
seq2seq构建写对联AI 问题背景介绍
这里构建的对对联AI应用也是seq2seq模型,使用的是谷歌官方的seq2seq框架。这个框架是用tensorflow 1.2+写的。

from queue import Queue from threading import Thread import random''' 序列截断与补齐,保持一样的长度 ''' def padding_seq(seq): results = [] max_len = 0 for s in seq:# 此处短的补齐,长的没有截断 if max_len < len(s): max_len = len(s) for i in range(0, len(seq)): l = max_len - len(seq[i]) results.append(seq[i] + [0 for j in range(l)]) return results''' 把文本序列映射为下标id序列 ''' def encode_text(words, vocab_indices): return [vocab_indices[word] for word in words if word in vocab_indices]''' 把输出的下标id序列映射回文本序列 ''' def decode_text(labels, vocabs, end_token = ''): results = [] for idx in labels: word = vocabs[idx] if word == end_token: return ' '.join(results) results.append(word) return ' '.join(results)''' 加载词表 ''' def read_vocab(vocab_file): f = open(vocab_file, 'rb') vocabs = [line.decode('utf8')[:-1] for line in f] f.close() return vocabs''' 数据读取器 ''' class SeqReader(): def __init__(self, input_file, target_file, vocab_file, batch_size, queue_size = 2048, worker_size = 2, end_token = '', padding = True, max_len = 50): self.input_file = input_file self.target_file = target_file self.end_token = end_token self.batch_size = batch_size self.padding = padding self.max_len = max_len # 读取词汇表 self.vocabs = read_vocab(vocab_file) # 构建词汇与下标对应的字典 self.vocab_indices = dict((c, i) for i, c in enumerate(self.vocabs)) self.data_queue = Queue(queue_size) self.worker_size = worker_size # 计算全量数据有多少个batch with open(self.input_file, 'rb') as f: for i, l in enumerate(f): pass f.close() self.single_lines = i+1 self.data_size = int(self.single_lines / batch_size) self.data_pos = 0 self._init_reader()def start(self): return ''' for i in range(self.worker_size): t = Thread(target=self._init_reader()) t.daemon = True t.start() '''# 读取一个batch的数据 def read_single_data(self): if self.data_pos >= len( random.shuffle( self.data_pos = 0 result =[self.data_pos] self.data_pos += 1 return result# 读取数据到batch字典中 def read(self): while True: batch = {'in_seq': [], 'in_seq_len': [], 'target_seq': [], 'target_seq_len': []} for i in range(0, self.batch_size): item = self.read_single_data() batch['in_seq'].append(item['in_seq']) batch['in_seq_len'].append(item['in_seq_len']) batch['target_seq'].append(item['target_seq']) batch['target_seq_len'].append(item['target_seq_len']) if self.padding: batch['in_seq'] = padding_seq(batch['in_seq']) batch['target_seq'] = padding_seq(batch['target_seq']) yield batch# 读取文件,准备成序列对 def _init_reader(self): =[] input_f = open(self.input_file,'rb') target_f = open(self.target_file, 'rb') for input_line in input_f: input_line = input_line.decode('utf-8')[:-1] target_line = target_f.readline().decode('utf-8')[:-1] input_words = [x for x in input_line.split(' ') if x != ''] if len(input_words) >= self.max_len: input_words = input_words[:self.max_len-1] input_words.append(self.end_token) target_words = [x for x in target_line.split(' ') if x != ''] if len(target_words) >= self.max_len: target_words = target_words[:self.max_len-1] target_words = ['',] + target_words target_words.append(self.end_token) in_seq = encode_text(input_words, self.vocab_indices) target_seq = encode_text(target_words, self.vocab_indices){ 'in_seq': in_seq, 'in_seq_len': len(in_seq), 'target_seq': target_seq, 'target_seq_len': len(target_seq) - 1 }) input_f.close() target_f.close() self.data_pos = len(

# Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # =============================================================================="""Python implementation of BLEU and smooth-BLEU.This module provides a Python implementation of BLEU and smooth-BLEU. Smooth BLEU is computed following the method outlined in the paper: Chin-Yew Lin, Franz Josef Och. ORANGE: a method for evaluating automatic evaluation metrics for machine translation. COLING 2004. """import collections import mathdef _get_ngrams(segment, max_order): """Extracts all n-grams upto a given maximum order from an input segment.Args: segment: text segment from which n-grams will be extracted. max_order: maximum length in tokens of the n-grams returned by this methods.Returns: The Counter containing all n-grams upto max_order in segment with a count of how many times each n-gram occurred. """ ngram_counts = collections.Counter() for order in range(1, max_order + 1): for i in range(0, len(segment) - order + 1): ngram = tuple(segment[i:i+order]) ngram_counts[ngram] += 1 return ngram_countsdef compute_bleu(reference_corpus, translation_corpus, max_order=4, smooth=False): """Computes BLEU score of translated segments against one or more references.Args: reference_corpus: list of lists of references for each translation. Each reference should be tokenized into a list of tokens. translation_corpus: list of translations to score. Each translation should be tokenized into a list of tokens. max_order: Maximum n-gram order to use when computing BLEU score. smooth: Whether or not to apply Lin et al. 2004 smoothing.Returns: 3-Tuple with the BLEU score, n-gram precisions, geometric mean of n-gram precisions and brevity penalty. """ matches_by_order = [0] * max_order possible_matches_by_order = [0] * max_order reference_length = 0 translation_length = 0 for (references, translation) in zip(reference_corpus, translation_corpus): reference_length += min(len(r) for r in references) translation_length += len(translation)merged_ref_ngram_counts = collections.Counter() for reference in references: merged_ref_ngram_counts |= _get_ngrams(reference, max_order) translation_ngram_counts = _get_ngrams(translation, max_order) overlap = translation_ngram_counts & merged_ref_ngram_counts for ngram in overlap: matches_by_order[len(ngram)-1] += overlap[ngram] for order in range(1, max_order+1): possible_matches = len(translation) - order + 1 if possible_matches > 0: possible_matches_by_order[order-1] += possible_matchesprecisions = [0] * max_order for i in range(0, max_order): if smooth: precisions[i] = ((matches_by_order[i] + 1.) / (possible_matches_by_order[i] + 1.)) else: if possible_matches_by_order[i] > 0: precisions[i] = (float(matches_by_order[i]) / possible_matches_by_order[i]) else: precisions[i] = 0.0if min(precisions) > 0: p_log_sum = sum((1. / max_order) * math.log(p) for p in precisions) geo_mean = math.exp(p_log_sum) else: geo_mean = 0ratio = float(translation_length) / reference_lengthif ratio > 1.0: bp = 1. else: bp = math.exp(1 - 1. / ratio)bleu = geo_mean * bpreturn (bleu, precisions, bp, ratio, translation_length, reference_length)

预测的解码过程:beam search
import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.contrib import rnn from tensorflow.python.layers import core as layers_core# 设定LSTM的cell类型 def getLayeredCell(layer_size, num_units, input_keep_prob, output_keep_prob=1.0): return rnn.MultiRNNCell([rnn.DropoutWrapper(tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(name='basic_lstm_cell',num_units=num_units), input_keep_prob, output_keep_prob) for i in range(layer_size)])# 双向RNN def bi_encoder(embed_input, in_seq_len, num_units, layer_size, input_keep_prob): # 对输入编码 bi_layer_size = int(layer_size / 2) encode_cell_fw = getLayeredCell(bi_layer_size, num_units, input_keep_prob) encode_cell_bw = getLayeredCell(bi_layer_size, num_units, input_keep_prob) bi_encoder_output, bi_encoder_state = tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn( cell_fw = encode_cell_fw, cell_bw = encode_cell_bw, inputs = embed_input, sequence_length = in_seq_len, dtype = embed_input.dtype, time_major = False)# 拼接 编码的output和state encoder_output = tf.concat(bi_encoder_output, -1) encoder_state = [] for layer_id in range(bi_layer_size): encoder_state.append(bi_encoder_state[0][layer_id]) encoder_state.append(bi_encoder_state[1][layer_id]) encoder_state = tuple(encoder_state) return encoder_output, encoder_state# 加“注意力”的解码器 def attention_decoder_cell(encoder_output, in_seq_len, num_units, layer_size, input_keep_prob): # 可以选择不同的注意力机制 attention_mechanim = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention(num_units, encoder_output, in_seq_len, normalize = True) # attention_mechanim = tf.contrib.seq2seq.LuongAttention(num_units, #encoder_output, in_seq_len, scale = True) cell = getLayeredCell(layer_size, num_units, input_keep_prob) # AttentionWrapper是一个封装器 cell = tf.contrib.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper(cell, attention_mechanim, attention_layer_size=num_units) return cell# 输出端的全连接层 def decoder_projection(output, output_size): return tf.layers.dense(output, output_size, activation=None, use_bias=False, name='output_mlp')# 训练阶段解码器部分 def train_decoder(encoder_output, in_seq_len, target_seq, target_seq_len, encoder_state, num_units, layers, embedding, output_size, input_keep_prob, projection_layer): # 解码结构的cell decoder_cell = attention_decoder_cell(encoder_output, in_seq_len, num_units, layers, input_keep_prob) # batch size batch_size = tf.shape(in_seq_len)[0] # 初始状态 init_state = decoder_cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32).clone( cell_state=encoder_state) # 训练器 helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper( target_seq, target_seq_len, time_major=False) # 解码器 decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder(decoder_cell, helper, init_state, output_layer=projection_layer) # 解码输出 outputs, _, _ = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(decoder, maximum_iterations=100) return outputs.rnn_output# 预测阶段的解码过程 def infer_decoder(encoder_output, in_seq_len, encoder_state, num_units, layers, embedding, output_size, input_keep_prob, projection_layer): decoder_cell = attention_decoder_cell(encoder_output, in_seq_len, num_units, layers, input_keep_prob)batch_size = tf.shape(in_seq_len)[0] init_state = decoder_cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32).clone( cell_state=encoder_state)# TODO: start tokens and end tokens are hard code """ helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingHelper( embedding, tf.fill([batch_size], 0), 1) decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder(decoder_cell, helper, init_state, output_layer=projection_layer) """ # 使用beam search解码 decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BeamSearchDecoder( cell=decoder_cell, embedding=embedding, start_tokens=tf.fill([batch_size], 0), end_token=1, initial_state=init_state, beam_width=10, output_layer=projection_layer, length_penalty_weight=1.0)outputs, _, _ = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(decoder, maximum_iterations=100) return outputs.sample_id# 序列到序列模型 def seq2seq(in_seq, in_seq_len, target_seq, target_seq_len, vocab_size, num_units, layers, dropout): in_shape = tf.shape(in_seq) batch_size = in_shape[0]if target_seq != None: input_keep_prob = 1 - dropout else: input_keep_prob = 1projection_layer=layers_core.Dense(vocab_size, use_bias=False)# 对输入和输出序列做embedding with tf.device('/gpu:0'): embedding = tf.get_variable( name = 'embedding', shape = [vocab_size, num_units]) embed_input = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, in_seq, name='embed_input')# 编码 encoder_output, encoder_state = bi_encoder(embed_input, in_seq_len, num_units, layers, input_keep_prob)# 解码 decoder_cell = attention_decoder_cell(encoder_output, in_seq_len, num_units, layers, input_keep_prob) batch_size = tf.shape(in_seq_len)[0] init_state = decoder_cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32).clone( cell_state=encoder_state)if target_seq != None: embed_target = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embedding, target_seq, name='embed_target') helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper( embed_target, target_seq_len, time_major=False) else: # TODO: start tokens and end tokens are hard code helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingHelper( embedding, tf.fill([batch_size], 0), 1) decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder(decoder_cell, helper, init_state, output_layer=projection_layer) outputs, _, _ = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(decoder, maximum_iterations=100) if target_seq != None: return outputs.rnn_output else: return outputs.sample_id# 损失函数 def seq_loss(output, target, seq_len): target = target[:, 1:] cost = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=output, labels=target) batch_size = tf.shape(target)[0] loss_mask = tf.sequence_mask(seq_len, tf.shape(output)[1]) cost = cost * tf.to_float(loss_mask) return tf.reduce_sum(cost) / tf.to_float(batch_size)

import tensorflow as tf from os import path import randomclass Model():def __init__(self, train_input_file, train_target_file, test_input_file, test_target_file, vocab_file, num_units, layers, dropout, batch_size, learning_rate, output_dir, save_step = 100, eval_step = 1000, param_histogram=False, restore_model=False, init_train=True, init_infer=False): self.num_units = num_units self.layers = layers self.dropout = dropout self.batch_size = batch_size self.learning_rate = learning_rate self.save_step = save_step self.eval_step = eval_step self.param_histogram = param_histogram self.restore_model = restore_model self.init_train = init_train self.init_infer = init_inferif init_train: self.train_reader = SeqReader(train_input_file, train_target_file, vocab_file, batch_size) self.train_reader.start() self.train_data = self.eval_reader = SeqReader(test_input_file, test_target_file, vocab_file, batch_size) self.eval_reader.start() self.eval_data = = path.join(output_dir,'model.ckpl') self.log_writter = tf.summary.FileWriter(output_dir)if init_train: self._init_train() self._init_eval()if init_infer: self.infer_vocabs =read_vocab(vocab_file) self.infer_vocab_indices = dict((c, i) for i, c in enumerate(self.infer_vocabs)) self._init_infer() self.reload_infer_model()def gpu_session_config(self): config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True return configdef _init_train(self): self.train_graph = tf.Graph() with self.train_graph.as_default(): self.train_in_seq = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[self.batch_size, None]) self.train_in_seq_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[self.batch_size]) self.train_target_seq = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[self.batch_size, None]) self.train_target_seq_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[self.batch_size]) output = seq2seq(self.train_in_seq, self.train_in_seq_len, self.train_target_seq, self.train_target_seq_len, len(self.train_reader.vocabs), self.num_units, self.layers, self.dropout) self.train_output = tf.argmax(tf.nn.softmax(output), 2) self.loss = seq_loss(output, self.train_target_seq, self.train_target_seq_len) params = tf.trainable_variables() gradients = tf.gradients(self.loss, params) clipped_gradients, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm( gradients, 0.5) self.train_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=self.learning_rate ).apply_gradients(zip(clipped_gradients,params)) if self.param_histogram: for v in tf.trainable_variables(): tf.summary.histogram('train_' +, v) tf.summary.scalar('loss', self.loss) self.train_summary = tf.summary.merge_all() self.train_init = tf.global_variables_initializer() self.train_saver = tf.train.Saver() self.train_session = tf.Session(graph=self.train_graph, config=self.gpu_session_config())def _init_eval(self): self.eval_graph = tf.Graph() with self.eval_graph.as_default(): self.eval_in_seq = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[self.batch_size, None]) self.eval_in_seq_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[self.batch_size]) self.eval_output = seq2seq(self.eval_in_seq, self.eval_in_seq_len, None, None, len(self.eval_reader.vocabs), self.num_units, self.layers, self.dropout) if self.param_histogram: for v in tf.trainable_variables(): tf.summary.histogram('eval_' +, v) self.eval_summary = tf.summary.merge_all() self.eval_saver = tf.train.Saver() self.eval_session = tf.Session(graph=self.eval_graph, config=self.gpu_session_config())def _init_infer(self): self.infer_graph = tf.Graph() with self.infer_graph.as_default(): self.infer_in_seq = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[1, None]) self.infer_in_seq_len = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[1]) self.infer_output = seq2seq(self.infer_in_seq, self.infer_in_seq_len, None, None, len(self.infer_vocabs), self.num_units, self.layers, self.dropout) self.infer_saver = tf.train.Saver() self.infer_session = tf.Session(graph=self.infer_graph, config=self.gpu_session_config())# 训练 def train(self, epochs, start=0): if not self.init_train: raise Exception('Train graph is not inited!') with self.train_graph.as_default(): if path.isfile(self.model_file + '.meta') and self.restore_model: print("Reloading model file before training.") self.train_saver.restore(self.train_session, self.model_file) else: total_loss = 0 for step in range(start, epochs): data = in_seq = data['in_seq'] in_seq_len = data['in_seq_len'] target_seq = data['target_seq'] target_seq_len = data['target_seq_len'] output, loss, train, summary = [self.train_output, self.loss, self.train_op, self.train_summary], feed_dict={ self.train_in_seq: in_seq, self.train_in_seq_len: in_seq_len, self.train_target_seq: target_seq, self.train_target_seq_len: target_seq_len}) total_loss += loss self.log_writter.add_summary(summary, step) if step % self.save_step == 0:, self.model_file) print("Saving model. Step: %d, loss: %f" % (step, total_loss / self.save_step)) # print sample output sid = random.randint(0, self.batch_size-1) input_text =decode_text(in_seq[sid], self.eval_reader.vocabs) output_text =decode_text(output[sid], self.train_reader.vocabs) target_text =decode_text(target_seq[sid], self.train_reader.vocabs).split(' ')[1:] target_text = ' '.join(target_text) print('******************************') print('src: ' + input_text) print('output: ' + output_text) print('target: ' + target_text) if step % self.eval_step == 0: bleu_score = self.eval(step) print("Evaluate model. Step: %d, score: %f, loss: %f" % ( step, bleu_score, total_loss / self.save_step)) eval_summary = tf.Summary(value=[tf.Summary.Value( tag='bleu', simple_value=]) self.log_writter.add_summary(eval_summary, step) if step % self.save_step == 0: total_loss = 0# 评估 def eval(self, train_step): with self.eval_graph.as_default(): self.eval_saver.restore(self.eval_session, self.model_file) bleu_score = 0 target_results = [] output_results = [] for step in range(0, self.eval_reader.data_size): data = next(self.eval_data) in_seq = data['in_seq'] in_seq_len = data['in_seq_len'] target_seq = data['target_seq'] target_seq_len = data['target_seq_len'] outputs = self.eval_output, feed_dict={ self.eval_in_seq: in_seq, self.eval_in_seq_len: in_seq_len}) for i in range(len(outputs)): output = outputs[i] target = target_seq[i] output_text =decode_text(output, self.eval_reader.vocabs).split(' ') target_text =decode_text(target[1:], self.eval_reader.vocabs).split(' ') prob = int(self.eval_reader.data_size * self.batch_size / 10) target_results.append([target_text]) output_results.append(output_text) if random.randint(1, prob) == 1: print('====================') input_text =decode_text(in_seq[i], self.eval_reader.vocabs) print('src:' + input_text) print('output: ' + ' '.join(output_text)) print('target: ' + ' '.join(target_text)) return compute_bleu(target_results, output_results)[0] * 100def reload_infer_model(self): with self.infer_graph.as_default(): self.infer_saver.restore(self.infer_session, self.model_file)def infer(self, text): if not self.init_infer: raise Exception('Infer graph is not inited!') with self.infer_graph.as_default(): in_seq =encode_text(text.split(' ') + ['',], self.infer_vocab_indices) in_seq_len = len(in_seq) outputs =, feed_dict={ self.infer_in_seq: [in_seq], self.infer_in_seq_len: [in_seq_len]}) output = outputs[0] output_text =decode_text(output, self.infer_vocabs) return output_text

m = Model( './couplet/train/in.txt', './couplet/train/out.txt', './couplet/test/in.txt', './couplet/test/out.txt', './couplet/vocabs', num_units=1024, layers=4, dropout=0.2, batch_size=32, learning_rate=0.001, output_dir='./models/output_couplet', restore_model=False)m.train(5000000)

src: 休 为 功 名 生 媚 骨
output: 不 因 心 境 见 清 风
target: 肯 将 格 调 化 春 风
Saving model. Step: 7700, loss: 46.438281
src: 正 气 催 春 , 喜 气 迎 春 , 三 春 烂 漫 太 平 景
output: 和 风 化 彩 , 和 风 化 彩 , 万 秩 腾 纷 锦 世 歌
target: 清 风 剪 彩 , 和 风 焕 彩 , 五 彩 斑 斓 盛 世 图
Saving model. Step: 7800, loss: 45.003744
src: 不 以 樊 篱 拘 眼 界
output: 且 凭 大 海 入 心 心
target: 曾 经 沧 海 诉 心 声
Saving model. Step: 7900, loss: 46.356766
src: 闲 云 野 鹤 斋 何 处
output: 落 竹 山 花 梦 不 时
target: 茅 屋 茶 翁 住 哪 方
报错tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Cannot assign a device for operation embedding/Initializer/random_uniform/RandomUniform: Could not satisfy explicit device specification '' because the node node embedding/Initializer/random_uniform/RandomUniform
def gpu_session_config(self): config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True) # config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True return config
