{调取该文章的TAG关键词}|Three Sudden Deaths Rekindle Debate over Overwork Culture in China

{调取该文章的TAG关键词}|Three Sudden Deaths Rekindle Debate over Overwork Culture in China

【{调取该文章的TAG关键词}|Three Sudden Deaths Rekindle Debate over Overwork Culture in China】BEIJING, March 8 (TMTPOST) -- For over a decade, repeated deaths from overwork have served a stern reminder that a toxic office culture has been formed and going unchecked in China. The recent sudden deaths of three young employees of tech companies in less than three months have frayed the nerves of the public and reignited the debate.
ByteDance Programmer Fainted in Company BuildingOn the night of February 22, a 28-year-old pregnant woman sought advice for her predicament in a WeChat chat group of homeowners in a residential compound in Beijing. She said her husband, surnamed Wu, was an imaging algorithm engineer of China’s internet giant ByteDance and he suddenly died after having a heart attack in the office building on February 21. She was all alone with a 30-year mortgage with about US$3,000 monthly payment obligation, which was beyond her capability. She asked other homeowners if she could return the apartment and get the down payment back in order to support their baby to be delivered in about seven months. ByteDance is the owner of the short-video sharing app TikTok, which is popular in Western countries.  
She said her husband had total brain death, without breathing or heart beating on his own in the hospital. All his other organs failed on February 21.  
She said she and her husband had dated for many years before they got married. They were deeply in love. She would rather die as well if without their baby.
Her message sent the social media tech giant under fire. News organizations quickly followed up and tried to find out what happened.
{调取该文章的TAG关键词}|Three Sudden Deaths Rekindle Debate over Overwork Culture in China

At 0:30 am on February 23, ByteDance announced that the programmer’s conditions were critical in a statement. According to the statement, Wu, 28, went to the gym for exercise at around 6 pm on February 21. After about one hour, he felt dizzy and entered the nearby room for a rest. The coach noticed and asked if everything was alright. Wu said he might have low blood sugar level. The coach gave him a cup of sugary water and called the administrative desk. At 7:09 pm, the security manager came to measure his blood pressure and suggested treatment at a hospital. Wu began to vomit. The security manager and his co-worker, who have first aid certificates, conducted cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). At 7:18 pm, the coach called the ambulance. At 7:31 pm, the paramedics came. Meanwhile, the company called his wife to inform her of the emergency. At 20: 15 pm, the ambulance rushed Wu to the hospital. His wife and two coworkers accompanied him on the way.    
At 1:43 pm on February 23, ByteDance released a second statement, confirming the death of the employee. According to the statement, after 41 hours of medical treatment, Wu passed away.
ByteDance said the company had paid all the medical expense and would help the family go through the tough time.
According to his wife, Wu often worked overtime during his nearly four years of work at ByteDance. ByteDance said Wu was very diligent and responsible at work and he got along well with his coworkers. The company was very sorry for his passing. 
Bilibili’s Content Moderator Died of a Stroke During HolidaysIt was the most festive week in China when people get reunited with their family and celebrate. However, a content moderator nicknamed “Twilight Wooden Heart” of short-video streaming website Bilibili was allegedly told to work on night shifts due to a shortage of staffers during the public holidays. He, as the acting leader of the image and text monitoring team, worked from 9 pm to 9 am for five consecutive days, i.e. from Chinese New Year’s Eve to the fourth day of the Year of Tiger, according to a blogger named "Wang Luobei"on Weibo. 
