
Java 虚拟机会把 finally 语句块作为 subroutine(对于这个 subroutine 不知该如何翻译为好,干脆就不翻译了,免得产生歧义和误解。)直接插入到 try 语句块或者 catch 语句块的控制转移语句之前。但是,还有另外一个不可忽视的因素,那就是在执行 subroutine(也就是 finally 语句块)之前,try 或者 catch 语句块会保留其返回值到本地变量表(Local Variable Table)中。待 subroutine 执行完毕之后,再恢复保留的返回值到操作数栈中,然后通过 return 或者 throw 语句将其返回给该方法的调用者。


/** finally块的语句在try或catch中的return语句执行之后返回之前执行 */ public class Test1 {public static void main(String[] args) { try {System.out.println("try block"); return; } finally { System.out.println("finally block"); }//#######打印################### //try block //finally block } }

/**finally块的语句在try或catch中的return语句执行之后返回之前执行*/ public class Test2 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("reture value of test() : " + test()); //#######打印################### //try block //exception block //finally block //reture value of test() : 2 }public static int test() { int i = 1; try { System.out.println("try block"); i = 1 / 0; return 1; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("exception block"); return 2; } finally { System.out.println("finally block"); } } }


/**finally块的语句在try或catch中的return语句执行之后返回之前执行 * 若finally里也有return语句则覆盖try或catch中的return语句直接返回 * */public class Test3 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("return value of getValue(): " + getValue()); //#######打印################### //return value of getValue(): 1}@SuppressWarnings("finally") public static int getValue() { try { return 0; } finally { return 1; } } }

/**finally块的语句在try或catch中的return语句执行之后返回之前执行 * 若finally里也有return语句则覆盖try或catch中的return语句直接返回 * */ public class Test4 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("return value of getValue(): " + getValue()); //return value of getValue(): 1//#######打印################### //return value of getValue(): 1 }public static int getValue() { int i = 1; try { return i; } finally { i++; } } }

/**finally块的语句在try或catch中的return语句执行之后返回之前执行*/ public class Test5 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(test()); //#######打印################### //try block //return statement //finally block //after return }public static String test() { try { System.out.println("try block"); return test1(); } finally { System.out.println("finally block"); } }public static String test1() { System.out.println("return statement"); return "after return"; } }


/**finally块的语句在try或catch中的return语句执行之后返回之前执行*/ public class Test6 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(getMap().get("KEY").toString()); //#######打印################### //FINALLY }public static Map getMap() { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("KEY", "INIT"); try { map.put("KEY", "TRY"); return map; //这时候,本地局部变量表中有个零时变量保存了map的地址了,等finally块执行完后,将其压入操作数栈中返回 } catch (Exception e) { map.put("KEY", "CATCH"); } finally { map.put("KEY", "FINALLY"); map = null; //这里虽然赋值为null了,但是对返回值没有影响 }return map; } }


/**finally块的语句在try或catch中的return语句执行之后返回之前执行*/ public class Test7 {public static void main(String[] args) {System.out.println(test4()); //#######打印################### //try block //catch block //finally block //b>25, b = 35 //204 }public static int test4() { int b = 20; try { System.out.println("try block"); b = b / 0; return b += 80; } catch (Exception e) {b += 15; System.out.println("catch block"); } finally {System.out.println("finally block"); if (b > 25) { System.out.println("b>25, b = " + b); }b += 50; }return 204; }}

