2018-1-22Chapter|2018-1-22Chapter 4 The value of suffering


1. Use three sentences to describe Onoda’s story.Onoda, a second lieutenant of the Japanese Imperial Army ,who was deployed a smallisland of Lubang, had spent 30 years in thejungle of the Lubang island continuing tofight with American forces and refusing tosurrender after World war ii was over because of his loyalty to Japan.
Having been found by Suzuki ,Onodareturned to Japan only to find the traditional honors and sacrifice he valued all changedand hardly to fit in this new society.
It made him to perceived that his sufferingmeant nothing in spite of his fame andmoney ,he felt more depressed than In thejungle and left to settle In Brazil.
2. What can we learn from the Rock StarProblems?
The values and metrics by which wemeasure success and failures matter much.
If we want to change how we see problems ,we have to change what we value and how we measure failure or success.
3. Can you name some values that you hold dear?
I think confidence is valuable, because that is what I lack. I also prioritize honesty , kindness and humility ,because these values are what I hold.
4. Do you have any good/bad values stated in the book? How those values affect your life?
Yes ,honesty is what I hold dear. Owing tothis value , I gained the trust of mycolleagues. They are wired to seek helpfrom me. Some people may think it a vtrouble to help others and try to avoid it as much as possible. However, being helpful to others generates happiness and pleasure , which leads to a better of myself.
熟词生义 1…while he was burning rice fields-still waging war againstthe local population…
Wage: n,(1) money you earn that is paid according to the number of hours, days, or weeks that you work → 同义词salary 工资,薪水
(2) If a person, group, or country wages a campaign or a war, they start it and continue it over a period of time. 发动 (运动或战争)
Eg: Onoda’s companions still waged waragainst American forces.
2.Thus to duck our problem is to lead ameaningless existence.
duck: vt, avoid or try to avoid fulfilling,answering, or performing (duties, questions, orissues)同义词 →dodge,evade,hedge躲避,躲闪
eg,He ducked the duties by pretending tobeing ill.
3.Take a moment and think of somethingthat’s really bugging you.
bug:v,If someone or something bugs you, they worry or annoy you.同义词 →bother,annoy,agonize over使烦恼
【2018-1-22Chapter|2018-1-22Chapter 4 The value of suffering】eg: His rattled on about his miserable past , which really bugged me.
new Words and expressions:
4,after his travels and found the strictcultural norms and social hierarchy to bestifling.
Stifle:v,(1) to stop something from happening or developing 抑止,阻止,压制
Eg:The politicians tried to stifle the rebellion.
(2)to stop a feeling from being expressed 强忍住,压抑〔感情〕
Eg: He stifled an urge to hit her.
(3)if you are stifled by something, it stops you breathing comfortably (使)感到窒息,(使)透不过气来
Eg: He was nearly stifled by the smoke.
5.He would became so famous that they would be subjected to decades of seeing him on TV...
be subjected to:遭受,忍受
eg: He is subjected to the criticism of mass media.
6.If you are choosing the right vales and metrics, should be invigorating you and motivating you.
invigorate:If something invigorates you, it makes you feel healty andmore energetic. 鼓舞; 增加活力,使生气勃勃
eg:They felt refreshed and invigorated after a rest.
My thoughts: One day ,in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. As we always say sufferings ere treasurein our life. Sufferings make us get to know what is wrong with ourselves and push us to be stronger. A life without strugglingisn’t worth living. The person who hurt us most was well remembered; the thingwhich gave us the biggest blow can giveus a meaningful lesson; the words whichheard most unpleasant are much more beneficial . Sometimes we tend to evadesufferings and even afraid of them,because to experience sufferings is really tortured, which will drive us nuts. However, years later, when we look back, it is these painful days that give us the courage to move on and it is these tearing undergoings that we are most proud of.
