java人体识别_基于安卓Android的人体动作行为识别系统APP设计(Android studio)

基于安卓Android的人体动作行为识别系统APP设计(Android studio)(论文12000字,程序代码)
Human Action and Behavior Recognition System Based on Android
Absrtact: Android mobile phone has become an indispensable part of our daily life, and its increasingly powerful functions make it more and more pioneering. Its self-contained three-axis accelerometer also makes it possible to realize human action recognition based on Android. This paper mainly explores the machine-based learning which has been applied to human action recognition. The performance of classification algorithm on Android mobile phone. In the selection of the algorithm, the main application is the support vector machine algorithm and decision tree algorithm. Through testing and comparison, the most suitable recognition algorithm for Android is selected. The Android system uses its own database to complete an application that can record and query the recognition results.
Key words: Android application development; Acceleration sensor; Machine learning algorithm; Database
java人体识别_基于安卓Android的人体动作行为识别系统APP设计(Android studio)

java人体识别_基于安卓Android的人体动作行为识别系统APP设计(Android studio)

java人体识别_基于安卓Android的人体动作行为识别系统APP设计(Android studio)

1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究意义1
1.3 国内外研究现状1
2 需求分析与开发相关技术2
2.1 需求分析2
2.2 手机加速度传感器2
2.3 Android开发技术3
2.3.1 Android系统3
2.3.2 AndroidStudio平台3
2.3.3 Android编程语言3
3 人体动作识别相关算法4
3.1 决策树4
3.2 隐马尔科夫模型4
3.3 神经网络4
3.4 支持向量机4
3.5 聚类5
【java人体识别_基于安卓Android的人体动作行为识别系统APP设计(Android studio)】4 设计思路与具体实现5
4.1 设计思路5
4.2 具体实现6
4.2.1 算法选择6
4.2.2 训练程序的实现6
4.2.3 识别程序的实现8
5 系统测试11
5.1 训练程序测试11
5.2 识别程序测试13
5.3 算法性能比较14
5.4 测试结果分析18
6 结论18
