《水调歌头》林语堂英译版|《水调歌头》林语堂英译版 2018-09-24
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always 美 ['?lwez]
sunday 美 [?s?nde; ?s?ndi]
see i:
train 美 [tren]
clock 美 [klɑk]
just ?
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- 《水调歌头》林语堂英译版
rare 美 [r?r]
With cup in hand, I ask of the blue sky, 把酒问青天
hand 美 [h?nd]
I ask of= I j ask of
"I do not know in the celestial sphere 不知天上宫阙
celestial [si'lest??l] adj. 天空的;天上的
What name this festive night goes by?" 今夕是何年
festive 美 ['f?st?v]
I want to fly home, riding the air, 我欲乘风归去
But fear the ethereal cold up there, 但恐琼楼玉宇
ethereal [i'θi?ri?l] adj. 优雅的;轻飘的;飘渺的;超凡的
The jade and crystal mansions are so high! 高处不胜寒
jade 美 [d?ed]
crystal 美 ['kr?stl]
mansion 美 ['m?n??n]
Dancing to my shadow, 起舞弄清影
shadow 美 ['??do]
I feel no longer the mortal tie. 何似在人间
mortal 美 ['m?rtl]
She rounds the vermilion tower, 转朱阁
vermilion [v?'milj?n] adj.1. 鲜红的;朱红的n.[U]1. 鲜红;朱红
Stoops to silk-pad doors, 低绮户
Shines on those who sleepless lie. 照无眠
Why does she, bearing us no grudge, 不应有恨
grudge 美 [ɡr?d?]
Shine upon our parting, reunion deny? 何事长向别时圆
But rare is perfect happiness--
The moon does wax, the moon does wane, 月有阴晴圆缺
wane 美 [wen] vi. 衰落;变小;亏缺;退潮;消逝; n. 衰退;月亏;衰退期;缺损
And so men meet and say goodbye. 人有悲欢离合 此事古难全
I only pray our life be long, 但愿人长久
【《水调歌头》林语堂英译版|《水调歌头》林语堂英译版 2018-09-24】And our souls together heavenward fly! 千里共婵娟
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