Kaggle|Kaggle Data Challenge 第五天

Kaggle|Kaggle Data Challenge 第五天
Kaggle_logo.png Abstract:18年复活节前的五天,kaggle举办了数据预处理的五个挑战。这里做每天学习到的技术要点的回顾。这篇是最后一天的内容,主要是有关替换文本信息中同一信息但是格式不统一的冗余数据。
环境设置 需要用到的特殊的包是fuzzywuzzy。chardet在上一片第四天的文章中已经着重介绍过。

# modules we'll use import pandas as pd import numpy as np# helpful modules import fuzzywuzzy from fuzzywuzzy import process import chardet

查看重复项的成因 导入数据后,找出“City”这一列,看看有多少例情况:
cities = suicide_attacks['City'].unique()# sort them alphabetically and then take a closer look cities.sort() cities

array(['ATTOCK', 'Attock ', 'Bajaur Agency', 'Bannu', 'Bhakkar ', 'Buner', 'Chakwal ', 'Chaman', 'Charsadda', 'Charsadda ', 'D. I Khan', 'D.G Khan', 'D.G Khan ', 'D.I Khan', 'D.I Khan ', 'Dara Adam Khel', 'Dara Adam khel', 'Fateh Jang', 'Ghallanai, Mohmand Agency ', 'Gujrat', 'Hangu', 'Haripur', 'Hayatabad', 'Islamabad', 'Islamabad ', 'Jacobabad', 'KURRAM AGENCY', 'Karachi', 'Karachi ', 'Karak', 'Khanewal', 'Khuzdar', 'Khyber Agency', 'Khyber Agency ', 'Kohat', 'Kohat ', 'Kuram Agency ', 'Lahore', 'Lahore ', 'Lakki Marwat', 'Lakki marwat', 'Lasbela', 'Lower Dir', 'MULTAN', 'Malakand ', 'Mansehra', 'Mardan', 'Mohmand Agency', 'Mohmand Agency ', 'Mohmand agency', 'Mosal Kor, Mohmand Agency', 'Multan', 'Muzaffarabad', 'North Waziristan', 'North waziristan', 'Nowshehra', 'Orakzai Agency', 'Peshawar', 'Peshawar ', 'Pishin', 'Poonch', 'Quetta', 'Quetta ', 'Rawalpindi', 'Sargodha', 'Sehwan town', 'Shabqadar-Charsadda', 'Shangla ', 'Shikarpur', 'Sialkot', 'South Waziristan', 'South waziristan', 'Sudhanoti', 'Sukkur', 'Swabi ', 'Swat', 'Swat ', 'Taftan', 'Tangi, Charsadda District', 'Tank', 'Tank ', 'Taunsa', 'Tirah Valley', 'Totalai', 'Upper Dir', 'Wagah', 'Zhob', 'bannu', 'karachi', 'karachi ', 'lakki marwat', 'peshawar', 'swat'], dtype=object)
# convert to lower case suicide_attacks['City'] = suicide_attacks['City'].str.lower() # remove trailing white spaces suicide_attacks['City'] = suicide_attacks['City'].str.strip()

用fuzzywuzzy替换相似项 这时的城市清单是这样:
array(['attock', 'bajaur agency', 'bannu', 'bhakkar', 'buner', 'chakwal', 'chaman', 'charsadda', 'd. i khan', 'd.g khan', 'd.i khan', 'dara adam khel', 'fateh jang', 'ghallanai, mohmand agency', 'gujrat', 'hangu', 'haripur', 'hayatabad', 'islamabad', 'jacobabad', 'karachi', 'karak', 'khanewal', 'khuzdar', 'khyber agency', 'kohat', 'kuram agency', 'kurram agency', 'lahore', 'lakki marwat', 'lasbela', 'lower dir', 'malakand', 'mansehra', 'mardan', 'mohmand agency', 'mosal kor, mohmand agency', 'multan', 'muzaffarabad', 'north waziristan', 'nowshehra', 'orakzai agency', 'peshawar', 'pishin', 'poonch', 'quetta', 'rawalpindi', 'sargodha', 'sehwan town', 'shabqadar-charsadda', 'shangla', 'shikarpur', 'sialkot', 'south waziristan', 'sudhanoti', 'sukkur', 'swabi', 'swat', 'taftan', 'tangi, charsadda district', 'tank', 'taunsa', 'tirah valley', 'totalai', 'upper dir', 'wagah', 'zhob'], dtype=object)
可以看到'd. i khan' 和 'd.i khan' 因为中间一个字符(空格)的区别被分成两类。于是需要用模糊匹配来找到相近的文本并把它替换掉。
# get the top 10 closest matches to "d.i khan" matches = fuzzywuzzy.process.extract("d.i khan", cities, limit=10, scorer=fuzzywuzzy.fuzz.token_sort_ratio)# take a look at them matches

[('d. i khan', 100), ('d.i khan', 100), ('d.g khan', 88), ('khanewal', 50), ('sudhanoti', 47), ('hangu', 46), ('kohat', 46), ('dara adam khel', 45), ('chaman', 43), ('mardan', 43)]
# function to replace rows in the provided column of the provided dataframe # that match the provided string above the provided ratio with the provided string def replace_matches_in_column(df, column, string_to_match, min_ratio = 90): # get a list of unique strings strings = df[column].unique()# get the top 10 closest matches to our input string matches = fuzzywuzzy.process.extract(string_to_match, strings, limit=10, scorer=fuzzywuzzy.fuzz.token_sort_ratio)# only get matches with a ratio > 90 close_matches = [matches[0] for matches in matches if matches[1] >= min_ratio]# get the rows of all the close matches in our dataframe rows_with_matches = df[column].isin(close_matches)# replace all rows with close matches with the input matches df.loc[rows_with_matches, column] = string_to_match# let us know the function's done print("All done!")

  1. close_matches = [matches[0] for matches in matches if matches[1] >= min_ratio] 是List Comprehension,其效果等同于:
    close_matches = []
    for matches in matches:
    if matches[1] >= min_ratio:
  2. pandas.DataFrame.isin(Value)会返回一个真值表,数据在value里的位置为1。
【Kaggle|Kaggle Data Challenge 第五天】调用函数就可以完成所有和d.i khan相似的替换:
# use the function we just wrote to replace close matches to "d.i khan" with "d.i khan" replace_matches_in_column(df=suicide_attacks, column='City', string_to_match="d.i khan")

