搭建个人知识付费应用系统-(5)Header、Footer|搭建个人知识付费应用系统-(5)Header、Footer 样式组件

视频地址: https://www.bilibili.com/vide...
基础样式 如鼠标指针、背景图片等。

* { cursor: url('/default.cur'), default; }a, a *, button, button *, .btn, .btn *, .prose .post-image { cursor: url('/pointer.cur'), pointer; }

@layer components { #background { @apply fixed inset-0 saturate-150 z-[-1]; background: url('/images/bg.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed; background-size: cover; transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out; transform-style: preserve-3d; } #background.dark { @apply brightness-50 saturate-100; transform: rotate(-3deg) scale(1.2); /* scaleX(-1); */ } }

Header Link 封装
import { Link, type LinkProps, NavLink, type NavLinkProps } from '@remix-run/react'; import { useI18n } from 'remix-i18n'; export function LocaleLink({ to, children, ...props }: LinkProps & { to: string }) { const i18n = useI18n(); const path = `/${i18n.locale()}${to}`; return ( {children} ); }export function LocaleNavLink({ to, children, ...props }: NavLinkProps & { to: string }) { const i18n = useI18n(); const path = `/${i18n.locale()}${to}`; return ( {children} ); }

import { type NavLinkProps } from '@remix-run/react'; import clsx from 'classnames'; import { LocaleNavLink } from './locale-link'; export function RouteLink({ children, to }: Pick) { return LocaleNavLink({ to, className: ({ isActive }) => clsx(isActive ? 'glass' : 'btn-ghost', 'btn btn-sm rounded-btn'), children }); }

【搭建个人知识付费应用系统-(5)Header、Footer|搭建个人知识付费应用系统-(5)Header、Footer 样式组件】header 组件:
import { useI18n } from 'remix-i18n'; import { LocaleLink } from './atom/locale-link'; import { RouteLink } from './atom/router-link'; import { ToggleLocale } from './atom/toggle-locale'; import { ToggleTheme } from './atom/toggle-theme'; export function Header() { const i18n = useI18n(); const { t } = i18n; return ( Willin Wang {t('nav.home')} {t('nav.posts')} {t('nav.projects')} {t('nav.playground')} {t('nav.about')} ); }

// import { useMatches } from '@remix-run/react'; // import clsx from 'classnames'; import { useI18n } from 'remix-i18n'; import { LocaleLink } from './atom/locale-link'; import { Github, CSDN, Juejin, SegmentFault, WillinLogo, Zhihu } from './svg'; export function Footer() { const { t } = useI18n(); // const matches = useMatches(); return (
    {posts .filter((x) => x.type === 'pages') .map((page) => (
  • {page.title}
  • ))}
  • {t('nav.home')}
  • {t('nav.posts')}
  • {t('nav.playground')}
  • Privacy Policy
  • Terms & Conditions
*/}Willin Wang © 2002 ~ {new Date().getFullYear()}.Made with ?? and{' '}Remix {' '} |{' '}苏ICP备17011988号-1
); }
