love, you carry it with you for the rest of your life.how long that might be, the best you can hope for is that over time the wound begins to heal.But no matter how strong we are, no matter how hard to fight, the scar always stay with us.
【《不死法医》经典语录】4、Abigail said: life is about journey, no matter how long it lasts!
5、Henry: don’t give up !
James: i am not, i am giving in! seeing it all as it should be !.
6、The problem with living 200 years isn’t the loneliness or the pain or the loss,But the really gets you is when life ceases to surprise you
7、As sad and dreadful as death may be, it forces us to cherish every moment, because the truth is :Life is precious because it*s finite .so however long you live ,ever thought that mighet prove a very ,very live time . you must tell yourself to live everyday, every hour ,as is it could be your last
8、You can live despite whatever pain you are going through.But you can not let the fear of getting hurt stop you from opening up to someone you care about.
9、The problem with living 200 years is not the loneliness or the pain or the loss,But the reallygets you is when life ceases to surperise you
10、it has been siad the man not dead while his name is still spoken that we are only truly gone when we've disappeared from the memories of those who loved us.
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