英语流利说Level5|英语流利说Level5 Unit 1 Part 2 -Reactions to News

Reactions to News对消息的反应
Some people can remain calm even when everyone else is confused and upset.有些人可以保持冷静,即使其他人都是困惑和不安。
When you arecalm, you can thinkclearlyandmakegood decisions.当你冷静的时候,你可以清晰的思考并做出正确的决定。
Sometimes it’s best to control your emotions and be calm rather than react inanger.有时候,最好的办法是控制自己的情绪,保持冷静,而不是在愤怒中做出反应。
Some people are easilyupsetandhave ahardtimecontrollingtheiremotions.有些人很容易心烦意乱,很难控制自己的情绪。
【英语流利说Level5|英语流利说Level5 Unit 1 Part 2 -Reactions to News】People react to disappointing news in different ways.人们对令人失望的消息有不同的反应。
Sometimes they get discouraged and lose their confidence.有时他们会气馁,失去信心。
Sometimes they get depressed, and begin to cry or even get drunk.有时他们变得沮丧,开始哭泣,甚至喝醉。
When disappointed, it’s much better to face the facts and decide what to do next than get discouraged.当失望的时候,最好是面对现实,决定下一步做什么,而不是气馁。
When disappointed, becalm, thinkclearlyandactconstructively.当失望的时候,冷静下来,清晰地思考,有建设性地行动。
People are furious when they are extremely angry.当人们极度愤怒的时候,他们是愤怒的。
People who arefuriousat each other, mayendupfightingor trying tohurteach other.那些对彼此愤怒的人,最终可能会打架或试图伤害对方。
Some people become furious when they are driving and another driver cuts in front of them.有些人在开车时变得很愤怒,另一个司机在他们前面插车。
When people arefuriousateachother they oftenyellandinsulteach other .当人们互相生气时,他们经常大喊大叫,侮辱对方。
To be excited is usually a good thing.兴奋通常是件好事。
People can become excited while watching a soccer match and seeing their team score a goal.当人们观看足球比赛,看到自己的球队进球时,他们会变得很兴奋。
The opposite of exciting, is dull or boring.与exciting相反的词是dull(枯燥的)或boring(无聊的)。
Everyone was excited when they heard that their favorite team had won the game.当他们听说他们最喜欢的球队赢了比赛时,每个人都很兴奋。
Heexpectedthe game to beexciting, but it was soboringthat heleftearly.他原以为比赛会很精彩,但由于太无聊了,他早早离开了。
Someone is terrified if they are extremely afraid and shaking with fear.如果一个人极度害怕并且害怕得发抖,他就会感到害怕。
Terrified people will often scream and run away from whatever is threatening them.受到惊吓的人通常会尖叫并逃离任何威胁他们的东西。
He was terrified when he thought the building he was in was going to collapse in the earthquake.当他想到他所在的大楼将在地震中倒塌时,他吓坏了。
Being in the earthquakewasaterrifyingexperience, especially for the children.在地震中是一种可怕的经历,尤其是对孩子们。
People who can't control their emotions are difficult to work with.不能控制自己情绪的人很难共事。
