Data homegarden; INFILE cards; INPUT Name $ 1-7 Tomato Zucchini Peas Grapes; Zone = 14; Type = 'home'; Zucchini = Zucchini*10; Total = Tomato+Zucchini + peas + Grapes; PerTom = (Tomato/Total)*100; cards; Gregor 102 40 0 14 Molly155 10 1000 Luther 50 10 15 50 Susan200 .20 ; Proc print Data=; Title'home gardening survey'; run; Data pumpkin; inFile cards; input name $1-16 age type $1. +1 date MMDDYY10. s1 s2 s3 s4 s5; type = upcase(type); avgscore = mean(s1,s2,s3,s4,s5); DayEntered = Day(date); cards; Alicia Grossman13 c 10-28-2003 7.8 6.5 7.2 8.0 7.9 Matthew Lee9 D 10-30-2003 6.5 5.9 6.8 6.0 8.1 Elizabeth Garcia10 C 10-29-2003 8.9 7.9 8.5 9.0 8.8 ; proc print data=; run; data cars; infile cards; input name $ year make $ seats color $; if year < 1975 then status ='classic'; if name = 'Corvette' or name = 'Camaro' then make = 'Chevy'; if name = 'Miata' then Do; make = 'mazda'; seats = 2; end; cards; Corvette 1955 .2 black XJ61995 Jaguar2 teal Mustang1966 Ford4 red Miata2002 .. silver CRX2001 Honda2 black Camaro2000 .4 red ; proc print data=; run; data home; infile cards; input name $1-7 works $9-33 cost; if cost ='.' then costgroup = 'missing'; else if cost > 50000 then costgroup = 'high'; else if cost < 10000 then costgroup = 'low'; else costgroup = 'medium'; cards; BobKitchen cabinet face-lift1253.00 Shirley bathroom addition11350.70 Silviapaint exterior. Albackyard gazebo3098.63 Normpaint interior647.77 Kathysecond floor additon75362.93 ; proc print data=; run; data Shakespeare; infile cards; input name $ 1-25 year type $; if type ='comedy'; cards; A Midsummer Night's Dream 1595 comedy Comedy of Errors1590 comedy Hamlet1600 tragedy Macbeth1606 tragedy Richard III1594 history Romeo and Julirt1596 tragedy Taming of the Shrew1593 comedy Tempest1611 romance ; proc print data=; run; data date; infile cards; input name $1-11 +3 birthday date9. +1 IssueDate MMDDYY10.; ExpireDate = IssueDate + (365.25*3); ExpireQuarter = QTR(ExpireDate); if IssueDate> '01JAN2003'D then NewCard = 'yes'; cards; A. Jones1jan609-15-03 M. Rincon05oCT1949 02-29-2000 Z. Grandage18mar1988 10-10-2002 K. Kaminaka29may2001 01-24-2003 ; proc print data=; Format IssueDate MMDDYY10.; Format birthday YYMMDD10.; Format ExpireDate weekdate17.; run; data games; infile cards; input day $players $20. hits runs; retain var 0; var = sum(var, runs); retain maxrun 0; maxrun = max(maxrun, runs); cards; 6-19 Columbia Peaches8 3 6-20 Columbia Peaches10 5 6-23 Plains Peanuts3 4 6-24 Plains Peanuts7 2 6-25 Plains Peanuts12 8 6-30 Gilroy Garlics4 4 7-1Gilroy Garlics9 4 7-4Sacramento Tomatoes15 9 7-4Sacramento Tomatoes10 10 7-5Sacramento Tomatoes23 ; proc print data=games; run;
