
前述 【计算机视觉|SLIC超像素分割的算法介绍和源码分析】最近在看显著性检测,发现很多算法的基础是超像素分割,而正在看的Saliency Optimization from Robust Background Detection算法的预处理是SLIC算法,于是便找了SLIC算法的论文进行学习,在学习过程中也顺便翻译了论文:http://blog.csdn.net/zhj_matlab/article/details/52973723。论文也给出了源码:http://ivrl.epfl.ch/research/superpixels。不过我查看的源码不是主页上给的,而是南开大学给出的源码:http://mmcheng.net/zh/salobjbenchmark/。个人感觉论文的原理很简单,不过一些处理方式给人感觉比较新颖而又有道理。
一、算法描述 第一步








源码分析 作者给出的是并不是纯粹的matlab代码,而是采用c写的生成的mex文件,类似于C/C++中的dll。此类mex文件可以通过查看C/C++中的mexFunction来查看代码思路,具体的编码和调试过程参考:http://blog.csdn.net/zhj_matlab/article/details/52972571。

#include #include #include "SLIC.h" #include "Rgb2Lab.h"void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { char usageStr[] = "Usage: idxImg = SLIC_mex(image(3-Channel uint8 image), spNum(double scalar), compactness(double scalar))\n"; //函数的输入和输出介绍 //image 输入的三通道图像spNum 超像素的数目compactness 即论文中提到的m //Check input const mxArray *pmxImg = prhs[0]; if (nrhs != 3 || !mxIsUint8(pmxImg) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[1]) || !mxIsDouble(prhs[2])) mexErrMsgTxt(usageStr); mwSize chn = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(pmxImg); //获取图像的维度 if (3 != chn) mexErrMsgTxt(usageStr); const mwSize *sz = mxGetDimensions(pmxImg); //类似于matlab的size函数 mwSize height = sz[0], width = sz[1], num_pix = height * width; unsigned int iPatchNum = unsigned int( mxGetScalar(prhs[1]) ); float compactness = float( mxGetScalar(prhs[2]) ); //Transfer matlab matrix ImageSimpleUChar img_r, img_g, img_b; img_r.Create(width, height); img_g.Create(width, height); img_b.Create(width, height); unsigned char *pImgData = https://www.it610.com/article/(unsigned char*)mxGetData(pmxImg); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { img_r.Pixel(x,y) = pImgData[y]; img_g.Pixel(x,y) = pImgData[y + num_pix]; img_b.Pixel(x,y) = pImgData[y + num_pix * 2]; } pImgData += height; }//Rgb --> Lab ImageSimpleFloat img_L, img_A, img_B; Rgb2Lab(img_r, img_g, img_b, img_L, img_A, img_B); //Do SLIC ImageSimpleUInt idxImg; idxImg.Create(width, height); int iSuperPixelNum = Run_SLIC_GivenPatchNum(img_L, img_A, img_B, iPatchNum, compactness, idxImg); //计算每个像素所属的超像素//Transfer back to matlab plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(height, width, mxREAL); double *pdIdxImg = mxGetPr(plhs[0]); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { unsigned int id = idxImg.Pixel(x, y); pdIdxImg[y] = double(id) + 1; } pdIdxImg += height; }plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL); *mxGetPr(plhs[1]) = double(iSuperPixelNum); return; }

typedef unsigned int UINT; #include "SLIC.h" const int MAXITER = 10; inline double max(double a, double b) {return a > b ? a : b; } inline double min(double a, double b) {return a < b ? a : b; }void PerformLabXYKMeans( vector &kseedsl, vector &kseedsa, vector &kseedsb, vector &kseedsx, vector &kseedsy, ImageSimpleFloat &LImg, ImageSimpleFloat &AImg, ImageSimpleFloat &BImg, const int iPatchSize, const double spatialFactor, ImageSimpleUInt &idxImg) { UINT uiWidth = LImg.Width(); UINT uiHeight = LImg.Height(); const double searchRange = iPatchSize; const size_t seedNum = kseedsl.size(); vector clustersize(seedNum, 0); vector centroidl(seedNum, 0); vector centroida(seedNum, 0); vector centroidb(seedNum, 0); vector centroidx(seedNum, 0); vector centroidy(seedNum, 0); ImageSimpleDouble minDistImage(uiWidth, uiHeight); minDistImage.FillPixels(DBL_MAX); //初始距离设置为一个很大的值ImageSimpleUInt lastIdxImg(uiWidth, uiHeight); lastIdxImg.FillPixels(0); //初始类别设置为0bool converged = false; //标记K-means是否收敛 int iter = 0; //标记迭代次数 const UINT pixNum = uiWidth * uiHeight; while(!converged && iter < MAXITER)//最大迭代次数为10 { int x1, y1, x2, y2; double l, a, b; double distCol; double distxy; double dist; minDistImage.FillPixels(DBL_MAX); for( size_t n = 0; n < seedNum; n++ ) { //计算以种子为中心的周围区域 y1 = (int)max(0.0,kseedsy[n]-searchRange); y2 = (int)min((double)uiHeight, kseedsy[n]+searchRange); x1 = (int)max(0.0,kseedsx[n]-searchRange); x2 = (int)min((double)uiWidth,kseedsx[n]+searchRange); for( int y = y1; y < y2; y++ ) { for( int x = x1; x < x2; x++ ) { l = LImg.Pixel(x,y); a = AImg.Pixel(x,y); b = BImg.Pixel(x,y); //计算与类中心的距离,因为比的是大小,所以可以不开根号 distCol = (l - kseedsl[n])*(l - kseedsl[n]) + (a - kseedsa[n])*(a - kseedsa[n]) + (b - kseedsb[n])*(b - kseedsb[n]); distxy = (x - kseedsx[n])*(x - kseedsx[n]) + (y - kseedsy[n])*(y - kseedsy[n]); dist = (distCol) + (distxy * spatialFactor); //sqrt(distCol) + sqrt(distxy * spatialFactor); if( dist < minDistImage.Pixel(x,y) ) { //如果某点小于与目前标定的类中心的距离则重新更新距离和类别 minDistImage.Pixel(x,y) = dist; idxImg.Pixel(x,y)= ImageSimpleUInt::PixelType(n); } } } }// Recalculate the centroid and store in the seed values //重新计算类中心的参数值 centroidl.assign(seedNum, 0); centroida.assign(seedNum, 0); centroidb.assign(seedNum, 0); centroidx.assign(seedNum, 0); centroidy.assign(seedNum, 0); clustersize.assign(seedNum, 0); for (UINT y = 0; y < uiHeight; y ++) { for (UINT x = 0; x < uiWidth; x ++) { ImageSimpleUInt::PixelType idx = idxImg.Pixel(x,y); centroidl[idx] += LImg.Pixel(x,y); centroida[idx] += AImg.Pixel(x,y); centroidb[idx] += BImg.Pixel(x,y); centroidx[idx] += x; centroidy[idx] += y; clustersize[idx] += 1.0; } }for( UINT k = 0; k < seedNum; k++ ) { assert(clustersize[k] > 0); double inv = 1.0 / clustersize[k]; kseedsl[k] = centroidl[k] * inv; kseedsa[k] = centroida[k] * inv; kseedsb[k] = centroidb[k] * inv; kseedsx[k] = centroidx[k] * inv; kseedsy[k] = centroidy[k] * inv; }//Judge convergence converged = true; //如果整幅图像所属类别不变,则算法收敛 for (UINT x = 0; x < pixNum; x ++) { if (lastIdxImg[x] != idxImg[x]) { converged = false; break; } }lastIdxImg = idxImg; iter ++; } }int EnforceLabelConnectivity( ImageSimpleUInt &idxImg, const int iPatchSize ) { //const int dx8[8] = {-1, -1,0,1, 1, 1, 0, -1}; //const int dy8[8] = { 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1,1}; UINT uiWidth = idxImg.Width(); UINT uiHeight = idxImg.Height(); //定义的邻接类型为4邻接 const int dx4[4] = {-1,0,1,0}; const int dy4[4] = { 0, -1,0,1}; const int pixNum = uiWidth* uiHeight; const int AreaThresh = iPatchSize * iPatchSize / 4; ImageSimpleInt newIdxImg(uiWidth, uiHeight); newIdxImg.FillPixels(-1); int label = 0; int adjlabel = 0; int* xvec = new int[pixNum]; //this is actually a queue int* yvec = new int[pixNum]; for( UINT q = 0; q < uiHeight; q++ ) { for( UINT p = 0; p < uiWidth; p++ ) {if( newIdxImg.Pixel(p,q) < 0 )//"< 0 " means unprocessed //即每次以没有重新定义的类别开始计算连通分量 { newIdxImg.Pixel(p,q) = label; //Add current pixel to the queue xvec[0] = p; yvec[0] = q; //Adjacent label for current region, this may be used for region merging for( int n = 0; n < 4; n++ ) { int x = xvec[0] + dx4[n]; int y = yvec[0] + dy4[n]; if( (x >= 0 && x < (int)uiWidth) && (y >= 0 && y < (int)uiHeight) ) { //Note, adjacent label for the first(top-left corner) patch is unset, so it's initial value 0. if(newIdxImg.Pixel(x,y) >= 0) adjlabel = newIdxImg.Pixel(x,y); } }int count = 1; for( int c = 0; c < count; c++ )//count will be updated, so xvec and yvec are queues { for( int n = 0; n < 4; n++ ) { int x = xvec[c] + dx4[n]; int y = yvec[c] + dy4[n]; if( (x >= 0 && x < (int)uiWidth) && (y >= 0 && y < (int)uiHeight) ) { if( newIdxImg.Pixel(x,y) < 0 && idxImg.Pixel(x,y) == idxImg.Pixel(p,q) ) { xvec[count] = x; yvec[count] = y; newIdxImg.Pixel(x,y) = label; count++; } }} }// If segment size is less then a limit, assign an adjacent label found before, and decrement label count. //如果连通分量过小,则赋予其周围超像素的类别 if(count <= AreaThresh) { for( int c = 0; c < count; c++ ) { newIdxImg.Pixel(xvec[c], yvec[c]) = adjlabel; } label--; } label++; } } }//Transfer newIdxImg to idxImg for (UINT y = 0; y < uiHeight; y ++) { for (UINT x = 0; x < uiWidth; x ++) { assert(newIdxImg.Pixel(x, y) >= 0); idxImg.Pixel(x, y) = newIdxImg.Pixel(x, y); } }delete [] xvec; delete [] yvec; return label; }int Run_SLIC_GivenPatchNum(ImageSimpleFloat &LImg, ImageSimpleFloat &AImg, ImageSimpleFloat &BImg, unsigned int iPatchNum, float compactness, ImageSimpleUInt &idxImg) { //根据超像素数目及图像大小确定步长 UINT uiWidth = LImg.Width(); UINT uiHeight = LImg.Height(); UINT STEP = UINT(sqrt(float(uiWidth * uiHeight) / iPatchNum) + 0.5f); //计算步长return Run_SLIC_GivenPatchSize(LImg, AImg, BImg, STEP, compactness, idxImg); }int Run_SLIC_GivenPatchSize(ImageSimpleFloat &LImg, ImageSimpleFloat &AImg, ImageSimpleFloat &BImg, unsigned int uiPatchSize, float compactness, ImageSimpleUInt &idxImg) { const UINT MINSPSIZE = 3; UINT uiWidth = LImg.Width(), uiHeight = LImg.Height(); uiPatchSize = max(uiPatchSize, MINSPSIZE); assert(uiPatchSize <= min(uiWidth, uiHeight)); if (idxImg.Width() != uiWidth || idxImg.Height() != uiHeight) { idxImg.Create(uiWidth, uiHeight); }// initialize seeds const UINT seedNum_x = UINT(uiWidth / uiPatchSize); const UINT seedNum_y = UINT(uiHeight / uiPatchSize); const UINT seedNum = seedNum_x * seedNum_y; //计算种子数 vector kseedsx(seedNum), kseedsy(seedNum), kseedsl(seedNum), kseedsa(seedNum), kseedsb(seedNum); float step_x = float(uiWidth) / seedNum_x; //计算x的滑动步长 float step_y = float(uiHeight) / seedNum_y; //计算y的滑动步长assert(step_x >= MINSPSIZE && step_y >= MINSPSIZE); int n = 0; for (UINT y = 0; y < seedNum_y; y ++) { for (UINT x = 0; x < seedNum_x; x ++) { //计算种子的中心位置 kseedsx[n] = step_x * (x + 0.5) + 0.5; kseedsy[n] = step_y * (y + 0.5) + 0.5; UINT sx = (UINT)kseedsx[n]; UINT sy = (UINT)kseedsy[n]; //获取种子中心位置的Lab值 kseedsl[n] = LImg.Pixel(sx, sy); kseedsa[n] = AImg.Pixel(sx, sy); kseedsb[n] = BImg.Pixel(sx, sy); n++; } }const double spatialFactor = 1.0 / ( (uiPatchSize/compactness) * (uiPatchSize/compactness) ); //采用Kmeans算法计算超像素 PerformLabXYKMeans(kseedsl, kseedsa, kseedsb, kseedsx, kseedsy, LImg, AImg, BImg, uiPatchSize, spatialFactor, idxImg); //Assign small patches to its neighbor patch return EnforceLabelConnectivity(idxImg, uiPatchSize); }

