The|The first Translation exercise

The original:
Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company” or “Hikvision”) was established in November 2001, founded with 49% foreign capital. The company was officially listed on Small and Medium Enterprise Board (SME Board) in China Shenzhen Stock Exchange on May 28, 2010 (002415.SZ). As of September 16, 2016, Hikvision has a market capitalization of more than $20 billion USD, more than 18,000 employees and 40 wholly-owned subsidiaries or shareholding companies worldwide.
【The|The first Translation exercise】English to Chinese
Chinese to English
Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter refered to company or hikvision) is established in November 2001,which had 49 percent of foreign assets. Hikvision announced officially it would be listed in China Shenzhen Stock Exchange on May 28 2010, belong to Small and Medium Enterprise Board. Since September 16, 2016,the market value of Hikvision exceeded 20 billion USD,and had more than 18000 employees in the world,and completely had 40 Subsidiaries and Holdings Company.
