赛前准备 APMCM四天时间,而期间有部分期中考试,因此对时间的把握很重要。我们提前半个月寻找讨论地点,在排除了书店、咖啡厅及教学楼之后,我们选择了图书馆总馆的学习研讨空间。从早上八点到晚上十点,期间在登高路恰饭。
比赛时 2021年亚太赛里,A题有关边缘检测,涉及图形图像处理;b题跨专业程度大,不考虑;c题传统数据处理。刚好我们手边有冈萨雷斯的《图形图像处理》,而我又恰好看了关于边缘检测的一节,于是我们选择冲一冲A题。
Problem A
Image Edge Analysis and Application
With the development of science and technology, the demand for measurement accuracy of various workpieces and parts is getting higher and higher, and the requirements for measurement instruments are also getting more and more demanding. Various image measuring equipment such as digital image size measuring instrument are now gradually replacing the traditional manual caliper measurement application. Generally, after the camera is calibrated, based on the the dot matrix or checkerboard feature information of the calibrated image, the image can be corrected for distortion and the mapping relationship between the image coordinate space and the world coordinate space can be calculated.
The edge of the target object is very useful for image recognition and computer analysis. Image edge is the reflection of discontinuity of the local characteristics of an image. The edge can outline the target object and make it clear to the observer at a glance. The edge contains rich intrinsic information (such as orientation, step property and shape, etc.), which is an important attribute for extracting image features in image recognition. Image edge contour extraction is a very important processing in boundary segmentation and also a classical problem in image processing. The purpose of both contour extraction and contour tracking is to obtain the external contour features of an image. Applying certain methods where necessary to express the features of the contours to prepare for image shape analysis has a significant impact on performing high-level processing such as feature description, recognition and understanding.
The contour can be described as a set of ordered points, and the common expression of the contour is a polygon. Contours can be either closed or open. The closed contours on an image are all connected start to end, and the open contours generally intersect with the image boundary. In Figure 1, there are five closed contour curves. Although edge detection algorithms such as sobel and canny can detect the image edge pixels boundary based on the difference of image gray value, it does not take the contour as a whole. On an image, a contour corresponds to a series of pixel points. The contour describes a continuous sequence of points, and the edge pixel points can be assembled into a contour curve to describe the edge information of the image.
A sub-pixel is a virtual pixel defined between two physical pixels of an image acquisition sensor. To improve resolution or image quality, sub-pixel calculation is very useful. Image sub-pixel edge extraction is a more accurate method than traditional pixel edge extraction. Sub-pixel means that the coordinate value of each pixel point on the image is no longer integer positioning, but floating-point number positioning. If the accuracy is increased to 0.1 pixel using subpixel technique, it is equivalent to 10 times higher resolution of image system analysis.
For the following three schematic diagrams, in Figure 1, the object edge contour lines of the image have been extracted and the image edge contour has been segmented into basic graphics such as straight line segments, circular arc segments, and circles. In Figure 2, The edge contour of a rounded rectangle is divided into several geometric shapes. In Figure 3, an elliptical sub-pixel contour curve is shown drawn on the background of a grayscale pixel image grid.
Figure 1. Image Edge Detection
Figure 2. Segmentation Image Edge Contour
Figure 3. Sub-pixel Edge Contour of Image
Question 1 : Build a mathematical model, analyze the method and process of extracting sub-pixel edge with 1/10 pixel accuracy and above, extract sub-pixel edge contour boundaries of the main edge parts of the objects on the three images (Pic1_1, Pic1_2, Pic1_3) in Annex 1, and convert the edge sub-pixel point data into ordered edge contour curve data, with the need to considering how to eliminate the interference effects of edge burrs and shadow parts of the edges. Note that the Pic1_3 image was taken under relatively complex lighting conditions, with more interference information.
a)Please draw the extracted edge contours in different colors on the image, output it as a color edge contour image and save it as png image format for submission. The file names are pic1_1.png, pic1_2.png, pic1_3.png.
b)Output the edge contour data in the format of EdgeContoursOutput.xls file in Annex 1, and output the data of the Pic1_1 and Pic1_2 images to the corresponding Sheet1 and Sheet2 of the worksheet respectively. The output data contains the total edge contours count, the total edge contours length in the image coordinate space, point count and length of each contour curve, and the X and Y coordinate data of each contour point.
c)The total contour curves count on each image and the point count and length data on each curve should be given in the paper. See Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3.
Question 2 :While the measured image is taken, there is a dot matrix calibration plate placed at the same horizontal height of the target object. The diameter of the dots on the calibration plate is 1 mm, and the center distance between two dots is 2 mm. Annex 2 contains three calibration plate images taken at different angles and one product image (Pic2_4.bmp). Please build a mathematical model, use the calibration plate image information to conduct image rectification analysis of the product image and consider how to calculate, as accurately as possible, the actual physical sizes of the edge segmentation fitting curve segments on the product image. Please calculate the length (mm) of each edge contour, and finally calculate the total edge contours length (mm). According to the contour data labeling shown in Figure 4, output the data results of the table format files such as EdgeContoursLengthOutput.xls in Annex 2.
Figure 4. Image Contour Data Labeling
Question 3 : Two sub-pixel contour edge data (EdgeContour1.xls and EdgeContour2.xls) are provided in Annex 3, and the shape are shown in Figure 5. Please build a mathematical model, analyze the automated segmentation and fitting of edge contour curve data into straight line segments, circular arc segments (including circles), or elliptical arc segments (including ellipses), and discuss the model method or strategy for automated segmentation and fitting of edge contours. The blue curve starts from the blue digit 1 label and outputs the model calculation result data along the arrow direction. The green curve starts from the green digit 1 label and outputs the model calculation result data along the arrow direction. Please fill in the parameters of the segmented curve segments into the table in the table format. Submit Table 7 and Table 8 (regarding contour 1 and contour 2 segmentation data) in the paper. Note that the type of the lines in this table is populated according to the actual type.
Figure 5. Edge Contour Curve Data
- SweepAngle indicates the sweep angle from the start point to the end point, angular system;
- Size indicates the radius value of specified ellipse or elliptic arc in the X and Y directions;
- RotationAngle indicates the rotation angle value of specified ellipse or elliptic arc, angular system;
- For the direction of rotation angle, the rotation direction from positive direction of x-axis to positive direction of y-axis is positive direction, and vice versa is negative direction.
- All image coordinate points are expressed under the image coordinate system, that is, the upper left corner is the (0,0) origin, the positive direction of the X-axis is to the right, and the positive direction of the Y-axis is downward.
基础知识 边缘模型
?f(x,y)≡grad[f (x,y)]≡ [ g x ( x , y ) g y ( x , y ) ] \begin{bmatrix} g_x (x,y)\\ g_y (x,y) \end{bmatrix} [gx?(x,y)gy?(x,y)?]= [ ? f ( x , y ) ? x ? f ( x , y ) ? y ] \begin{bmatrix} \cfrac{\partial f (x,y)}{\partial x}\\ \cfrac{\partial f (x,y)}{\partial y} \end{bmatrix} ??????x?f(x,y)??y?f(x,y)???????
边缘检测子 Sobel 算子是一个离散微分算子。它结合了高斯平滑和微分求导,用来计算图像灰度函数的近似梯度。Sobel算子首先对图像像素做卷积,然后对生成的新像素灰度值做阈值运算,以此来确定边缘信息。
Sobel 算子对噪声具有平滑抑制作用,但是得到的边缘较粗,且可能出现伪边缘。
椒盐噪声就是在图像上随机出现黑色白色的像素。在指定信噪比SNR(其取值范围在[0, 1]之间)后,计算总像素数目SP,得到要加噪的像素数目,并随机获取要加噪的每个像素位置P(i, j)并指定像素值为255或者0。
2.中值滤波的基本原理是把数字图像或数字序列中一点的值用该点的一个邻域中各点值的中值代替。中值滤波器是抑制噪声的非线性处理方法.这种方法运算简单,易于实现,而且能 较好地保护边界?但有时会失掉图像中的细线和小块区域,采用窗口的大小和形状有时对滤波效果影响很大,同时需要指出的是它对滤除高斯分布的噪声效果不明显。
3.Winner 滤波是使原始图像 f(x,y)及其恢复图像 g(x,y)之间的均方误差最小的复原方法. Wiener 滤波对高斯白噪声的图像滤波与邻域平均法比较,滤波效果好。它比线性滤波器具有更好的选择性,可以更好地保存图像的边缘和高频细节信息。虽然Wiener 滤波在大多数情况下都可以获得满意的结果,尤其对含有白噪声的图像,但在信噪比比较低的情况下,效果往往不能令 人满意。另外,最小均方误差准则与人的视觉效果不一定匹配。
标准 Hough 变换 (SHT) 使用线条的参数化表示:

变量 rho 是沿垂直于线条的向量从原点到线条的距离。θ是从原点到线条的垂直投影相对于正 x 轴顺时针测量的角度(以度为单位)。θ的范围是 –90° ≤ θ < 90°。线条本身的角度是 θ + 90°,也是相对于正 x 轴顺时针测量的。
部分图像处理 用不同参数对图片添加噪点,再进行高斯、椒盐滤波。











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