oba怎么读 cross怎么读

Cross有很多英文解释 。慢慢来~
第一种:古代用于死刑的十字架 , 象征基督教的十字架 , 十字形物体 , 十字勋章 。(全部十个)
基督死在十字架上 。
第二种:体育运动中穿越的名词和动词 。
他把球传给了错误的人 。
他把球传给了错误的人 。
第三种:动词 , 使混合 。名词 , 混血儿 , 混血儿 , 混合物 。
警犬通常是寻回犬和德国牧羊犬的杂交品种 。
警犬通常是寻回犬和德国牧羊犬的杂交品种 。
第四:英式英语中 , cross作为名词可以指一个十字×用来表示位置信息或错误 。作为动词 , 它是一个金融术语 , 指在支票中间划两条线(用来表示需要转到银行账户) 。
这不是划线支票 。
第五种:动词 , 跨越 , 穿越 , 穿越 。
穿过马路 。
第六种:动词 , 反对某人 , 惹恼某人 。形容词 , 生气和愤怒(主要用于英式英语) 。
她因为噪音而生气 。
无论如何 , 请记住 , 穿越的感觉就是穿越 , 穿越 , 再穿越!
学单词不能只记意思 , 要会用 。朋友们可以在评论区造句~更多造句请参考上图~
to go across from one side of something to the otherto annoy someone by not doing or saying what they wantIf you cross a plant or animal with another of a different type, you cause them to breed together in order to produce a new variety (= type of plant or animal).in some sports, to hit, kick, or throw the ball across the playing area to another player, not forwards or backwards[UK specialized] to draw two lines across the middle of a cheque to show that it needs to be paid into a bank account[UK] a written mark (x or ) formed by two lines going across each other. The mark x is usually used to show where something is, or that something has not been written correctly.an object made of one long upright piece of wood, with a smaller piece across it near the top. In the past, people were tied or fastened with nails to crosses as a punishment and left hanging on them until they died.an object in the shape of a cross that people were killed on, used as a symbol of Christianitya medal in the shape of a crossa mixture of two different things that have been combined to produce something newin some sports, a kick, hit, or throw of the ball that goes from one side of the playing area to the other, not forwards or backwards[mainly UK] annoyed or angry
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