
1.limelight : the center of public attention
2.tally: to agree or match
3.waspish: easily annoyed : showing annoyance
4.tetchy: becoming angry or annoyed easily
5.stile: a step or set of steps for passing over a fence or wall; also : turnstile
6.demise: to convey (as an estate) by will or lease
7.smite : captivate, take
8.vivacious: happy and lively in a way that is attractive
9.bestow: to give (something) as a gift or honor
10.mash: to reduce to a soft pulpy state by beating or pressure
11.ventriloquist: a performer who is able to speak in a way that makes it appear that the words are being said by a large doll (called a dummy)
18.pretext: a reason that you give to hide your real reason for doing something
19.bile: a yellow or greenish liquid that is made by the liver and that helps the body to digest fats
20.lurid: shining or glowing with a bright and unpleasant color
21.fissure: a narrow opening or crack
22.fishy: causing doubt or suspicion : likely to be bad, untrue, dishonest, etc.
23.comeuppance: punishment that someone deserves to receive
【Chapter27】24.reinstate: to put (someone) back in a job or position that had been taken away
25.tarnish: to become or cause (metal) to become dull and not shiny
